University of Tsukuba
Official title
Birth date
Research fields
Sociology/History of science and technology
Research keywords
Conflict of Interest
Higher Education Policy
Intellectual Property Right
Science and Technology Policy
University-Industry Collabporations
Research and Ethics
Research projects
Research and development of curriculum and teaching materials for training university conflict of interest advisors2021-04 -- 2025-03SHINYA YukikoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)2,080,000Yen
A Study on the Actual Conditions of Policies and Procedures of Conflicts of Interest Management, and their Applications at Japanese Universities2018-04 -- 2021-03SHINYA YukikoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)1,560,000Yen
A Survey Study on Developing Guidelines for Practices and Faculty Education on Conflicts of Interest Management at Universities2015-04 -- 2018-03Yukiko SHINYAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)1,950,000Yen
A Survey Study on the Management of Institutional Conflict of Interest at Universities and Academic Societies Associated with University-Industry Cooperation2012-04 -- 2015-03Yukiko SHINYAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)1,820,000Yen
A Study on the Influential Factors and the Changes of Universities in the Development of University Collaboration with Industry2009-04 -- 2012-03Yukiko ShinyaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)1,690,000Yen
A Study on the Behavioral Norms with regard to the University-Industry Research Relationships2002-04 -- 2004-03Yukiko SHINYAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)3,300,000Yen
Career history
2022-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaOffice of Conflict of Interest and Security Export ControlProfessor, Director
2014-04 -- 2022-03University of TsukubaOffice of Conflict of Interest and Security Export ControlAssociate Professor
2002-01 -- 2002-03University of TsukubaTsukuba Advanced Research Alliance助手
2002-04 -- 2005-01University of TsukubaTsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center助手
2005-02 -- 2009-02University of TsukubaTsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research CenterAssistant Professor
2009-03 -- 2014-03University of TsukubaTsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Rsearch CenterAssociate Professor
Academic background
1984-04 -- 1988-03Waseda University School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES, HUMANITIES AND LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR
1996-04 -- 1998-03Yokohama National University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Division of Artificial Environment and Systems
2002-04 -- 2004-09Yokohama National University Graduate School of Environmenta and Information Sciences 環境システム学専攻
1998-03M. Eng.Yokohama National University
2004-09Ph. D.Yokohama National University
Licenses and qualifications
Academic societies
Honors & Awards
2005-08-22IEEJ Excellent Presentation Award
  • A Study on the Cases of Conflict of Interest Issues at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 20th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.111-112, 2022-06
  • A Study on the Cases of Conflict of Interest Issues at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/26(1)/pp.7-25, 2022-04
  • What causes research misconduct; Especially on the relationships with the organization
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 19th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.83-84, 2021-06
  • A Study on Institutional Problems in Misconduct Cases related to Engineering Ethics or Research Ethics
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/25(1)/pp.7-18, 2021-04
  • A Study of Faculty Attitudes towards Conflict of Interest Management at Japanese Universities: Comparison of Medical with Non-medical Faculty Members
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.32-33, 2020-11
  • Conflict of Interest in medical research
    新谷 由紀子
    Precision Medicine/pp.63-69, 2020-07
  • Current Status and Issues of Military Security Research at Japanese Universities
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/24(1)/pp.21-40, 2020-04
  • A Study on the Attitude Survey of Medical and Non-medical Faculty Members on Conflicts of Interest at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/24(1)/pp.5-20, 2020-04
  • A Study on the Actual Conditions of Conflict of Interest Management at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.134-135, 2019-06
  • A Study on the Actual Conditions of Policies and Practices on Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/23(1)/pp.7-22, 2019-04
  • A Study on Research Misconduct at Universities Related to University-Industry Collaborations
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 16th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.56-57, 2018-06
  • A Study on Factors in Research Misconduct at Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/22(1)/pp.7-18, 2018-04
