福地 一斗(フクチ カズト)


  • Prediction with Model-Based Neutrality
    Fukuchi Kazuto; Sakuma Jun; Toshihiro Kamishima
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases/8189/pp.499-514, 2013-09
  • Prediction with Model-Based Neutrality
    Fukuchi Kazuto; Sakuma Jun; Toshihiro Kamishima
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems/E98.D(8)/pp.1503-1516, 2015-08
  • Prediction with Model-based Neutralization
    福地一斗; 佐久間 淳
    The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) 2013, 2013-09