岩上 将夫(イワガミ マサオ)
- 論文
- A post-marketing safety assessment of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination for serious adverse outcomes using administrative claims data linked with vaccination registry in a city of Japan
Takeuchi Yoshinori; Iwagami Masao; Ono Sachiko; Michih...
VACCINE/40(52)/pp.7622-7630, 2022-12-12 - Examining the Use of an Artificial Intelligence Model to Diagnose Influenza: Development and Validation Study
Okiyama Sho; Fukuda Memori; Sode Masashi; Takahashi W...
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH/24(12), 2022-12-23 - Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Children Aged 5 to 11 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Watanabe Atsuyuki; Kani Ryoma; Iwagami Masao; Takagi His...
JAMA pediatrics/177(4)/pp.384-394, 2023-04-01 - Individual multidisciplinary clinical phenotypes of nasal and ocular symptoms in hay fever: Crowdsourced cross-sectional study using AllerSearch
Inomata Takenori; Sung Jaemyoung; Fujio Kenta; Nakamur...
ALLERGOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/72(3)/pp.418-427, 2023-02-03 - Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with risk of overall and colorectal cancer among Japanese using a Mendelian randomization approach
Katagiri Ryoko; Goto Atsushi; Nakano Shiori; Nakatochi...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1)/p.2384, 2023-02-10 - Protective effect of COVID-19 vaccination against long COVID syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Watanabe Atsuyuki; Iwagami Masao; Yasuhara Jun; Takagi...
VACCINE/41(11)/pp.1783-1790, 2023-03-10 - Evaluation of heart failure admission as a surrogate for mortality in randomized clinical trials: A meta-analysis
Miyamoto Yoshihisa; Kiyohara Yuko; Kohsaka Shun; Iwagami ...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION/53(7), 2023-02-16 - Diagnostic Ability of a Smartphone App for Dry Eye Disease: Protocol for a Multicenter, Open-Label, Prospective, and Cross-sectional Study
Nagino Ken; Okumura Yuichi; Yamaguchi Masahiro; Sung ...
JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS/12, 2023-03-13 - Association of Hyperkalemia and Hypokalemia with Patient Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes in Japanese Hemodialysis (HD) Patients
Iwagami Masao; Kanemura Yuka; Morita Naru; Yajima Tos...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE/12(6), 2023-03-08 - Pulse Methylprednisolone Versus Dexamethasone in COVID-19: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Watanabe Atsuyuki; Inokuchi Ryota; Kuno Toshiki; Uda ...
Critical care explorations/5(4)/p.e0886, 2023-04-01 - Symptom-based stratification algorithm for heterogeneous symptoms of dry eye disease: a feasibility study
Nagino Ken; Inomata Takenori; Nakamura Masahiro; Sung ...
Eye (London, England), 2023-04-15 - Investigating the association between glycaemic traits and colorectal cancer in the Japanese population using Mendelian randomisation
Hanyuda Akiko; Goto Atsushi; Katagiri Ryoko; Koyanagi Yu...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1)/p.7052, 2023-04-29 - Reduced asthma exacerbations in adult patients treated with bronchial thermoplasty
Akaba Tomohiro; Jo Taisuke; Iwagami Masao; Hashimoto Yoh...
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY-IN PRACTICE/11(10), 2023-05-09 - The comparison of caesarean section bleeding between volatile and total intravenous anaesthesia in a Japanese nationwide database.
Shimada K; Iwagami M; Makito K; Shigemi D; Uda K; Ishimar...
European Journal of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care/2(2)/pp.pe0021-pe0021, 2023-03 - Hospital-level Variation of the Cardiac Rehabilitation after Myocardial Infarction in Japan during Fiscal Years 2014–2015 using the National Database
Jun Komiyama; Takehiro Sugiyama; Masao Iwagami; Miho ...
Circulation reports, 2023-04 - The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Khanh Bao Tran; Lang Justin J.; Compton Kelly; Xu Rixing; ...
LANCET/400(10352)/pp.563-591, 2022-08 - Peripartum Outcomes Associated With COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Watanabe Atsuyuki; Yasuhara Jun; Iwagami Masao; Miyamo...
JAMA PEDIATRICS/176(11)/pp.1098-1106, 2022-11 - Updated report of COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring in Japan: Booster shots and paediatric vaccinations Comment
Yamaguchi Toshihiro; Iwagami Masao; Ishiguro Chieko; F...
LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-WESTERN PACIFIC/27, 2022-10 - Reliability and Validity of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes Using the Smartphone App AllerSearch for Hay Fever: Prospective Observational Study
Akasaki Yasutsugu; Inomata Takenori; Sung Jaemyoung; O...
JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH/6(8), 2022-08 - Association between advanced care planning and emergency department visits: A systematic review
Sakamoto Ayaka; Inokuchi Ryota; Iwagami Masao; Sun Yu; Ta...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE/68/pp.84-91, 2023-03-13 - Pulse Methylprednisolone versus Dexamethasone in COVID-19: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Watanabe Atsuyuki; 井口 竜太; Kuno Toshiki; 宇田和晃; 小宮山潤; 安富元...
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE/51(1)/pp.3-3, 2023-01 - Comparison of Postextubation Complications Between Positive-Pressure and Suctioning Techniques: A Systematic Review
Shimada Kensuke; Inokuchi Ryota; Iwagami Masao; Tanaka M...
RESPIRATORY CARE/68(3)/pp.429-436, 2023-03-01 - Evaluation of enhanced home care support clinics regarding emergency home visits, hospitalization, and end-of-life care: a retrospective cohort study in a city of Japan
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Ito Tomoko; Inokuchi...
BMC health services research/23(1)/p.115, 2023-02-03 - Association between types of home healthcare and emergency house calls, hospitalization, and end-of-life care in Japan
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Komiyama Jun; Sugiyama Takehir...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY/71(6)/pp.1795-1805, 2023-02-15 - Development and validation of a risk score to predict the frequent emergency house calls among older people who receive regular home visits
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Ito Tomoko; Inok...
BMC primary care/23(1)/p.132, 2022-05-26 - さらに表示...
- A post-marketing safety assessment of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination for serious adverse outcomes using administrative claims data linked with vaccination registry in a city of Japan