三目 直登(ミツメ ナオト)
- 論文
- A Three-dimensional Ghost Cell Boundary Model and Its Application to Fluid-structure Interaction Analysis
Zheng Z.; Duan G.; Mitsume N.; Chen S.; Yamada T.; Yoshim...
Proceedings of The 6th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), 2019-12 - Development of a Computational System for Structural and Fatigue Analysis of a 5MW Wind Turbine Blade Under Different Wind Loads
Chen S.; Yoshimura S.; Yodo K.; Mitsume N.; Yusa Y.; Yama...
Proceedings of The 6th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), 2019-12 - Validation of Parallel Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis System with Consistent-Interface Model
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Proceedings of The 6th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), 2019-12 - A Coupled Heat Transfer Modeling of Coal-Gasifier with Embedded Cooling Pipes
Yamada T.; Mitsume N.; Yosimura S.
Proceedings of The 6th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), 2019-12 - Zoom up Tsunami Analysis on Urban Areas by Three Analyses Stages Using Hierarchical Domain Decomposition in Explicit MPS Method
Murotani K.; Koshizuka S.; Kanayama H.; Shibata K.; Tamai...
Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2014-07 - Parallel Analysis System for Free-Surface Flow Using MPS with Explicitly Represented Polygon Wall Boundary Model
Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Computational Particle Mechanics/7(2:::SI)/pp.279-290, 2020-03 - 差分法と粒子法による歩行者流のハイブリッド解析
藤岡 良輔; 三目 直登; 山田 知典; 吉村 忍
土木学会論文集A2(応用力学)/75(2)/pp.I_195-I_201, 2020-02 - Hyper dual numbers を用いた Ogden 型超弾性モデルの定式化とその性能評価
藤川 正毅; 田中 真人; 井元 佑介; 三目 直登; 浦本 武雄; 山中 脩也
日本機械学会論文集/86(881)/p.19-00256, 2020-01 - Development of Two Intrinsic Cohesive Zone Models for Progressive Interfacial Cracking of Laminated Composites with Matching and Non-matching Cohesive Elements
Chen S.; Mitsume N.; Bui T. Q.; Gao W.; Yamada T.; Zang ...
Composite Structures/229/p.111406, 2019-12 - Time-Based Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Domain Decomposition with Particle Method Adopting Three-Dimensional Polygon-Wall Boundary Model
Mizuno Y.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/6(2)/pp.282-297, 2019-08 - A Nodal-Based Extrinsic Cohesive/Contact Model for Interfacial Debonding Analyses in Composite Structures
Chen S.; Mitsume N.; Gao W.; Yamada T.; Zang M.; Yoshimur...
Computers & Structures/215/pp.80-97, 2019-04 - Large-Scale Parallel Simulation of Coastal Structures Loaded by Tsunami Wave Using FEM and MPS Method
Zheng H.; Shioya R.; Mitsume N.
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/5(1)/pp.1-16, 2018-12 - Numerical Study of Active Control by Piezoelectric Materials for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Mitsume N.; Kaneko S.; Hong G.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Journal of Sound and Vibration/435/pp.23-35, 2018-08 - Coupling Methods between Finite Element-Based Boussinesq-Type Wave and Particle-Based Free-Surface Flow Models
Mitsume N.; Donahue A. S.; Westerink J. J.; Yoshimura S.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids/88(3)/pp.141-168, 2018-05 - Fluid-Rigid Body Interaction Analysis for Mesh-Free Particle Method with Polygon Boundary Representation
Mizuno Y.; Mitsume N.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan/64/pp.133-142, 2018 - 流体構造連成問題におけるメッシュ制御技術の時空間最適化
三目 直登; 山本 悠貴; 洪 基源; 山田 知典; 吉村 忍
日本機械学会論文集/84(857)/p.17-00451, 2018-01 - Partitioned-Coupling FSI Analysis with Active Control
Mitsume Naoto; Hong G.; Kaneko S.; Yamada T.; Yoshimura S.
Computational Mechanics/60(4)/pp.549-558, 2017-05 - Explicitly Represented Polygon Wall Boundary Model for the Explicit MPS Method
Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.; Yamada T.
Computational Particle Mechanics/2(1)/pp.73-89, 2015-05 - Improved MPS-FE Fluid-Structure Interaction Coupled Method with MPS Polygon Wall Boundary Model
Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.; Yamada T.
Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences/101(4)/pp.229-247, 2014-12 - Development of Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Explicit MPS Method and Application to Large-scale Tsunami Analysis with Floating Objects
Murotani K.; Koshizuka S.; Tamai T.; Shibata K.; Mitsume ...
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/1(1)/pp.16-35, 2014-10 - MPS-FEM Partitioned Coupling Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Free Surface Flow
Mitsume N.; Yoshimura S.; Murotani K.; Yamada T.
International Journal of Computational Methods/11(4)/p.1350101, 2014-03
- A Three-dimensional Ghost Cell Boundary Model and Its Application to Fluid-structure Interaction Analysis