KIM Satbyul Estella(キム セッビョル エステラ)


  • Seasonal pattern of the associations between daily mortality and PM10 in South Korea and Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    The International Scientific Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change”/2015
  • Does temperature modify the association between air pollution and mortality? A multicity meta-analysis study
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    International Aerosol Conference/2014
  • Health Vulnerability Assessment of Heat waves in Korea
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    International Union for the Scientific Study of Population/2013
  • Does temperature modify the association between air pollution and mortality? A multicity meta-analysis study
    KIM Satbyul Estella; Lim Youn-Hee; Yasushi Honda; Hash...
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2013
  • Health Vulnerability Assessment of Heat waves in Korea
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2013
  • 猛暑による健康脆弱性評価の信頼性向上研究
    KIM Satbyul Estella
  • 地方自治体の適応計画策定のための猛暑-健康脆弱性の高度化評価方法:脆弱性指標に関する絶対的基準の設定を中心に
    KIM Satbyul Estella
  • Selection of Indicators for Green Growth by applying OECD’s Framework
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2011
  • 自治体別オゾン濃度及び粒子状物質に対する気候変動健康影響の脆弱性評価
    KIM Satbyul Estella
  • 気候変動による猛暑の健康影響脆弱性評価
    KIM Satbyul Estella
  • 自治体適応計画策定のための猛暑及び寒波に対する気候変動健康影響の脆弱性評価
    KIM Satbyul Estella