  • Issues in conflict of interest management of the case of the misconduct of research using the Novartis Diovan (valsartan)
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/21(2)/pp.115-130, 2017-10
  • The significance of university- industry collaboration and conflicts of interest in scientific research
    Shinya Yukiko
    第65回日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録集 利益相反委員会企画 利益相反を識る/pp.2-2, 2017-09
  • Conflicts of Interest Issues in Clinical Research on a Hypertension Medication
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 15th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.148-149, 2017-06
  • Conflicts of Interest in University-Industry Collaborations, Mainly of the Field of Medical Science
    Journal of Japanese Society for Biomaterials/35(2)/pp.118-125, 2017-04
  • A Study on the Actual States of Managing Conflicts of Interest at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.272-273, 2016-06
  • General Considerations on the Management of Conflict of Interest Including Institutional Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities and Academic Societies
    新谷 由紀子
    Abstract Book of the 89 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Occupation Health/pp.207-207, 2016-05
  • A Study on the Actual States of Managing Conflicts of Interest at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Synergy of Arts and Sciences/20(1)/pp.13-27, 2016-04
  • A Study on the Present Situations Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest at National Institute Corporations
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 13th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.42-43, 2015-06
  • A Survey Study on the Present Situation Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest (Including Institutional Conflict of Interest) Focusing on the Universities of the United States
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 12th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.43-44, 2014-06
  • An Empirical Study on the Present Circumstances Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest Including Institutional Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities and Academic Societies
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 11th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.86-87, 2013-06
  • A Study on the Working of the Patented Invention for Experimental or Research Purpouses from the Perspective of Science and Technology Policy
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 10th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.92-93, 2012-06
  • A Study on the Effects on the Universities caused by the Development of University-Industry Cooperation
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 9th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.116-117, 2011-06
  • A Study on the Typical Patterns of Problems of Conflicts of Interest in a University and Its Management
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 8th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.212-213, 2010-06
  • more...
  • Video Materials for Training Conflict of Interest Advisors
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2024-04
  • Significance of conflicts of interest disclosure: Relationship between faculty members and corporations
    新谷 由紀子
    The Questionable Research Practice You Never Knew/CHUGAI-IGAKUSHA/pp.95-98, 2023-11
  • The Theory and Practice of Conflict-of-Interest Management at Japanese Universities (Practice Edition)
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2023-07
  • The Theory and Practice of Conflict-of-Interest Management at Japanese Universities (Basic Edition)
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2022-12
  • A Study on the Cases of Conflict of Interest Issues at Japanese Universities
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2021-11
  • A Study of Faculty Attitudes towards Conflict of Interest Management at Japanese Universities
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2019-09
  • Conflict of Interest Analysis on Financial Ties between Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical Industry
    新谷 由紀子
    医療白書2019年度版/Japan Medical Planning/pp.92-98, 2019-10
  • 事例から学ぶ公正な研究活動 ~気付き、学びのためのケースブック~考え方例集
    森田育男; 新谷由紀子; 岡林 浩嗣; EY 新日本有限責任監査法人; 一般財団法人 日本総合研究所
    国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED), 2019-03
  • A Study on the Actual Conditions of Policies and Practices on Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2018-11
  • 事例から学ぶ公正な研究活動 ~気付き、学びのためのケースブック~ (普及版(改訂第2版))
    森田育男; 新谷由紀子; 岡林 浩嗣; エルピクセル株式会社; 一般財団法人 日本総合研究所
    国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED), 2018-03
  • Learning Conflicts of Interest on Campus-Textbook on Conflict of Interest Management at Universities-
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2017-07
  • What are conflicts of interest in scientific research and how should we manage them?
