内藤 久裕(ナイトウ ヒサヒロ)
- 所属
- 人文社会系
- 職名
- 教授
- 科研費番号
- 00335390
- eメール
- /?2:E@Tc_5A:A6]EDF<F32]24];A
- 研究分野
経済政策 経済統計 財政・公共経済 - 研究キーワード
Economic and Political Impact of Immigration Economics of Population Mobile Money in Developing Countires - 研究課題
少子高齢化および地球温暖化が存在する場合の最適な移民受け入れ政策の総合的研究 2023 -- 2026 内藤 久裕 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 12,740,000円 人工衛星画像経済分析の手法確立のための挑戦的なデータベース作成 2023 -- 2025 内藤 久裕 日本学術振興会/挑戦的研究(開拓) 25,350,000円 少子高齢化および地球温暖化が存在する場合の最適な移民受け入れ政策の総合的研究 -- (現在) 内藤久裕 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B)/ 9,800,000円 森林伐採と気候変動の飲み水のアクセスへの影響:高解像度衛星データとGPS付き人口健康調査による分析 2022-11 -- 2023-10 内藤久裕 公益財団法人カシオ科学振興財団/ 1,000,000円 途上国でのモバイルマネーの拡大が人的資本蓄積および起業活動にあたえる影響 2022-10 -- 2023-09 内藤久裕 公益財団法人 野村財団/ 700,000円 途上国における携帯電話を使った金融サービス(モバイルマネーサービス)の拡大が貯蓄ポートフォリオにあたえる影響とその将来性の評価 2022-07 -- 2023-06 内藤久裕 ゆうちょ財団/ 600,000円 移民受け入れの経済的影響の分析 2019 -- 2021 内藤 久裕 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,160,000円 人口減少社会での、大規模移民受け入れと企業のオフショアリングの総合的分析 2015 -- 2018 内藤 久裕 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,550,000円 移民受け入れによる経済社会の成長・持続可能性の研究 2011 -- 2014 内藤久裕 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,030,000円 公共政策の家計内資源配分にあたえる影響の実証および理論的研究 2006 -- 2008 内藤久裕 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,000,000円 さらに表示... - 学歴
-- 1991-03 一橋大学 経済学部 卒業 -- 1993-03 一橋大学 大学院経済学研究科 修士課程卒業 -- 1998-12 The University of Michigan Ann Arbor Ph.D (Economics) - 取得学位
1998-12 経済学博士 University of Michigan Ann Arbor - 所属学協会
1999-04 -- (現在) Canadian Economic Association 1999-08 -- (現在) 日本経済学会 1999-08 -- (現在) 日本財政学会 1998-08 -- (現在) American Economic Association - 受賞
2009-11-3 Nikkei Best Economics Book Award This award is given to the author who wrote the best economics book. The book is about the economic analysis of immigration 2009-11-03 日経図書文化賞 著書「日本における外国人労働力」の優れた業績に対して - 論文
- Does receiving a cash grant improve individual earnings in a war-torn country? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Afghanistan
Naito Hisahiro; Kashefi Fatema
F1000 Research/10(1156)/pp.1-23, 2023-10-13 - Is Better Access to Mobile Networks Associated with Increased Mobile Money Adoption? Evidence from the Micro-data of Six Developing Countries
Naito Hisahiro; Yamamoto Shinnosuke
Telecommunications Policy/46(6)/pp.1-24, 2022-03 - The Effect of Mobile Money on Borrowing and Saving: Evidence from Tanzania
Naito Hisahiro; Ismailov Askar; Kimaro Albert Benson
Tsukuba Economics Workigng Papers/2021(003)/pp.1-41, 2021-03 - The Effect of Mobile Money on Borrowing and Saving: Evidence from Tanzania
Naito Hisahiro; Ismailov Askar; Kimaro Albert Benson
World Development Perspectives/23(100342)/pp.1-13, 2021-09 - The Effect of Mobile Money Usage on Borrowing, Saving, and Receiving Remittances: Evidence from Tanzania
内藤 久裕; Askar Ismailov
Tsukuba Economic Working Papers/2019-002(002)/pp.1-53, 2019-11 - Does Education Reduce Fertility in a Low Income Country ? Evidence based on Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design in Tanzania
Naito Hisahiro; Salome Maseki
Tsukuba Economics Workigng Papers/2019-001(001)/pp.1-29, 2019-01 - Effect of Deforestation on Access to Clean Drinking Water
Annie Mwayi Mapulanga; Naito Hisahiro
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/116(17)/pp.8249-8254, 2019-03 - Welfare-improving Consumption Tax in the Presence of Wage Tax under Idiosyncratic Returns from Investment and Incomplete Markets
内藤 久裕
Tsukuba Economics Workigng Papers/2018(002)/pp.1-16, 2018-02 - Did the Presence of Immigrants Affect Vote Outcome in the UK Brexit Referendum ?
