平田 浩祐(ヒラタ コウスケ)
- 論文
- Muscle damage indicated by maximal voluntary contraction strength changes from immediately to 1 day after eccentric exercise of the knee extensors
Shoji M; Ema R; Nosaka K; Kanda A; Hirata K; Akagi R
Frontiers in Physiology/12, 2021 - Relationship between drop jump training–induced changes in passive plantar flexor stiffness and explosive performance
Ryosuke Ando; Shinya Sato; Naoya Hirata; Hiroki Tanimoto; ...
Frontiers in Physiology/12, 2021 - Association between medial gastrocnemius muscle-tendon unit architecture and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion with and without consideration of slack angle
Kosuke Hirata; Hiroaki Kanehisa; Naokazu Miyamoto
PLOS ONE/16(3)/pp.e0248125-e0248125, 2021-03-05 - 座位姿勢における動的バランス能力と体幹筋横断面積の関係の解明-チェアスキー競技におけるパフォーマンス向上を目指して-
赤木 亮太; 飯塚 浩二郎; 平田 浩祐
デサントスポーツ科学/41/pp.185-191, 2020-09 - 特集【変わりゆくスポーツと科学 パート44】超音波エラストグラフィ機能を用いた筋の硬さの評価:スポーツ現場での応用可能性
赤木 亮太; 平田 浩祐; 中村 雅俊; 宮本 直和
Strength & Conditioning Journal Japan/27(6)/pp.2-12, 2020-07 - Carbon dioxide hydrate as a recovery tool after fatigue of the plantar flexors
Hirata Kosuke; Tanimoto Hiroki; Sato Shinya; Hirata N...
Journal of Biomechanics/108/pp.109900-109900, 2020-07 - Associations between range of motion and tissue stiffness in young and older people
Hirata K; Yamadera R; Akagi R
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise/52(10)/pp.2179-2188, 2020 - Nonuniform distribution of passive muscle stiffness within hamstring
Miyamoto N; Kimura N; Hirata K
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 2020 - Eight-week low-intensity squat training at slow speed simultaneously improves knee and hip flexion and extension strength
Ryota Akagi; Shinya Sato; Naoya Hirata; Naoto Imaizumi; H...
Frontiers in Physiology/11/pp.893-893, 2020 - Can static stretching reduce stiffness of the triceps surae in older men?
Hirata K; Yamadera R; Akagi R
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise/52(3)/pp.673-679, 2020-03 - Active recovery has a positive and acute effect on recovery from fatigue induced by repeated maximal voluntary contractions of the plantar flexors
Akagi R; Imaizumi N; Sato S; Hirata N; Tanimoto H; Hirata K
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology/50/pp.102384-102384, 2020-02 - COL5A1 rs12722 polymorphism is not associated with passive muscle stiffness and sports-related muscle injury in Japanese athletes.
Miyamoto-Mikami Eri; Miyamoto Naokazu; Kumagai Hiroshi...
BMC medical genetics/20(1)/pp.192-192, 2019-12-02 - Muscle stiffness of the vastus lateralis in sprinters and long-distance runners
Miyamoto N; Hirata K; Inoue K; Hashimoto T
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise/51(10)/pp.2080-2087, 2019-10 - Moderate associations of muscle elasticity of the hamstring with hip joint flexibility.
Miyamoto N; Hirata K
International Journal of Sports Medicine/40(11)/pp.717-724, 2019-10 - Effect of acute eye fatigue on cognition for young females: A pilot study
Akagi R; Tonotsuka M; Horie R; Hirata K; Ando S
PeerJ/29(7)/p.e7978, 2019-10 - Development of a Promotion System for Home-Based Squat Training for Elderly People.
Hirasawa Y; Ishioka T; Gotoda N; Hirata K; Akagi R
Human Interface and the Management of Information/Part II/pp.492-501, 2019-07 - ESR1 rs2234693 Polymorphism Is Associated with Muscle Injury and Muscle Stiffness.
Kumagai Hiroshi; Miyamoto-Mikami Eri; Hirata Kosuke; K...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise/51(1)/pp.19-26, 2019-01 - Muscle elasticity under active conditions in human: a methodological comparison
Miyamoto N; Hirata K
Translational Sports Medicine/2/pp.138-145, 2019-01 - Associations of passive muscle stiffness, muscle stretch tolerance, and muscle slack angle with range of motion: Individual and sex differences
Miyamoto Naokazu; Hirata Kosuke; Miyamoto-Mikami Eri; ...
Scientific Reports/8(1)/p.8274, 2018-12-01 - Mechanical interaction between neighboring muscles in human upper limb: Evidence for epimuscular myofascial force transmission in humans
Yoshitake Yasuhida; Uchida Daiki; Hirata Kosuke; Mayfield...
Journal of Biomechanics/74/pp.150-155, 2018-06 - Association analysis of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism with passive muscle stiffness and muscle strain injury.
Miyamoto N; Miyamoto-Mikami E; Hirata K; Kimura N; Fu...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports/28(3)/pp.1209-1214, 2018-03 - Contributions of Hamstring Stiffness to Straight-Leg-Raise and Sit-and-Reach Test Scores
Miyamoto Naokazu; Hirata Kosuke; Kimura Noriko; Miyamo...
International Journal of Sports Medicine/39(2)/pp.110-114, 2018-02-01 - No association between passive material property and cross-sectional area in human hamstring
Hirata K; Miyamoto-Mikami E; Kimura N; Miyamoto N
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/7(1)/pp.35-40, 2018-01 - Associations of maximal voluntary isometric hip extension torque with muscle size of hamstring and gluteus maximus and intra-abdominal pressure
Tayashiki Kota; Hirata Kosuke; Ishida Kiraku; Kanehisa...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY/117(6)/pp.1267-1272, 2017-06 - Acute effect of static stretching on passive stiffness of the human gastrocnemius fascicle measured by ultrasound shear wave elastography
Hirata K.; Kanehisa H.; Miyamoto N.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY/117(3)/pp.493-499, 2017-03 - さらに表示...
- Muscle damage indicated by maximal voluntary contraction strength changes from immediately to 1 day after eccentric exercise of the knee extensors