    新谷 由紀子
    Research Activity with Integrity Studied from Cases ‐Casebook for Noticing and Studying‐/Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development/pp.40-52, 2017-03
  • Making Conflict of Interest Management at Universities Work: Guidebook for the Management
    新谷 由紀子
  • Compliance (3): Conflicts of Interest: A Conceptual Overview
    新谷 由紀子
    Handbook on the Management of University-Industry Relationships Second Edition VolumeⅡ/Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.102-108, 2016-03
  • Development of the Legal System in Japan for Promoting University-Industry Cooperation
    新谷 由紀子
    Handbook on the Management of University-Industry Relationships Second Edition VolumeⅠ/Japan Society for Intellectual Production/pp.33-38, 2016-03
  • A Study on the Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest Management at Japanese Universities
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2016-01
  • Conflicts of Interest in Theory and Practice: How to Rebuild Public Trust in Scientific Research
    新谷 由紀子
    University of Tsukuba Press, 2015-03
  • An Empirical Study on the Present Circumstances Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest at National Institute Corporations
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2015-03
  • A Survey Study on the Present Situation Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest (Including Institutional Conflict of Interest) at Universities and Academic Societies of the United States along with Some European Countries
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    University of Tsukuba, 2014-06
  • An Empirical Study on the Present Circumstances Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest Including Institutional Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities and Academic Societies
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本虔
    Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center, 2013-04
  • A Study on the Effects and Changes on Universities Caused by the Development of University Collaboration with Industry
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center, 2011-07
  • A Survey of the Progress and Issues in Building up of a Security Export Control Management System of National University Corporations in Japan
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center, 2010-07
  • A Study on the Influential Factors in the Development of University Collaboration with Industry
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center, 2010-04
  • A Study on the Influence which the Transformation of National Universities from National Affiliated Organizations into Independent Legal Entities in Japan has had on Educational and Research Activities, University-Industry Collaborations and University Operations
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center, 2009-04
  • A Study on Ethical Standards of University in Terms of University-Industry Research Collaborations focusing on Conflict-of-Interest problems
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center, 2008-05
  • more...
Conference, etc.
  • Ensuring Research Integrity
    新谷 由紀子
  • What causes research misconduct; Especially on the relationships with the organization
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    19th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2021-06-3--2021-06-4
  • A Study of Faculty Attitudes towards Conflict of Interest Management at Japanese Universities: Comparison of Medical with Non-medical Faculty Members
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2020-11-17--2020-11-18
  • Conflict of Interest Management in Developing University-Industry Collaborations
    新谷 由紀子
  • A Study on the Actual Conditions of Conflict of Interest Management at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2019-06-20--2019-06-21
  • A Study on Research Misconduct at Universities Related to University-Industry Collaborations
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    16th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2018-06-14--2018-06-15
  • The significance of university- industry collaboration and conflicts of interest in scientific research
    Shinya Yukiko
    The 65th Annual Scientific Session of the Japanese College of Cardiology/2017-09-29--2017-10-01
  • Conflicts of Interest Issues in Clinical Research on a Hypertension Medication
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    15th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2017-06-15--2017-06-16
  • A Study on the Actual States of Managing Conflicts of Interest at Japanese Universities