Naito Hisahiro; Aasai Mizuho
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/003/pp.1-19, 2018-03 - Welfare-improving Consumption Tax in the Presence of Wage Tax under Idiosyncratic Returns from Investment and Incomplete Markets
Naito Hisahiro
FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis/74(3)/pp.361-375, 2018-09 - Is Racial Salary Discrimination Disappearing in the NBA? Evidence from Data during 1985--2015
Naito Hisahiro; Yu Takagi
International Review of Applied Economics/31(5)/pp.651-669, 2017-10 - Assessing the Effects of Reducing Standard Hours: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Japan
Naito Hisahiro; Daiji Kawaguchi; Izumi Yokoyama
Journal of Japanese and International Economics/43(March)/pp.59-76, 2017-03 - Moment Estimation of the Probit Model with an Endogenous Continuous Regressor
Naito Hisahiro; Kawaguchi Daiji; Matsushita Yukitoshi
Japanese Economic Review/68(1)/pp.48-62, 2017-03 - Is There A Positive Association between Increasing Salary Discrimination in the NBA and Unshrinking Racial Income Gap of White and Black Citizens ?
Naito Hisahiro; Yu Takagi
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/002/pp.1-13, 2017-02 - Selection Mechanism and Variation of Years of Schooling across Birth Months in Malawi
Naito Hisahiro; Tom Mutenj
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/003/pp.1-45, 2017-02 - Optimal Shadow Prices for the Public Sector in the Presence of a Non-linear Income Tax System in an Open Economy
Hisahiro Naito
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2016-003(003)/pp.1-20, 2016-06 - Does Increasing Salary Discrimination in the NBA Reflect Disparity of Fans' Purchasing Power?
Hisahiro Naito; Takagi Yu
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2016-002(002)/pp.1-9, 2016-05 - Is Racial Salary Discrimination Disappearing in the NBA? Evidence from Data during 1985-2015
Naito Hisahiro; Takagi Yu
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2016(001)/pp.1-31, 2016-03 - The Effect of Inflow of Unskilled Immigrants on Natives' Human Capital Accumulation: Difference of Differences Estimation Using Policy Changes in Japan
Naito Hisahiro
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2014-006/pp.1-20, 2014-09 - Immigration as a Policy Tool for the Double Burden Problem of Prefunding Pay-as-you-go Social Security System
Naito Hisahiro
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2015(002)/pp.1-33, 2015-12 - Moment Estimation of the Probit Model with an Endogenous Continuous Regressor
Naito Hisahiro; Kawaguchi Daiji; Matsushita Yukitoshi
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2015-003(003)/pp.1-35, 2015-12 - Provision of Household Public Goods and the Household Income Distribution
Naito Hisahiro
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers/2015-004(004)/pp.1-31, 2015-12 - A Note on the Responsiveness Condition of the Household Public Goods
Naito Hisahiro
Tsukuba Economics Working papers/2015(003)/pp.1-8, 2015-12 - Pareto-improving Immigration in the Presence of Social Security
Naito Hisahiro
Tsukuba Economics Working Papers 2014-003, 2014 - Pareto-improving Immigratin in the Presence of Social Security and its Effect on Capital Accumulation
Naito Hisahiro
TCER Working Paper Series 2014-019/pp.1-69, 2014 - さらに表示...
- Does receiving a cash grant improve individual earnings in a war-torn country? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Afghanistan
- 著書
- 日本の外国人労働力:経済学からの検証
中村二郎; 内藤久裕; 神林龍; 川口大司; 町北朋洋
日本経済新聞社, 2009-06 - 外国人労働者の受け入れが国内労働市場に与える影響に関する分析(定量分析編)
中村二郎; 内藤久裕; 神林龍; 川口大司; 町北朋洋
UFJ リサーチ&コンサルティング, 2008-08
- 日本の外国人労働力:経済学からの検証
- 会議発表等
- The Effect of Pre-conception Exposure to Air Pollution on Birth Outcome: Evidence from 22 Sub-Saharan African Countries
内藤 久裕
Canadian Economic Association/2023-05-30--2023-06-01 - Does Women's Education Decrease the Population Growth in Developing Countries? Evidence based on Tanzania's Non-expulsion Polic
Naito Hisahiro
Africa Econometric Society Meeting 2022/2022/06/01--2022/06/04 - Does Education Reduce Fertility in a Low Income Country ? Evidence based on Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design in Tanzania
Naito Hisahiro
2021 ASIAN MEETINGOF THE ECONOMETRIC SOCIETY/2021-06-25--2021-06-27 - Did Influx of Immigrants in Local Constituencies Affect the Vote Outcome in the Brexit Referendum ?
Naito Hisahiro
North American Summer Meeting of Econometric Society/2021-06-10--2021-06-13 - The Effect of Using Mosquito Nets on Children’s School Attendance and Health Outcomes: Evidence from a Global Antimalarial Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa
Naito Hisahiro
2021 Africa Meeting of Econometric Society/2021-06-03--2021-06-06 - Did the Presence of Immigrants in Local Constituencies Affect the Vote Outcome in the Brexit Referendum?
