棚橋 沙由理(タナバシ サユリ)
- 論文
- Welcome to the microworld: STEAM education approach to learn plant ultrastructure cell biology
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE2021)/pp.1150-1153, 2021-12 - オブジェクト介在型学習による分野横断型学習と科学技術コミュニケーション~学術・文化コモンズとしての大学博物館の機能に着目して~
棚橋 沙由理; 山本 桃子
科学技術コミュニケーション/30/pp.17-30, 2022-01 - Object-based narratives with Japanese traditional academic artworks at university museums and libraries of agricultural and life sciences
Tanabashi Sayuri
University Museums and Collections Journal/13(2)/pp.147-157, 2022-05 - Work-in-progress—Microscopic Immersion: Dive into the subcellular journey
Tanabashi Sayuri; Tange Toshiyuki
Proceedings - 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2022)/pp.126-127, 2022-05 - Work-in-progress—Unity between the two worlds: Microscopic data-based immersive experience
Tanabashi Sayuri; Tange Toshiyuki
Proceedings - 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2022)/pp.137-139, 2022-05 - Object-based learning with dynamic drivable objects through the combination of real tangible and virtual intangible objects under blended learning
Tanabashi Sayuri
Blended Learning: Engaging Students in the New Normal Era (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)/pp.51-61, 2022-07 - Remoted curation: Digital object-based learning in university museums during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN22)/pp.1926-1930, 2022-07 - Cross-disciplinary narratives with the method of Object Deciphering for self-exportation
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN22)/pp.2772-2775, 2022-07 - Science education at Japanese university museums on sericulture and textile industries: Prospects for the future from the past to present
Tanabashi Sayuri
Program Book - 2022 EASE (East-Asian Association for Science Education) International Conference/pp.253-253, 2022-07 - Object narrative from the Agricultural and Life Sciences Museum as global commons
Tanabashi Sayuri
University Museums and Collections Journal/14(2)/pp.152-152, 2022-08 - The efficacy of object deciphering in STEAM education beyond encounters and collisions between learners and objects
Tanabashi Sayuri
SN Computer Science/3(6)/p.484, 2022-09-21 - Cell biology education with advanced 3D technologies for K-12 students
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2022)/pp.204-207, 2022-11 - Digital narratives: Alternative object-based learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE2022), 2022-12 - Digital narrative during the pandemic: Revival of antiquated machines in functional settings for industrial education
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2023)/pp.94-97, 2023-03 - 分野横断型学習としてのオブジェクトベーストラーニングのさらなる機能拡張〜人びとのウェルビーイングの向上への貢献を目指して〜
棚橋 沙由理; 白岩 志康; 山本 桃子
The KeMCo Review 01/pp.23-34, 2023-03 - Virtual trip: Exploring a 360-degree museum for students with immersive experience
Tanabashi Sayuri
15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN23)/pp.8653-8653, 2023-07 - Microscopic adventure: Unity between the two microscopic data
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN23)/pp.730-734, 2023-07 - Digital narrative from the university museums and libraries of agricultural and life sciences: Prospects for the future from the past to present
Tanabashi Sayuri; Yamamoto Momoko
University Museums and Collections Journal/15(1)/pp.194-194, 2023-08 - Object deciphering using agricultural objects for sustainability education in a Japanese university library
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2023)/pp.1765-1770, 2023-11 - Distance learning using life science objects in virtual settings: One case study of digital object-based learning in a Japanese university
Tanabashi Sayuri
Proceedings - 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2023)/pp.1771-1771, 2023-11
- Welcome to the microworld: STEAM education approach to learn plant ultrastructure cell biology