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2016-06-16--2016-06-17
  • General Considerations on the Management of Conflict of Interest Including Institutional Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities and Academic Societies
    新谷 由紀子
    The 89 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Occupation Health/2016-05-24--2016-05-27
  • A Critical View of the Evaluation System of the Activities of University-Industry Collaboration
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本 虔
    The 21th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Managemen/2006-10-21--2006-10-22
  • The Ways and Problems in terms of University-Industry Technology Transfer
    新谷 由紀子; 菊本 虔
  • A Study on the Present Situations Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest at National Institute Corporations
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    13th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2015-06-25--2015-06-26
  • A Survey Study on the Present Situation Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest (Including Institutional Conflict of Interest) Focusing on the Universities of the United States
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    12th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2014-06-25--2014-06-27
  • Conflict of Interest Management at a University
    新谷 由紀子
  • An Empirical Study on the Present Circumstances Concerning the Management of Conflict of Interest Including Institutional Conflict of Interest at Japanese Universities and Academic Societies
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    11th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual/2013-06-20--2013-06-21
  • A Study on the Working of the Patented Invention for Experimental or Research Purpouses from the Perspective of Science and Technology Policy
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    10th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2012-06-14--2012-06-15
  • A Study on the Effects on the Universities caused by the Development of University-Industry Cooperation
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    9th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2011-06-16--2011-06-17
  • A Study on the Typical Patterns of Problems of Conflicts of Interest in a University and Its Management
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    8th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2010-06-24--2010-06-25
  • A Study on the Differences of Consciousness of the Personnel between Universities and Local Governmental Units on the Lawsuits in Terms of University-Industry Relations
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    Proc. of 7th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2009-08-17--2009-08-18
  • A Study on Conflicts of Interest in terms of University-Industry Cooperation Based on the Questionnaire Survey of the Personnel of the University~The Way to Deal with Donations in Clinical Research~
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    6th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production_Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2008-06-26--2008-06-27
  • Survey Analysis on Press Report of Ethical Issues Focusing on Conflicts of Interest at the University
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    6th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Intellectual Production_Japan Society for Intellectual Production/2008-06-26--2008-06-27
  • A Study on the Placing of the Green Environment in terms of Residency Selections by Urban Dwellers
    新谷由紀子; 佐土原聡; 吉田聡
    The First Seminar of Interenational Development Engineering Society/2003-10-28--2003-10-28
  • An Empirical Study of the Promotion Strategies of the Establishment of University Spin-offs
    新谷由紀子; 菊本虔
    The 16th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Managemen/2001-10-19--2001-10-20
  • A Study on the Present Objectives of National Universities and Directed Activities of Industry-University Collaboration in Japan
    The 16th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Managemen/2001-10-19--2001-10-20
  • more...
  • Geomorphological Survey Map of the Upper Reaches of the KIZU River Basin in Western Part of Japan Showing Classification of Flood-Stricken Areas
    新谷 由紀子; 大矢雅彦
2023-06 -- 2024-01Introduction to Academic and Research IntegrityWaseda University
2022-07 -- 2022-08Special Program in Doctoral Career AdvancementDegree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
2022-07 -- 2022-08Research compliance (life science)Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
