三目 直登(ミツメ ナオト)


  • Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Crack Propagation Based on the s-version of the Finite Element Method
    Tu S.; Kishi K.; Takeoka Y.; Morita N.; Mitsume N.; Suzuk...
    Proceedings of European Conference on Fracture 2020 (ECF23), 2020-6
  • A nodal-based Lagrange multiplier/cohesive zone approach for dynamic interfacial cracking analysis of thin-walled laminated composite structures
    Chen Shunhua; Chen Hu; Mitsume Naoto; Morita Naoki; T...
  • 機械学習を用いた交通流モデルのパラメータ同定
    奥山 理奈; 三目 直登; 内田 英明; 藤井 秀樹; 山田 知典; 吉村 忍
    計算力学講演会講演論文集/2019/p.190, 2019
  • Partitioned Coupling FSI Analyses with Active Control.
    Yoshimura S.; Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yamada. T.
    Proceedings of Advances in Computational FluidâAS ̧Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation (AFSI), 2018-05
  • Finite Element Simulation on Active Control of FSI Phenomena.
    Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura. S.
    Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2019), 2019-04
  • Stability of Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis Considering Active Control.
    Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura. S.
    6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN2017), 2017-06
  • Fundamental theorem of matrix representations of hyper-dual numbers for computing higher-order derivatives
    Imoto Yusuke; Yamanaka Naoya; Uramoto Takeo; Tanaka M...
    JSIAM LETTERS/12/pp.29-32, 2020
  • A novel ghost cell boundary model for the explicit moving particle simulation method in two dimensions
    Zheng Zumei; Duan Guangtao; Mitsume Naoto; Chen Shunh...
  • 領域分割型有限要素法に基づく重合メッシュ解析のための最適ロードバランスの検討
    森田直樹; 岸康太; 竹岡侑紀; 三目 直登; 柴沼一樹
    第25回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2020-06
  • 時間解像度が可変な力積型個別要素法の開発
    塩入一希; 三目 直登; 浅井光輝
    第23回土木学会応用力学シンポジウム講演論文集, 2020-05
  • グラフニューラルネットワークを用いたメッシュベース数値解析の汎用的な学習
    堀江正信; 森田直樹; 井原遊; 三目 直登
    日本計算工学会論文集/2020/p.20201005, 2020-06
  • 3D-1D 熱伝導-冷却管連成モデルの並列解析システムの開発
    三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
    日本機械学会第 31 回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 2018-11
  • A two-dimensional ghost cell boundary model for the explicit MPS method
    Zheng Z.; Duan G.; Mitsume N.; Chen S.; Yamada T.; Yoshim...
    Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM), 2019-07
  • 10億粒子解析のためのマルチスケールグリッドを用いた階層型領域分割MPS陽解法と津波解析への応用
    室谷浩平; 越塚誠一; 藤澤智光; 三目 直登; 吉村忍
    日本機械学会第 25 回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 2012-10
  • 2D-3D 片方向連成波モデルによる津波再現水槽実験の並列解析
    三目 直登; T. Tomiczek; A. S. Donahue; 井元佑介; J. J. Westernk; 山...
    日本機械学会 第30回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 2017-09
  • A 2D-3D One-way Coupling Model Between Pressure Poisson Boussineq-type Method and Particle Methods
    Mitsume N.; Donahue A. S.; Westerink J. J.; Yoshimura S.
    Proceedings of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2016-06
  • A Computational Framework For Structural And Fatigue Analysis Of A 5MW Wind Turbine Blade Under Wind Loads
    Chen S.; Yoshimura S.; Yodo K.; Mitsume N.; Yusa Y.; Yama...
    Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Environmental Science (ICCES 2019), 2019-03
  • A Discontinuous Galerkin/Cohesive Zone Approach for Impact Failure Analyses of Automotive Laminated Glass
    Chen S.; Mitsume N.; Gao W.; Yamada T.; Zhang M.; Yoshimu...
    Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018-07
  • Analysis of Flapping Motion Considering Kinematic Optimization by Partitioned Iterative FSI Analysis System
    Yoshimura S.; Hong G.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.
    Proceedings of 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), 2017-07
  • Analysis of Flapping Motion Considering Three Kinematic Mechanisms by Partitioned Iterative FSI Analysis System
    Hong G.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.
    Proceedings of VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017), 2017-06
  • Analysis of Free-Surface Flow Interacting with an Elastic Beam Using Mesh-free Particle Method and Finite Element Method
    Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
    Proceedings of 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), 2017-07
  • Benchmark Results of a Mesh Moving Technique with Minimum-Height-Based Stiffening
    Yamada T.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.
    Proceedings of 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), 2017-07
  • Consistent Interface Fluid-Structure Interaction Model based on Mesh-free Particle Method and Finite Element Method
    Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
    Proceedings of 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2016-07
  • DG/Cohesive zone モデルを用いた複合材料の層間剥離シミュレーション
    陳順華; 三目 直登; 高偉; 山田知典; 臧孟炎; 吉村忍
    第 23 回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2018-06
  • Development and Validation of FSI Analysis System Considering Active Control
    Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
    Proceedings of 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), 2017-07
  • さらに表示...