江波 進一(エナミ シンイチ)


  • In-situ measurement of interfacial photoreaction in atmosphere and living system
    江波 進一
    Academia Sinica & JST joint workshop: Innovative use of light and nano/bio materials/2011
  • In-situ measurement of interfacial photoreaction in atmosphere and living system
    江波 進一
    第4回文部科学省 最先端の光の創成を目指したネットワーク研究拠点プログラムシンポジウム/2011
  • Interfacial dissolution of inhaled NO2
    江波 進一
    13th IACIS International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science and 83rd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium/2009-06-14
  • Interfacial chemistry of aqueous sulfur/iodide aerosol microdroplets in gaseous ozone
    江波 進一
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008/2008-04-13