2022-06 -- 2023-03Introduction to Academic and Research IntegrityWaseda University
2022-04 -- 2022-05Introduction to common sense for researchers in industryDegree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
2021-06 -- 2021-12Introduction to Research EthicsWaseda University
2021-07 -- 2021-07Research compliance (life science)Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
2021-04 -- 2021-08Introduction to common sense for researchers in industryDegree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
2020-07 -- 2020-09Research compliance (life science)Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
2020-10 -- 2021-02Introduction to common sense for researchers in industryDegree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
Other educational activities
2015-04 -- 2018-04文部科学省補助事業 「多能工型」研究支援人材育成教育プログラム研究支援人材育成コンソーシアム運営協議会
  • Ensuring Research Integrity
    新谷 由紀子
  • How to Ensure Research Integrity at Universities - Focusing on Conflict of Interest Management and Export Control-
    新谷 由紀子
    2022年度筑波大学研究倫理FD 研修会/2023-03-10--2023-03-10
  • Research Integrity and Cases of Conflict of Interest
    新谷 由紀子
  • Conflict of Interest Management at Universities -Common Cases-
    新谷 由紀子
  • Fostering research integrity and cases of conflict of interest in common with arts and sciences
    新谷 由紀子
  • Some Amendments of the Rules on Conflicts of Interest of the University of Tsukuba - Responding to Research Integrity-
    新谷 由紀子
  • The Concept and Case studies of Conflict of Interest
    新谷 由紀子
    筑波大学令和3年度第2回全学FD研修会 大学における利益相反マネジメントと安全保障輸出管理/2021-05-18--2021-05-18
  • Conflicts of interest in education and research: Focusing on the issues with the relationships between faculty members and students
    新谷 由紀子
    筑波大学図書館情報メディア系 FD研修/2021-02-03--2021-02-03
  • Basic Knowledge and Actual Case study of Conflict of Interest
    新谷 由紀子
  • Basic Knowledge and Actual Case study of Conflict of Interest
    新谷 由紀子
    Lecture on Conflict of Interest Management at Universities/2019-09-18--2019-09-18
  • Conflict of Interest Management at University
    新谷 由紀子
  • The System of Conflict of Interest e-Report and COI Management at University of Tsukuba
    Shinya Yukiko
    Briefing Session on Introduction of Conflict of Interest e-Report System/2018-03-20--2018-03-20
  • The Concept of Conflict of Interest Management and Some Steps for Specific Cases
    新谷 由紀子
    平成29年度 業務実務者勉強会/2017-10-20--2017-11-16
  • How to deal with specific cases in the conflicts of interest management at university
  • Basic Concepts and Specific Countermeasures for Managing Conflicts of Interest at Universities
    新谷 由紀子
  • The Concept of Conflict of Interest Management and Some Steps for Specific Cases
    新谷 由紀子
    平成28年度 業務実務者勉強会/2016-09-13--2016-10-04
  • Conflict of Interest Management at Universities
    新谷 由紀子
  • Conflict of Interest and Its Management at Universities
    新谷 由紀子
    東海iNET 研修会 利益相反セミナー/2016-02-02--2016-02-02
  • 大学における利益相反マネジメント
    新谷 由紀子
    茨城キリスト教大学 2015年度 第2回 研究倫理に係る講習会/2015-10-27--2015-10-27
  • Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research
    新谷 由紀子
  • 大学と利益相反
  • 臨床研究における利益相反マネジメント
  • 産学官連携に伴う大学側のリスクマネジメントに関する現状と課題
  • 産学連携における「利益相反」とそのマネジメントに関する問題群と最近の動向
    新谷 由紀子
  • 大学発ベンチャーの支援方策について~ベンチャー・ビジネス・ラボラトリー(VBL)の状況と課題に関する調査から~
    平成13年度 第9回Rcusセミナー/2002-01-07--2002-01-07
Professional activities
2021-01 -- 2021-03Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development査読者
2021-01 -- 2022-03Research Organization of Information and Systems利益相反委員会/委員
2019-12 -- 2024-03High Energy Accelerator Research Organization利益相反マネジメント委員会/委員
2019-05 -- 2023-03CHIBA UNIVERSITY利益相反委員会/委員
2017-03 -- 2024-03National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology利益相反マネジメント委員会/委員
2016-11 -- 2020-03Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development研究倫理アドバイザー
2016-11 -- 2023-03Japan Agency for Medical Research and DevelopmentAMED課題評価委員会/委員
2015-04 -- 2017-02Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology科学技術・学術審議会/専門委員
University Management
2023-03 -- (current)研究インテグリティ・マネジメント実務委員会委員
2023-03 -- (current)研究インテグリティ・マネジメント会議構成員
2022-04 -- (current)防衛装備庁「安全保障技術研究推進制度」等への応募等にかかる審査委員会防衛装備庁「安全保障技術研究推進制度」等への応募等の応募・研究資金受入の審査とフォローアップ
2022-04 -- (current)兼業審査委員会委員研究成果活用企業の役員等の兼業の審査及び兼業に関する必要事項の審議
2018-04 -- 2019-03商標審査会商標の使用許諾に関する審査
2017-04 -- 2017-05兼業審査委員会委員研究成果活用企業の役員等の兼業の審査及び兼業に関する必要事項の審議
2016-11 -- 2017-03商標審査会商標の使用許諾に関する審査
2014-09 -- 2017-03「研究活動における不正行為への対応等に関するガイドライン」 への対応に関するタスクフォース構成員「研究活動における不正行為への対応等に関するガイドライン」に沿った適切な仕組みを整えるための検討
2014-06 -- 2014-06兼業審査委員会委員研究成果活用企業の役員等の兼業の審査及び兼業に関する必要事項の審議
2014-04 -- (current)利益相反アドバイザー利益相反に関する個別の事例を検討する

(Last updated: 2024-12-26)