藤田 直子(フジタ ナオコ)


  • Classify the Characteristics of Green Infrastructure and Analyze the Valuable Types for Each Region Suitable
    Liu Shan; Fujita Naoko
    The 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Geographic Information Systems/2020-10-30--2020-10-31
  • Research on landscape pattern changes in Asian mejor cities from the perspective of ECO-DRR
    Tang Minghui; Fujita Naoko
    The 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Geographic Information Systems/2020-10-30--2020-10-31
  • Art and Design through Corona: The Role of Art in Global Issues
    Fujita Naoko; 貴広 森尾; 美希 山本; McLeod Gary
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-09-18--2020-10-18
  • 日本と海外の都市農業史からみる未来の都市農業の構想
    Yuling Liu; 藤田 直子
  • 景観生態学的側面からみた樹木葬墓地のグリーンインフラとしての有用性
    今泉 優子; 藤田 直子
  • 基礎自治体レベルに対するグリーンインフラ導入に向けた可視化の検討
    Shan Liu; 藤田 直子
  • アジア大都市の自然災害の現状を踏まえたEco-DRRの導入に関する研究
    Ming Tang; 藤田 直子
  • 2022年問題を見据えた生産緑地のデザイン提案 -「麻釜」を介した野沢温泉村の共同意識に関する研究を元に-
    染谷 美也子; Naoko Fujita; 貝島 桃代
  • グリーンインフラとしての樹木葬墓地の可能性-自然空間・墓地空間・地域との関わりの側面から見る樹木葬墓地の環境デザイン-
    今泉 優子; Naoko Fujita
  • The study of planning green infrastructure in the vicinity of the Sakuragawa,Tsukuba city
    Shan Liu; Naoko Fujita
  • Current status of ecosystem disaster prevention in Asian big cities : An analysis to actualize the ideal landscape ecological design
    Ming Tang; Naoko Fujita
  • ”新しい生活様式”にこそ活きる農体験のデザイン提案
    藤田 直子
  • アフターコロナ時代に向けた 農ある暮らしのデザイン提案
    藤田 直子
  • R8ロゲイニング「魅力の発見と発信、賑わいの創出、マップづくりとまち歩き」成果発表
    Naoko Fujita
    つくばR8地域会議 成果報告会/2020-02-11--2020-02-11
  • 高齢化・農業人口減少を逆手に取り健康寿命・交流人口・農業体験を増進させる近未来型農体験創造のためのデザイン探求
    Naoko Fujita
  • A Research of the Eco-DRR: Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction by InVEST -Projection of the Reconstruction Plan and the Actual Situations at Devastated Areas of Kumamoto Earthquake Area-
    Tang Minghui; Fujita Naoko
    16th International Conference on Urban Health/2019-11-04--2019-11-08
  • Research on Actual Conditions and Utilization of Unused Land in Housing Complex: Towards a Healthy City through a Creative Activity Utilizes Community Farms
    Kurata Masayuki; Fujita Naoko
    16th International Conference on Urban Health/2019-11-04--2019-11-08
  • Challenges of Ecological Landscape Design to Create the Liveable City
    Fujita Naoko; Kurata Masayuki; Tang Minghui; Zheng Yulu
    16th International Conference on Urban Health/2019-11-04--2019-11-08
  • Design for Green Infrastructure: Analysis of Landscape change in the Kumamoto earthquake area
    Naoko Fujita
    JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2019/2019-05-29--2019-05-29
  • Time-series Change of Ecological Services at the Area of Complex Earthquake Disasters by Analysis using InVEST
    Tang Minghui; Fujita Naoko
    10th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress/2019-07-01--2019-07-05
  • Evaluation of Bio-Cultural Landscape in Tsushima Island, Nagasaki, Japan
    Kobayashi Hideki; Fujita Naoko
    10th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress/2019-07-01--2019-07-05
  • Survey of the Social Environmental Designs for Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Preliminary Disaster Prevention utilizing the Green Infrastructure and Eco-DRR from the research of Kumamoto Earthquake and Nankai Trough Earthquake
    Fujita Naoko
    10th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress/2019-07-01--2019-07-05
  • 社叢を活かす地域防災デザイン -グリーンインフラ・Eco-DRR-
    Naoko Fujita
  • 熊本地震・南海トラフ巨大地震の研究からみえてきた防災まちづくりのデザイン
    Naoko Fujita
  • Analysis of Eco-DRR and Ecological Services using InVEST at the Disaster Areas of Kumamoto Earthquake
    Tang Minghui; Naoko Fujita
    JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2019/2019-05-29--2019-05-29
  • さらに表示...