Naito Hisahiro
Canadian Economic Association Meeting/2021-06-03--2021-06-06 - The Effect of Mobile Money on Borrowing and Saving: Evidence from Tanzania
内藤 久裕
Western Economic Association International/2021-03-17--2021-03-19 - Selection Mechanism and Variation of Years of Schooling across Birth Months in Malawi
Naito Hisahiro
Canadian Economic Association Annual Conference/2018-06-01--2018-06-03 - The Effect of Years of Schooling on Fertilty: Evidence based on Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design in Tanzania
内藤 久裕
Western Economic Association International/2019-03-21--2019-03-24 - Did The Presence of Immigrants Affect the Vote Outcome in the Brexit National Referendum ?
内藤 久裕
Western Economic Association International/2019-03-21--2019-03-24 - Does Mobile Money Help Children's Schooling?
Naito Hisahiro
Canadian Economic Association Meeting/2017-06-02--2017-06-04 - Pareto-improving Consumption Tax When the Return from Capital is idyosyncratic and (Optimal or non-Optimal )Capital Income Tax is available
内藤 久裕
International Institute of Public Finance/2006-08-01--2006-08-05 - Neutrality Theorem Revisited: An Empirical Investigation of Public Goods Provision
Naito Hisahiro
Canadian Economic Association Meeting/2005-06-01--2005-06-03 - Pareto-improving Consumption Tax When the Return from Capital is idyosyncratic and (Optimal or non-Optimal )Capital Income Tax is available
Naito Hisahiro
Canadian Economic Association Meeting/2004-06-01--2004-06-03 - Neutrality Theorem Revisited: An Empirical Examination of Household Public Goods Provision
Naito Hisahiro
International Institute of Public Finance/2004-08-20--2004-08-25 - Neutrality Theorem Revisited: An Empirical Investigation of Public Goods Provision
Naito Hisahiro
NBER Summer Workshop/2004-08-01--2004-08-05 - Immigration as a Policy Tool for the Double Burden Problem of Prefunding Pay-as-you-go Social Security System
Naito Hisahiro
International Institute of Public Finance/2016-08-09--2016-08-11 - Neutrality Theorem Revisited: An Empirical Investigation of Public Goods Provision
Naito Hisahiro
TCER Macro Conference in Tokyo,/2003-12-23--2003-12-23 - Selection Mechanism and Variation of Years of Schooling across Birth Months in Malawi
内藤 久裕
日本経済学会/2016-06-23--2016-06-24 - Selection Mechanism and Variation of Years of Schooling across Birth Months in Malawi
Hisahiro Naito
Canadian Economic Association Meeting/2016-07-01--2016-07-3 - Immigration as a Policy Tool for the Double Burden Problem of Prefunding Pay-as-you-go Social Security System
Naito Hisahiro
Western Economic Association International/2016-01-07--2016-01-09 - Immigration as a Policy Tool for the Double Burden Problem of Prefunding Pay-as-you-go Social Security System
Naito Hisahiro
日本経済学会 秋季大会/2015-10-09--2015-10-10 - Immigration as a Policy Tool for the Double Burden Problem of Prefunding Pay-as-you-go Social Security System
Naito Hisahiro
Association of Public Economics Theory Meeting/2015-07-20--2015-07-23 - Pareto-Improving Immigration in the Presence of Social Secuirty
Naito Hisahiro
European Eonomic Society meeting/2011-08-25--2011-08-29 - Pareto-improving Immigration in the Presence of Social Secuirty
Naito Hisahiro
North American Econometric Society Meeting/2011-06-09--2011-06-12 - さらに表示...
- The Effect of Pre-conception Exposure to Air Pollution on Birth Outcome: Evidence from 22 Sub-Saharan African Countries
- 担当授業科目
2024-10 -- 2024-12 経済学特別演習IB 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 現地調査プロジェクト演習 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 経済学特別演習IA 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 経済学セミナーIII 筑波大学 2024-12 -- 2025-03 インターンシップI 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 国際公共政策プロジェクト演習A 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 公共政策分析 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 国際公共政策プロジェクト演習A 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 国際公共政策リサーチワークショップB 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 国際公共政策リサーチワークショップA 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 授業以外の教育活動
-- (現在) 世界銀行スカラーシッププログラム運営委員 - 学内管理運営業績
2018-04 -- (現在) 世界銀行経済公共政策プログラム ディレクタ- 2023-04 -- (現在) 人文社会系 運営委員会 運営委員 2023-04 -- (現在) 人文社会系人事委員会 委員 2020-04 -- (現在) 国際公共政策学位プログラム 運営委員 -- (現在) ビジネス人文社会研究群 運営委員 2023-04 -- 2025-03 国際公共政策専攻 国際公共政策専攻専攻長 2023-04 -- 2025-03 国際公共政策学域 国際公共政策学域 2021-04 -- 2023-03 利益相反委員会 委員 2020-04 -- 2022-03 総合学域群 アカデミックアドバイザー 2015-04 -- (現在) 世界銀行プログラム経済政策コース コース管理者 さらに表示...
(最終更新日: 2025-02-15)