三目 直登(ミツメ ナオト)
- 論文
- Multiscale and Multiphysics Integrated Simulations for Offshore Wind Warm Using K-Computer, An Overview
Yoshimura S.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Iida A.; Uchida T.; ...
Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018-07 - Multiscale and Multiphysics Integrated Simulations for Offshore Wind Warm Using K-Computer, An Overview
Yoshimura S.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Iida A.; Uchida T.; ...
Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018-07 - Numerical Analysis of Tsunami Open Flume Experiment Using Parallel Solver of 2D-3D Coupled Wave Model
Mitsume Naoto; Tomiczek T.; Imoto Y.; Donahue A. S.; West...
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2017), 2017-10 - Numerical Investigation on Flapping Aerodynamics of MAV with Active and Passive Pitch
Yoshimura S.; Hong G.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.
Proceedings of 15th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 15), 2019-07 - Numerical Study of Active Control by Piezoelastic Materials for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), 2019-06 - Parallel Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interaction with Inconsistent Interfaces
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Proceedings of 5th Japanese-German Workshop on Computational Mechanics, 2019-09 - Parallel Partitioned FSI Simulation of Flapping Aerodynamics of MAV Using ADVENTURE and FFB
Yoshimura S.; Hong G.; Yamada T.; Mitsume N.
Proceedings of The 38th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2019), 2019-11 - Parallel Simulation of Thermal Conduction in Coal Gasification Vessel Considering Cooling Pipes,
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura. S.
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Environmental Science (ICCES 2019), 2019-03 - Parallel Simulation of Thermal Conduction in Coal Gasification Vessel Coupled with Cooling Pipe Model
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), 2018-11 - Parallel Simulation of Thermal Conduction in Coal Gasification Vessel Coupled with Cooling Pipe Model
Mitsume Naoto; Song B.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura. S.
Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018-07 - Parallel Tsunami Analysis Based on MPS Method with ERP Wall Boundary Model
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), 2019-06 - Simulation of Rotating Tank Based on Fluid-Structure Inter- action Model Combining Finite Element Method and Mesh-free Particle Method
Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.
Proceedings of KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on Computational Mechanics & CAE 2017, 2017-06 - Structural and Fatigue Modeling of a 5MW Wind Turbine Blade Under Different Wind Loads
Chen S.; Yoshimura S.; Yodo K.; Mitsume N.; Yusa Y.; Yama...
Proceedings of 15th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 15), 2019-07 - The 38th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2019)
Kawakami K.; Mitsume N.; Yosimura S.
Proceedings of Improvement in Interpolation Function of Immersed Finite Element Method for Fluid-Rigid Interactions, 2019-11 - Verification of Consistent-interface Model for Fluid–Structure Interaction with Free-surface
Yoshimura S.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.
Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2017), 2017-04 - Verified Algorithm for High Order Differentiation Based on Hyper-dual Numbers.
Yamanaka N.; Imoto Y.; Uramoto T.; Fujikawa M.; Mitsume N.
Proceedings of 2019 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2019-02 - Wave Force Computation on Structures Using Finite Element Shape Function in Particle Methods
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.
Proceedings of IWACOM-III, 2015-10 - ポリゴン壁境界モデルを適用した並列 MPS 解析の動的負荷分散
水野芳規; 三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
第23回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2018-06 - ポリゴン壁境界表現を用いた粒子法流体剛体連成モデル
水野芳規; 三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
第64回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集, 2017-08 - 一次元冷却管モデルの解析と三次元熱伝導解析との双方向連成
三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
第 23 回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2018-06 - 冷却管を含む石炭ガス化炉の熱伝導・燃焼連成解析
宋柄樹; 三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
日本機械学会 第30回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 2017-09 - 分離反復解法によるハイパフォーマンス流体構造連成解析
吉村忍; 山田知典; 三目 直登
第 65 回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集, 2019-06 - 分離型連成解析における非整合境界面での数値受け渡し誤差の評価と検証
坂拓弥; 三目 直登; 金子栄樹; 山田知典; 吉村忍
日本機械学会第 31 回計算力学講演会講演論文集, 2018-11 - 境界面整合型流体構造連成モデルの妥当性検証
三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
第64回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集, 2017-08 - 境界面整合型流体構造連成モデルを用いた sloshing tank の解析と実験結果との比較
三目 直登; 山田知典; 吉村忍
第22回計算工学講演会講演論文集, 2017-06 - さらに表示...
- Multiscale and Multiphysics Integrated Simulations for Offshore Wind Warm Using K-Computer, An Overview