MORIO Takahiro
- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0002-4007-881X
- 10292509
- +
- Phone
- 029-853-6263
- Research fields
Science education Sociology of education Area studies Environmental risk control and evaluation - Research keywords
Application of Sci-Fi thinking and manga creation methodology to Project-based learning Cross-media business expansion through fan spin-offs Mangas, Animation films, Video Games Contents business Higher Education and Innovation Policy in African countries - Research projects
Culture's effects on innovation in international business: A study on Japanese character-based video game industry 2019-04 -- 2022-03 Zhang-Zhang Yingying Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 382,000Yen Does KOSA (Yellow Sand) work as a long-distance carrier of pathogens? 2011 -- 2013-03 MORIO Takahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 4,030,000Yen 細胞性粘菌の細胞分化過程におけるPKAによる細胞型特異的な遺伝子発現調節機構 2001 -- 2002-03 MORIO Takahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) 2,100,000Yen Dictyastelium cDNA Project 1996 -- 2004 /国内共同研究 Study on transcriptome of cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum 1996 -- 2004 / Establishment of screening system for natural bioactive compounds using cellular slime molds -- (current) / - Career history
2015-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaOffice of Global InitiativeProfessor 2011-01 -- 2015-03 University of TsukubaDepartment of Global ActivitiesAssociate Professor 2008-08 -- 2010-12 University of TsukubaDepartment of Global ActivitiesAssistant Professor 2005-08 -- 2008-08 University of TsukubaAlliance for Research on North AfricaAssistant Professor 2005-04 -- 2005-08 筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科講師 1997-04 -- 2004-03 University of TsukubaInstitute of Biological SciencesResearch Associate 1993-04 -- 1996-03 University of TsukubaResearch Assistant - Academic background
-- 1988 Kyoto University Faculty of Science -- 1993 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 植物学 - Degree
Dr. Sc. Kyoto University - Academic societies
2016 -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2014-03 -- (current) JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR AFRICAN STUDIES -- (current) Middle East Institute of Japan 2006 -- (current) THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES 1989-05 -- 2016-12 THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN -- (current) The Molecular Biology Society of Japan - Honors & Awards
2019-11 マンガミライハッカソン 大賞、審査員賞(太田垣康男賞) 1999 財団法人筑波学部資金財団「教育研究特別表彰」 - Articles
- Trends in the simultaneous expansion of Japanese companies into different African countries
Morio Takahiro
Journal of Arid Land Studies/34(S)/pp.83-96, 2024-08 - Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa 2013-2019
Morio Takahiro
Journal of Arid Land Studies/32(S)/pp.243-248, 2022-12 - Online Recruiting of Students in South America to Study in Japan
森尾 貴広
ウェブマガジン『留学交流』/(120)/pp.62-68, 2021-03 - Trans-border with Manga: Let’s connect Tsukuba and the World with You! - Cultural Exchange between International Student and Citizens though Manga Production Experiences -
森尾 貴広
ウェブマガジン『留学交流』/(117)/pp.30-35, 2021-01 - Achievement and Prospects of Study in Japan Global Network Project (South America): Foreseeing Studying Abroad in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era
森尾 貴広
ウェブマガジン『留学交流』/(112)/pp.16-29, 2020-07 - What the academic journal should be: the future of the Journal of Arid Land Studies
森尾 貴広
Journal of Arid Land Studies/28(4)/pp.275-276, 2019-03 - “KOSHUKAI”: Pre-Arriving Orientation in Brazil by Alumni of Study in Japan
森尾 貴広
『留学交流』/93/pp.26-32, 2018-12 - Comparative Study on Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa from 2013 and 2017
森尾 貴広
The 29th Conference Proceedings, 2018-11 - Glycogen synthase kinase 3 promotes multicellular development over unicellular encystation in encysting Dictyostelia
Kawabe Yoshinori; Morio Takahiro; Tanaka Yoshimasa; Schaa...
