三目 直登(ミツメ ナオト)


  • Development of Parallel Solvers of 2D–3D One-way Coupling Model for Multi-scale Wave Simulation
    Mitsume N.; Morita N.; Donahue A. S.; Westerink J. J.; Yo...
    Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2017), 2017-04
  • Development of a Three-Dimensional EMPS-FEM Method for Tire Hydroplaning Analysis
    Zheng Z.; Mitsume N.; Duan G.; Chen S.; Yamada T.; Yoshim...
    Proceedings of 15th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 15), 2019-07
  • Development of a stable structure-fluid-electrostatic analysis system
    Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura. S.
    Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018-07
  • Evaluation of Mesh-Control Techniques for FSI analysis Handling Large Deformation in Structural and Fluid Domains
    Hong G.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Yoshimura. S.
    Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018-07
  • FEM-MPS Coupled Fluid-structure Interaction Analysis.
    Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.
    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013-06
  • Fatigue Life Estimation of a 5MW Wind Turbine Blade under Wind Loads
    S. Chen; 吉村忍; 淀薫; 三目 直登; 遊佐泰紀; 山田知典
    日本機械学会第 32 回計算力学講演会講演論文集/2019/p.184, 2019-09
  • Force Analysis of Coastal buildings Damaged by Tsunami Wave Impact Load using Fluid-Structure Coupling Method
    Zheng H.; Shioya R.; Mitsume N.
    Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017), 2017-07
  • Hierarchical domain decomposition explicit MPS method for a large-scale tsunami analysis.
    Murotani K.; Koshizuka S.; Fujisawa T.; Mitsume N.; Yoshi...
    Proceedings of JSME-CMD ICMS2012, 2012-10
  • Hyper Dual Numbers の行列表示を用いた微分計算手法の基礎理論整備
    井元佑介; 山中脩也; 浦本武雄; 藤川正毅; 三目 直登
    日本応用数理学会第 15 回研究部会連合発表会講演論文集, 2019-03
  • Hyper-dual numbersを用いた数値微分の研究
    井元佑介; 山中脩也; 浦本武雄; 藤川正毅; 三目 直登
    研究集会「数学と現象 in 長瀞」講演論文集, 2018-08
  • Improved MPS-FE Fluid-Structure Coupled Method for Water Disaster Mitigation Simulation
    Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.; Yamada T.
    Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems/, 2014-04
  • Impulse-Based DEM シミュレーションにおける物理モデルの基礎的検討
    塩入一希; 三目 直登; 浅井光輝
    粉体工学会 2019 年度秋期研究発表会講演論文集, 2019-10
  • Interaction Simulations Between Fluids And Complicated Structures Using The EMPS-FEM
    Zheng Z.; Mitsume N.; Duan G.; Chen S.; Yamada T.; Yoshim...
    Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Environmental Science (ICCES 2019), 2019-03
  • Large Scale Parallel MPS-FE Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation System Using Adventure_Solid and LexADV_EMPS
    Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.
    Proceedings of Coupled Problems 2015, 2015-05
  • Large-Scale Parallel Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation Using MPS-FE Partitioned Coupling Method
    Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.; Yamada T.
    Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, 2015-03
  • Large-scale MPS-FE Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interaction with Free Surface
    Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.; Yamada T.
    Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2014-07
  • Large-scale Parallel Realistic Tsunami Analysis with Floating Objects on Ishinomaki City Using Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Explicit MPS Method
    Murotani K.; Koshizuka S.; Shibata K.; Tamai T.; Mitsume ...
    Proceedings of APCOM & ISCM 2013, 2013-12
  • Large-scale Parallel Realistic Tsunami Analysis with Floating Objects on Ishinomaki City Using Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Explicit MPS Method
    Murotani K.; Koshizuka S.; Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Shib...
    Proceedings of The 14th Asia Simulation Conference & The 33rd JSST Annual Conference: International Conference on Simulation Technology, 2014-10
  • Large-scale Run-up Tsunami Analysis with Many Floating Objects on Urban Area by Three Analyses Stages Using Hierarchical Domain Decomposition in Explicit MPS Method
    Murotani K.; Koshizuka S.; Kanayama H.; Shibata K.; Tamai...
    Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, 2014-04
  • MPS-FE Coupled Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Free-Surface Flow
    Yoshimura S.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Murotani K.
    Proceedings of Conference Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Waseda University, 2014-03
  • MPS-FE 流体構造連成解法の精度向上と変形・浸水シミュレーション
    三目 直登; 吉村忍; 室谷浩平; 山田知典
    日本機械学会第 26 回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 2013-11
  • MPS-FEM流体構造連成解析を用いた津波波力による沿岸構造物の安全評価に関する研究
    鄭宏杰; 塩谷隆二; 三目 直登
    第22回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2017-06
  • MPS-FEM流体構造連成解析手法の精度検証
    三目 直登; 吉村忍; 室谷浩平
    第 62 回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集, 2013-03
  • MPS-FE法における流体構造境界面での相互作用モデルの精緻化
    三目 直登; 吉村忍; 室谷浩平; 山田知典
    第 63 回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集, 2014-11
  • MPSポリゴン壁境界モデルを用いた MPS-FE 流体構造連成解法の改良
    三目 直登; 吉村忍; 室谷浩平; 山田知典
    第19回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2014-06
  • さらに表示...