松田 壮一郎(マツダ ソウイチロウ)
- 論文
- CHIMELIGHT: Augmenting Instruments in Interactive Music Therapy for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Lobo Joana; Matsuda Soichiro; Futamata Izumi; Sakuta Ryo...
ASSETS '19 The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility/pp.124-135, 2019-10 - Egocentric Smaller-person Experience through a Change in Visual Perspective
Nishida Jun; Matsuda Soichiro; Oki Mika; Takatori Hikaru...
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)/(696)/pp.1-12, 2019-05 - Egocentric Smaller-person Experience through a Change in Visual Perspective
Nishida Jun; Matsuda Soichiro; Oki Mika; Takatori Hikaru...
CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems/pp.1-12, 2019-05 - Comparing reinforcement values of facial expressions: An eye-tracking study
Matsuda Soichiro; Omori Takahide; McCleery Joseph P; Yama...
The Psychological Record/69(3)/pp.393-400, 2019-04 - 遊び場面における広汎性発達障害幼児のポジティブな社会的行動に対するユーモアを含んだ介入パッケージの効果
松田 壮一郎; 山本 淳一
行動分析学研究/33(2)/pp.92-101, 2019-02 - Smiles of Children with ASD May Facilitate Helping Behaviors to the Robot
Kim SunKyoung; Hirokawa Masakazu; Matsuda Soichiro; Funah...
Social Robotics/11357/pp.55-64, 2018-11 - Effect of Sensory Feedback on Turn-Taking Using Paired Devices for Children with ASD
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction/2(4)/p.61, 2018-09 - Effect of Sensory Feedback on Turn-Taking Using Paired Devices for Children with ASD
Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masakazu; Matsuda Soichiro; Yamamo...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2018-09 - FaceLooks: A Smart Headband for Signaling Face-to-Face Behavior
Hachisu Taku; Pan Yadong; Matsuda Soichiro; Bourreau ...
Sensors/18(7)/p.2066, 2018-06 - Modeling and Quantitative Measurement Method of the Tripartite Interpersonal Distance Dynamics for Children with ASD
Tsuji Airi; Enomoto Takuya; Matsuda Soichiro; Yamamoto J...
Computers Helping People with Special Needs/pp.523-526, 2018-06 - 身体性変換スーツによる小児体験における知覚・運動特性の評価
西田 惇; 松田 壮一郎; 大木 美加; 高鳥 光; 佐藤 綱祐; 鈴木 健嗣
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌/23(3)/pp.149-158, 2018 - Visualizing Gaze Direction to Support Video Coding of Social Attention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Higuchi Keita; Matsuda Soichiro; Kamikubo Rie; Enomoto T...
Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2018)/pp.571-582, 2018-03 - 複数人による双方向の対面行動を計量する頭部装着型デバイス
蜂須 拓; 潘 雅冬; 松田 壮一郎; ブロー バティスト; 鈴木 健嗣
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, 2018-02 - ASD児を対象とする対人距離の時間変化モデルとその応用
辻 愛里; 松田 壮一郎; 山本 淳一; 鈴木 健嗣
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, 2018-02 - Modeling of the Chasing Behaviors for Developmental Program of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Airi Tsuji; Satoru Sekine; Takuya Enomoto; Soichiro Mats...
Proc. of the 2017 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2017), 2017-07 - Facilitating Social Play for Children with PDDs: Effects of Paired Robotic Devices
Matsuda Soichiro; Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2017-06 - Prefrontal Function Engaging in External-Focused Attention in 5- to 6-Month-Old Infants: A Suggestion for Default Mode Network
Xu Mingdi; Hoshino Eiichi; Yatabe Kiyomi; Matsuda Soichi...
FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, 2017-01 - An approach to facilitate turn-taking behavior with paired devices for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
Proc. of The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016)/pp.837-842, 2016-11 - Interpersonal Distance and Face-to-face Behavior During Therapeutic Activities for Children with ASD
Tsuji Airi; Matsuda Soichiro; Suzuki Kenji
Computers Helping People with Special Needs/pp.367-374, 2016-07 - A Smart Clothe for ECG Monitoring of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Takahashi Kanako; Matsuda Soichiro; Suzuki Kenji
Computers Helping People with Special Needs/pp.555-562, 2016-07 - Emotion Comprehension in Intramodal and Cross-modal Matching: A Preliminary Comparison between Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders and Those With Williams Syndrome
Matsuda Soichiro; Yamamoto Junichi
Journal of Special Education Research, 2016-07 - Paired robotic devices to mediate and represent social behaviors
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
Proc. of The 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2015)/pp.722-727, 2015-11 - Humanoid Robot Assisted Training for Facial Expressions Recognition based on Affective Feedback
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki...
Social Robotics/pp.492-501, 2015-10 - Gaze Behavior of Children with ASD toward Pictures of Facial Expressions
Matsuda Soichiro; Minagawa Yasuyo; Yamamoto Junichi
Autism Research and Treatment, 2015-05 - Intramodal and cross-modal matching of emotional expression in young children with autism spectrum disorders
Matsuda Soichiro; Yamamoto Junichi
- CHIMELIGHT: Augmenting Instruments in Interactive Music Therapy for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders