タック 川﨑 レスリー(タック・カワサキ レスリー)

Modern Political Campaigning in Japan: Voters, Politicians, and Media Integration2023-04 -- 2026-03タック 川_ レスリー日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,680,000円
エネルギー政策・言説の日独地域比較2014-10 -- 2017-09タック川﨑 レスリー日本学術振興会/エネルギー政策・言説の日独地域比較11,163,000円
日本における政治家、市民とソーシャルメディア2013-04 -- 2017-03タック川﨑 レスリー日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,290,000円
2001-03Master of Arts筑波大学
1997-11Master of ArtsMonash University
1989-05Certificate of Business AdministrationUniversity of Regina
1987-05Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)University of Regina
2017 -- (現在)ヨーロッパ日本研究学会
2017 -- (現在)International Network for Social Network Analysis
2007 -- (現在)Japanese Studies Association of Canada
1999 -- 2014Association of Internet Researchers
2002 -- 2006情報メディア学会
2002 -- 2012日本社会情報学会
2010 -- 2015International Communication Association
  • Individual and contextual determinants of adoption of online media services in the 2017 lower house election campaign in Japan
    Vergeer Maurice; Tkach-Kawasaki Leslie; Lee Junku
  • Correction to: Identifying the ‘Fukushima Effect’ in Germany through policy actors’ responses: evidence from the G-GEPON 2 survey
    Hartwig Manuela; Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    QUALITY & QUANTITY/54(2020)/pp.213-234, 2020-01
  • The Relationship Between Information-Sharing and Resource-Sharing Networks in Environmental Policy Governance: Focusing on Germany and Japan
    Lee Junku (Ph.D. Candidate); Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia/17(2)/pp.176-199, 2018-12
  • Analysis of the Policy Network for the ‘Feed-in Tariff Law’ in Japan: Evidence from the GEPON survey
    Okura Sae; Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; Kobashi Yohei; Hartwig ...
    Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia/15(1)/pp.41-63, 2016-05
  • Identifying the ‘Fukushima Effect’: Assessing Japanese Mass-Media Coverage of International Nuclear Power Decisions
    Hartwig Manuela; Okura Sae; Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; Kobash...
    Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies/8/pp.109-124, 2016-02
  • Social Media for Enhancing Civil Society and Disaster Relief: Usage by Local Municipalities in Japan
    Kaigo Muneo; Tkach-Kawasaki Leslie
    eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government/7(1)/pp.1-22, 2015-10
  • Energy policy participation through networks transcending cleavage: an analysis of Japanese and German renewable energy promotion policies
    Hartwig Manuela; Kobashi Yohei; Okura Sae; Tkach-Kawasaki...
    Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology/49(4)/pp.1485-1512, 2015-07
  • Mapping Political Connections in Japan: The Functions of Hyperlinks on Japanese Diet Member Websites
    Tkach-Kawasaki Leslie
    SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW/29(3)/pp.300-312, 2011-08
  • The Information Society and the Digital Divide: Legal Strategies to Finance Global Access
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    International Journal of Communications Law & Policy/13, 2009-01
  • A Comparative Analysis of Politician Websites in Japan and South Korea using Website Feature Data
    Tkach-Kawasaki; Kim; Hyo; Kyoung Ho Choi; and Han Woo Park; ...
    Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society/9(5)/p.2507-2520, 2007-10
  • Japanese Political Parties and the Internet in the 2000 and 2001 Elections
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies/7/p.183-216, 2006-01
  • “Does Old Japan Determine New Japan? The Relationship between Seken, the Internet, and Political Consciousness in Japan”
    Nakada Makoto; Takanori Tamura; and Toshikazu Iitaka; Les...