EvoDevo/9/p.12, 2018-04 - Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa in 2014-2015
Morio Takahiro
ARENA Working Paper Series, 2017-02 - Nurturing Global Competent Human Resource with Brazil: From the View of the Coordinator of Study Abroad
森尾 貴広
ウェブマガジン「留学交流」/70/pp.35-43, 2017-01 - Research and Education Activities in ARENA
河内 敦; 森尾 貴広
Sustainable North African Society: Exploring the seeds and resource for innovation/pp.299-306, 2015-01 - Contributuon to Business Human Resource Develoment in Africa - Perspectives and Challenges -
森尾 貴広
Journal of Arid Land Studies/24(3)/pp.321-326, 2014-12 - Lessons from organizing overseas office: Experiences of University of Tsukuba Tunis Office
森尾 貴広
ウェブマガジン『留学交流』/51/pp.28-35, 2015-06 - Outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Miyazaki from March to July 2010 : Effect of Yellow Sand and Local Surface Wind
MAKI Taichi; ISODA Hiroko; MORIO Takahiro; YAMADA Parida...
Journal of arid land studies/22(1)/pp.167-170, 2012-06 - Comparative Study on Higher Education and Innovation for Sustainable Development in North Africa
Morio Takahiro
Journal of Arid Land Studies/24(1)/pp.69-72, 2014-06 - Higher Education and Innovation for Sustainable Development in North Africa.
Morio Takahiro
Conference Journal/1/pp.297-299, 2013-04 - 黄砂と口蹄疫・鳥インフルエンザ輸送との関連性 (小特集 口蹄疫および鳥インフルエンザ発生の状況把握とその行方)
真木 太一; 礒田 博子; 森尾貴広; 山田パリーダ; 八田珠郎; 杜明遠; 脇水健次
Sustainable Livestock Production and Human Welfare/66(2)/pp.237-246, 2012-02 - Perspectives and Challenges for Sustainable Development of North African Region
森尾 貴広; 安部 征雄
Journal of Arid Land Studies/21(3)/pp.135-141, 2011-12 - Biological Risk of Transported Matter by Asian Dust Event
礒田 博子; 山田 パリーダ; 森尾 貴広
TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES/16(2)/pp.2_60-2_64, 2011-01 - 留学生受け入れに関する海外事務所の役割~筑波大学の事例~
Ben Fredj Fahmi; Irie Mitsuteru; Han Junkyu; Yamada Pari...
ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY/29(7)/pp.1637-1647, 2010-07 - Effect of Mediterranean Medicinal Plant Extracts on Melanogenesis Regulation
MATSUYAMA Kyoko; MIYAMAE Yusaku; SEKII Yukiko; HAN JunKy...
Journal of arid land studies/19(1)/pp.387-390, 2009-06 - Activated cAMP receptors switch encystation into sporulation
Kawabe Yoshinori; Morio Takahiro; James John L.; Prescott...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/106(17)/pp.7089-7094, 2009-04 - Regulation of ammonia homeostasis by the ammonium transporter AmtA in Dictyostelium discoideum
Yoshino Ryuji; Morio Takahiro; Yamada Yoko; Kuwayama Hid...
EUKARYOTIC CELL/6(12)/pp.2419-2428, 2007-12 - more...
