久保 倫子(クボ トモコ)
- 会議発表等
- Gap expansion in terms of living conditions in Tokyo
Kubo Tomoko
Urban Affairs Association 49th Annual Meeting/2019-04-24--2019-04-27 - The growth and decline of Japanese suburban neighborhoods: A case of the Nagoya metropolitan area
Kubo Tomoko; Toshiyuki Otsuka
IGU Urban geography Commission Annual meeting/2018-08-11--2018-08-17 - Expansion of uneven living conditions in Japanese cities
Kubo Tomoko
IGU Regional Congress/ CAG Annual Conference 2018 Quebec/2018-08-06--2018-08-10 - 都心居住の進展と郊外の衰退:1990年代後半以降の都市居住地域構造
久保 倫子
岐阜地理学会/2017-06-17 - 名古屋大都市圏における居住構造の変容-東京圏との比較-.
久保 倫子
経済地理学会中部支部例会/2017-12-08 - The growth of city-center living and the shrinkage in suburbs: A case of the Tokyo metropolitan area.
久保 倫子
ISA RC43 Housing and the Built Environment meeting/2017-06-19 - An increase in housing vacancies in Japanese aging cities: demography, urban policies, and administrative solutions
Kubo Tomoko
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics mini conference/2018-06-23--2018-06-25
- Gap expansion in terms of living conditions in Tokyo