    CATAC ’04 (Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication Conference)/p.1-15, 2004-06
  • Japanese Cybercultures
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies (http://rccs.usfca.edu/), 2004-06
  • Politics@Japan
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Party Politics/9(1)/p.105-123, 2003-01
  • The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies (http://rccs.usfca.edu/), 2002-04
  • Redefining the Citizen-Government Relationship: Policy Communication Through Online Media in COVID-Era Japan
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Manufacturing Government Communication on COVID-19: A Comparative Perspective/Springer/pp.355-369, 2022-09
  • Japan: New Directions for Digital Japan
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Political Communication and COVID-19: Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis/Routledge/pp.44-54, 2021-02
  • 研究報告書 平成26年10月~30年3月 エネルギー政策・言説の日独地域比較
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; 大倉 沙江
    研究報告書 平成26年10月~30年3月 エネルギー政策・言説の日独地域比較/筑波大学, 2018-01
  • 平成28年度 地球温暖化への取り組みに関する調査(ドイツ) コードブック
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    筑波大学, 2017-09
  • Civil Society, Social Media and Facebook Usage by Local Governments: Birth of the Tsukuba Study and the Tsukuba Civil Activities Cyber-Square
    海後 宗男; Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Social Media and Civil Society in Japan/Palgrave Macmillan/pp.97-119, 2017
  • 2nd ICIE (International Center for Information Ethics) Symposium
    Nakada; Makoto; Takanori Tamura; Tadashi Takenouchi; Toshik...
  • L’Internet en Politique, Des États-Unis À L’Europe (The Internet and Politics in the United States and Europe)
    Viviane Serfaty (Ed.)
    Strasbourg: University of Strasbourg Press, 2002-01
  • The encyclopedia of community: From the village to the virtual world
    Karen Christensen and David Levinson (Eds.)
    Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2003-01
  • Asia.com: Asia encounters the Internet,
    K.C. Ho Randolph Kluver and Kenneth C.C. Yang (Eds.)
    London: Routledge Curzon, 2003-01
  • E-Democracy in East Asia? How the Internet Affects Politics and Civil Society in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
    Isa Ducke (Ed.)
    Iudicium: Berlin/Tokyo, 2004-01
  • E-Democracy in East Asia? How the Internet Affects Politics and Civil Society in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
    Isa Ducke (Ed.); +レスリー タック 川﨑
    Iudicium: Berlin/Tokyo, 2004-01
  • The Internet and National Elections: A Global Comparative Perspective
    Kirsten Foot Nicholas W. Jankowski Randolph Kluver an...
    Routledge, 2007-01
  • Civil Society and Interest Groups in Contemporary Japan
    Edited by Yutaka Tsujinaka; Translated by Takafumi Ohtom...
  • Japan and the Internet: Perspectives and Practices
    Tsujinaka; Yutaka; Leslie M. Tkach-Kawasaki (eds.) Nakada; ...
    CAJS Monograph No. 1, 2011-03
  • Japan and the Internet: Perspectives and Practices ("Introduction")
    Tkach-Kawasaki Leslie M
    CAJS Monograph No. 1, 2011-03
  • Japan and the Internet: Perspectives and Practices ("The Internet and Campaigns in Japan: Traditions and Innovations")
    Tkach-Kawasaki Leslie M
    CAJS Monograph No. 1, 2011-03
  • Messages and Messengers: Angeletics as an Approach to the Phenomenology of Communication
    Rafael Capurro; John Holgate (Eds.) 論文著者:Tkach-Kawasaki...
    Wilhelm Fink, 2011-01
  • Natural Disaster and Nuclear Crisis in Japan: Response and recovery after Japan’s 3/11
    Jeff Kingston (Ed.)