- Trends in the simultaneous expansion of Japanese companies into different African countries
- Books
- Japanese Characters in the Video Game Industry
Morio Takahiro
People Centric Innovation Ecosystem-Japanese Management and Practices/Cambridge University Press/pp.40-48, 2023-06 - 国連環境計画(UNEP)による取組
森尾 貴広
Encyclopedia of Arid Land Studies/丸善出版株式会社/pp.408-409, 2020-07 - 情報通信技術のインパクト
森尾 貴広
Encyclopedia of Arid Land Studies/丸善出版株式会社/pp.358-359, 2020-07 - 砂漠の微生物
森尾 貴広
Encyclopedia of Arid Land Studies/丸善出版株式会社/pp.156-157, 2020-07 - アジア人とアフリカ人の「混血」:SF的モチーフとしての多様性
森尾 貴広
Her Tastes/pp.36-37, 2020-04 - Possibility of Establishing Higher Education as an Export Industry in North Africa
Morio Takahiro
SUSTAINABLE NORTH AFRICAN SOCIETY EXPLORING SEEDS AND RESOURCES FOR INNOVATION/Nova Publishers/pp.257-265, 2015-01 - 地理・地図資料 2010年度1学期特別号 写真資料、帝国書院発行
森尾 貴広
2010-05 - The cDNA Sequencing Project
Urushihara H.; Morio T.; Tanaka Y.
Dictyostelium discoideum Protocols Dictyostelium discoideum Protocols Humana Press, U. S. A., 2006-01 - 沙漠の薔薇
日本沙漠学会; +森尾 貴広
沙漠の事典・丸善, 2009-01 - 食を通した北アフリカと日本のつながり
地理・地図資料 2010年度1学期特別号、帝国書院, 2010-05 - モロッコとマグレブの食文化
地理・地図資料 2010年度1学期特別号、帝国書院, 2010-05
- Japanese Characters in the Video Game Industry
- Conference, etc.
- China’s Foreign Direct Investment to African countries after COVID-19 pandemics
森尾 貴広
The 35th Annual Academic Conference of the Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies/2024-05-11--2024-05-12 - Communication between members in the forum of manga and animation creators and fans in South Africa.
森尾 貴広
Japan Association for African Studies. The 61st Annual Conference/2024-05-18--2024-05-19 - The Center for Imaginary and Science Creation as a sandbox space for imagining and creating the future.
森尾 貴広
30 Interviews/2022-10-15--2022-10-16 - Imagining and creating the future with Manga story creation
森尾 貴広
研究”逆"発表大会/2023-03-04--2023-03-04 - Trends in the simultaneous expansion of Japanese companies into different African countries
Morio Takahiro
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LANDS - DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV/2023-06-04--2023-06-06 - Trends of the foreign direct investment of China to African countries
森尾 貴広
The 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Potential for the establishment of a Japanese-style manga/anime ecosystem in Africa
森尾 貴広
The 60th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for African Studies/2023-05-13--2023-05-14 - Is the Otaku-oriented promotion of Japanese video games appreciated globally?
Morio Takahiro
Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM) Paper Development/2023-02-28--2023-02-28 - IMAGINE AND CREATE THE FUTURE THROUGH MAKING MANGA STORIES
Morio Takahiro
The Fifth South Africa – Japan University Forum Conference/2022-07-28--2022-07-29 - Thinking about the potential of the Japan-style SDGs.
森尾 貴広
国連大学SDG大学連携プラットフォーム 公開シンポジウム SDGs達成に向けた取組み推進と 大学の未来を考える/2022-03-30--2022-03-30 - Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa from 2017 and 2019
森尾 貴広
THE 2022 ANNUAL MEETING THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES/2022-06-11--2022-06-12 - The characteristics of the expansion of Japanese companies into Africa in 2017-2019
森尾 貴広
The 59th JAAS Annual Conference/2022-05-21--2022-05-22 - Impact of TICAD 6 on Japanese companies' business expansion into Africa.