    Routledge: Oxon, U.K., 2012-01
  • Same or Different? Post-COVID Policy Communication in Japan
    IAMCR 2024 Otautahi Christchurch/2024-06-30--2024-07-04
  • Online Media and Campaigning in Local Elections: A Case Study of the Ibaraki Councilors Election 2022
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS)/2023-08-17--2023-08-17
  • Japan’s Digital Transformation (DX) and Trends in Public Policy Communication
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    IAMCR 2023 (International Association of Media and Communciations Research Conference, Lyon, 2023)/2023-07-09--2023-07-13
  • Translating Views into Votes: Trends in Engaging Young Japanese Voters
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC) Conference 2022/2022-10-21--2022-10-23
  • New Political Actors in the Electoral Process: Japan’s Election Management Boards Online
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    8Th Annual Conference of The International Journal of Press/Politics/2022-09-22--2022-09-23
  • Framing Japan’s Public Offices Election Law: Investigating Historical Semantic Network Analysis in Public Discourse
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Sunbelt 2022 XLII Social Networks Conference/2022-07-12--2022-07-16
  • A Gendered Social Media Approach? Similarities and Differences in Female and Male Candidate Twitter Use in the 2019 Upper House Election
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS) 16th International Conference/2021-08-24--2021-08-28
  • Examining Online Political Discourse in Japan in a COVID-Olympic Summer
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Japan Studies Association of Canada 2021 Annual Conference (Online)/2021-10-01--2021-10-03
  • Introduction, Welcome Remarks, Closing Remarks as Co-organizers for DISC: Beyond Data, Innovation, Social network & Convergence (6th)
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    DISC: Beyond Data, Innovation, Social network & Convergence (6th)/2021-06-18--2021-06-19
  • Shifting Patterns in Institutional Political Communication in Japan: Covid-19 and the Citizen-Government Relationship
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Inventer La Communication Gouvernementale En Temps De COVID-19: Une Crise, Des Realites/2021-06-23--2021-06-24
  • Post-COVID-19 Public Policy Communication in Japan
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    JSAC (Japan Studies Association of Canada) Ad Hoc Online Conference/2020-10-17--2020-10-18
  • Japan’s Emerging Internet Campaign Culture: Japanese Politicians Online in the 2019 Upper House Election
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC)/2019-10-03--2019-10-06
  • Feature Analysis of Japanese Election Bulletins
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Japan Studies Association of Canada 2018 Annual Conference/2018-10-11--2018-10-14
  • The Comparative Energy Discourse Project: New Approaches to Methodology
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    #DISC2018, WATEF International Conference 2018, Innovating Data Representation for Future Strategy/2018-07-05--2018-07-05
  • Results from the G-GEPON 2 Survey
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    2nd CEDP Open Symposium/2017-07-31--2017-07-31
  • A comparative study of environmental policy actor networks in Japan and Germany
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; Lee Junku; Hartwig Manuela
    XXXVII Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)/2017-05-30--2017-06-04
  • Networks of Policy Change and Continuance: Mapping the Post-Fukushima Energy and Environmental Policy Networks in Germany
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; Hartwig Manuela; Lee Junku
    XXXVII Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA/2017-05-30--2017-06-04
  • Analysis of the Policy Network for the“Feed-in Tariff Law“ in Japan: Evidence from the GEPON Survey
    Okura Sae; Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; Kobashi Yohei; Hartwig ...
    DISC 2015 (Daegu Gyeongbuk International Social Network Conference 2015), Panel 2 Policy & Network Analysis/2015-10-29--2015-10-31
  • Connecting Offline and Online Surveys: Reconsidering Respondent Determinants in Attribute Bias
    Okura Sae; Kobashi Yohei; Tkach Kawasaki Leslie; Hartwig ...
    General Online Research [GOR] Conference 2015/2015-03-18--2015-03-20
  • Japanese Politicians and Online Media: Past and Present
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    WATEF Spring Special Seminar/2017-03-25--2017-03-25
  • Tweeting for the Youth Vote: Japanese Political Party Twitter Use in the July 2016 Upper House Election
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    DISC 2016 (Daegu Gyeongbuk International Social Network Conference/2016-12-08--2016-12-10
  • Institutional Actors Online: Japan’s Local Election Management Boards in the 2016 Upper House Election
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Japan Studies Association of Canada 2016 Annual Conference/2016-10-13--2016-10-16
  • New Directions or Old Campaign Practices? Japanese Candidates Online in 2013 and 2014
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Japan Studies Association of Canada 2015 Annual Conference in Japan/2015-05-20--2015-05-23
  • A New Era in Japan Election Campaigning? Perspectives on ‘Big Data’ and Social Media Use in Japan’s Electoral Landscape
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    DISC 2014 (Daegu Gyeongbuk International Social Network Conference)/2014-12-11--2014-12-13
  • Friends, Tweets, and Youtube: New Directions in Online Campaigning in Japan
    Tkach Kawasaki Leslie
    Association of Internet Researchers IR15 Boundaries and Intersections/2014-10-21--2014-10-21
2024-04 -- 2024-08リサーチ・プログラム開発5筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02リサーチ・プログラム開発3筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12中央ユーラシア研究演習(SPJES)III筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08リサーチ・プログラム特別開発1筑波大学
2024-12 -- 2025-02地域研究特別演習I筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08リサーチ・プログラム開発基礎1筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08プロジェクト演習2筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02プロジェクト演習2筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12公共政策セミナーI筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02リサーチ・プログラム開発基礎4筑波大学
  • A Disaster Unfolds: Portrayals of 3.11 in Japan’s Online and Offline News
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Japan Workshop/2012-07-06
  • Factors in Determining Online Success: Case Studies in the Campaign Use of the Internet
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Polish Communication Association (PCA) Conference “Political Communication in the New Technology’s Era”/2011-09-22
  • Social Media Grows Up: The Rise of Social Media in Japan 2010-2011
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    Japanese Studies Association of Canada (JSAC), JSAC 2011 Conference/2011-08-18
  • Open Session: Disaster Strikes Japan/the World
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    The Fifteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)/2011-06-25
  • Open Session: Disaster Strikes Japan/the World
    レスリー タック 川﨑
    The Fifteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)/2011-06-25
  • Social Networks and Social Media in Japan
    Leslie M. Tkach-Kawasaki; +レスリー タック 川﨑
    3rd International Conference on Digital Culture/2010-11-08
  • New Media Campaigning: Japanese Candidates Online 2007 and 2010
    Leslie M. Tkach-Kawasaki; +レスリー タック 川﨑
    Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC) Conference/2010-09-30
  • (Panel Convenor) Panel Title: “Reflections of Traditional Japan on the Internet” Presented paper title: “Modern Campaigning in a Traditional Context: Japanese Political Figures on the Internet”
    Leslie M. Tkach-Kawasaki; +レスリー タック 川﨑
    Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting/2010-08-25
  • Mapping Political Connections in Japan: The Functions of Hyperlinks on Japanese Diet Member Websites
    Leslie M. Tkach-Kawasaki; +レスリー タック 川﨑
    International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, “Matters of Communication,”/2010-06-22
-- (現在)Association of Internet ResearchersMember, AOIR Ethics Committee
2003 -- 2005Association of Internet ResearchersGraduate Student Representative
2005-02 -- 2013-12Journal of Information Technology and PoliticsEditorial Board Member
2010 -- (現在)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Reviewer, IEEE Journal
2009-02 -- 2013-12Journal of Information Technology and PoliticsSenior Book Review Editor
2020 -- 2021国際日本研究専攻 メンタルヘルス委員会委員会長
2020 -- (現在)国際公共政策学位プログラム ネットワーク委員会委員会長
2019 -- 2020国際地域研究専攻 ネットワーク委員会委員会長
2020 -- (現在)国際日本研究専攻 紀要編集委員会編集委員会委員
2014-04 -- 2019国際日本研究専攻 紀要編集委員会編集委員会長
2016-04 -- 2017-03Auditor, Azuma Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
2015-04 -- 2016-03Accountant, Executive Committee, Azuma Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
2015-04 -- 2016-03Executive Member, Poplar 39 Children's Club, Azuma 2-chome Neighborhood Association, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
2013-04 -- 2014-03Accountant, Kaze-no-ko Club (affiliated with the Nishi Azuma Jidokan), Tsukuba, Ibaraki

(最終更新日: 2024-08-30)