森尾 貴広
The 32nd JASID Annual Conference/2021-11-20--2021-11-21 - Impact of TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) Process on Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa
Morio Takahiro
DTXIV International Conference of Arid Land Studies/2021-09-07--2021-09-10 - Art and Design through Corona: The Role of Art in Global Issues
Fujita Naoko; 貴広 森尾; 美希 山本; McLeod Gary
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-09-18--2020-10-18 - Lessons from Development of “Globally Competent Human Resource” and “Basic Ability to Work in Society” in Japanese Higher Education
Morio Takahiro
OBTAIN 1st International Virtual Workshop on Digitalized Skills and Today’s Job Market Needs/2021-06-10--2021-06-10 - Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa: Impact of TICAD 6 and Perspective of post-TICAD 7
森尾 貴広
THE 2020 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES/2020-05-30--2020-05-31 - Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa from 2013 and 2017
森尾 貴広
56th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for African Studies/2019-05-18--2019-05-19 - Comparative Study on Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa from 2013 and 2017
森尾 貴広
The 29th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development/2018-11-23--2018-11-24 - Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa from 2013 and 2017
森尾 貴広
日本沙漠学会第29回学術大会/2018-05-26--2018-05-27 - Japan-Africa Academic Network: Promotion of institutional academic exchange and cooperation with Africa through university networking
森尾 貴広
秋田大学国際資源学教育研究センター第12回国際シンポジウム「南部・東アフリカ資源学最前線」/2018-02-21--2018-02-21 - Comparison of Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa between 2014 and 2015
Morio Takahiro
日本アフリカ学会第54回学術大会/2017-05-21--2017-05-22 - Comparison of Trends in Extension of Japanese Enterprises in Africa between 2014 and 2015
Morio Takahiro
第28回日本沙漠学会学術大会/2017-05-27--2017-05-28 - Introduction to Japan-Africa Academic Network (JAAN)
Morio Takahiro
Symposium for 50th anniversary of promotion of science and technology cooperation between Africa and Japan/2016-07-21--2016-07-21 - Japan-Africa Academic Network: Promotion of institutional academic exchange and cooperation with Africa through university networking
森尾 貴広
2016(平成28)年度 海外学術調査フォーラム/2016-07-09--2016-07-09 - more...
- China’s Foreign Direct Investment to African countries after COVID-19 pandemics
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Practical Training on Global Issues B-I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Graduation Research II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 General Introduction to Global Issues University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-11 Invitation to Arts and Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Methodology for Global Issues University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Introduction to Career Design: Designing your Future in Global Context University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Literacy in Global Issues (Human) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 First Year Seminar University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Practical Training on Global Issues III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminars on Global Issues III University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2022-02 -- 2022-02 Guest Lecture: Internationalization of Japanese content International University of Japan 2020-12 -- 2020-12 Guest lecture: Otaku (fan)-driven Cross-media Extension of Character Business Si Wan College, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan 2021-02 -- 2021-02 Special lecture: Impact of Digital Technology on Contents Business, Focusing on Fan-led Works International University of Japan 2020-02 -- 2020-02 Special lecture:Otaku (fan)-driven multimedia extension of contents business. International University of Japan 2019-01 -- 2019-01 Special lecture: Innovation and business in the Japanese (character) video game industry International University of Japan - Talks
- Internationalization of Japanese Content
Morio Takahiro
The Globalization of Japanese Popular Culture: Diffusion, Consumption and Markets in South Africa/2023-02-22--2023-02-22 - こんな時代だからこそぶっ飛んだ未来を考えてみよう
森尾 貴広
令和3年度人文社会科学研究群公開講座 「危機の時代に立ち向かうグラフィックノベル」/2021-11-07--2021-11-14 - Imagine and create the future through making manga stories
Morio Takahiro
Academic seminar/2021-11-30--2021-11-30 - Fan (Otaku)-driven manga and anime business in Japan
Morio Takahiro
Academic seminar/2021-10-12--2021-10-12 - 筑波大学のアフリカにおける研究活動
森尾 貴広
シンポジウム「日本のアフリカ研究を総覧する」/2019-07-13--2019-07-13 - Internationalization of universities under the framework of "Global 30": case of University of Tsukuba
Morio Takahiro
ジャパン・スタディ・プログラム/2012-03-08--2012-03-10 - 筑波大学の国際化と国際情報発信戦略
森尾 貴広
筑波大学中国同窓会フォーラム/2011-10-29--2011-10-29 - 北アフリカの持続的な発展への展望と課題
森尾 貴広
- Internationalization of Japanese Content
- Professional activities
2020-06 -- (current) THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES Chairman 2017-06 -- 2020-05 THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES 副会長 2014-06 -- 2017-05 Editorial Board of the Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies Editor-in-Chief 2011 -- (current) THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES 評議員、理事、編集委員 2005-08 -- 2008-08 Japan International Cooperation Agency Expert of Japan International Cooperation Agence (JICA) - University Management
2022-04 -- (current) Admission Committee, Bachelor's Program in Global Issues Chair 2022-04 -- (current) Curriculum Committee, Bachelor's Program in Global Issues Chair 2021-04 -- (current) Steering Committee of Bachelor's Program in Global Issues Committee member 2020-04 -- (current) University of Tsukuba Tunis Office 運営管理責任者 2013-04 -- 2014-03 North African and Mediterranean Center for Research and Education, University of Tsukuba Director 2011-01 -- 2014-03 Office of University of Tsukuba in Tunis for Japanese Universities (BUTUJ) Vice Director - Other activities
2019-10 -- (current) Formed at the 2019 Manga Mirai Hackathon (, we organized a creative unit made up of manga artists, manga editors, writers and researchers. We are developing "Collective Fiction", in which members from diverse backgrounds come together to predict and create the future through manga making based on Sci-Fi prototyping methods (Miyamoto, et al. (2021) The main works and articles published are as follows; - Her Tastes, March 2020 - Asian-African 'Hybridity': Diversity as a Science Fiction Motif, June 2020 - Inu-lity" September 2020 "Furue" Issue 30, NTT Laboratories - For 'Future Beginners' to Co-produce SF: A Fictitious Discussion from the Field of Collective Fiction (1)" June 2021 2019-02 -- (current) JICA技術協力プロジェクト「エジプト・アラブ共和国エジプト日本科学技術大学(E-JUST)プロジェクトフェーズ3 国際ビジネス・人文学系大学院・学部及びリベラルアーツ教育支援業務」において、業務主任者/科目シラバス作成支援(セカンドオピニオン)/国際ビジネス・人文学部長アドバイザーとして、業務総括・各科目におけるシラバス作成支援(セカンドオピニオン)、大学院・学部の運営方針の策定、入試制度、学位基準、教授法、評価手法、教材作成、教員選考等に関する助言・提言、大学院・学部の新専攻・学科開設に関する検討・支援を行った。 2017-12 -- 2019-01 JICA技術協力プロジェクト「エジプト国エジプト日本科学技術大学(E-JUST)プロジェクトフェーズ2 国際ビジネス・人文学部支援」において、総括/プログラム監理として、幹事校としての国内支援大学のとりまとめを行うと共に、国際ビジネス・人文学部の質の高い教育実践を目指し、学部運営方針の策定、カリキュラム策定および科目の設計、学位基準、教授法、評価手法、教材作成、教員人事選考、学生リクルーティング、レピュテーション・マネージメント等に対して、専門的・学術的見地から助言・提言を行った。 2007-08 -- 2008-07 JICA技術協力プロジェクト「ボルジュ・セドリア・テクノパーク運営管理プロジェクト」専門家 プロジェクト進捗管理、研修等の企画立案・大学との調整を行った。 2005-08 -- 2007-07 JICA ボルジュ・セドリア・テクノパーク個別専門家 チュニジア共和国ボルジュ・セドリア・テクノパークにおいて、バイオテクノロジー研究、研究評価・産学連携戦略・テクノパーク運営指導を行った。 - Message
Starting from molecular biology and genomics on soil amoeba, I am traveling on the journey of academic curiosity. I am currently working on behavior of Japanese enterprises on Africa, Japanese contents business such as manga, anime and video games and application of Sci-Fi thinking and manga production methodology to the project-based learning. Although I do not have a mandate to supervise students, I am willing to collaborate on related research topics.
(Last updated: 2025-01-09)