筧 知之(カケヒ トモユキ)

対称空間上の合成積作用素の幾何解析と積分幾何及び逆問題への応用2021 -- 2024筧 知之日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,160,000円
対称空間上の微分方程式と積分幾何 -- (現在)/
差分作用素のスペクトル解析と量子群への応用 -- (現在)/
等質空間上のラドン変換と調和解析への応用2007 -- 2009日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,420,000円
グラスマン多様体上の調和解析とラドン変換および逆問題解析への応用 2004 -- 2006日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)3,700,000円
小行列式型微分作用素の大域的性質と対称空間上の積分幾何2002 -- (現在)日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,000,000円
パフィアン型微分方程式の解空間の構造と対称空間上の積分幾何2000 -- (現在)日本学術振興会/奨励研究(A)2,200,000円
カペリ型微分作用素の積分幾何学的研究と調和解析への応用1998 -- (現在)日本学術振興会/奨励研究(A)2,300,000円
2016-12 -- (現在)筑波大学数理物質系教授
2010-10 -- 2016-11岡山大学自然科学研究科教授
2007-04 -- 2010-09筑波大学数理物質科学研究科准教授
2004-04 -- 2007-03筑波大学数理物質科学研究科助教授
1997-12 -- 2004-03筑波大学数学系助教授
1994-11 -- 1997-11筑波大学数学系講師
1990-10 -- 1994-10筑波大学数学系助手
-- 1985京都大学 理学部 数学科
-- 1990京都大学 理学研究科 数学
1989-07 -- (現在)日本数学会
  • The snapshot problem for the wave equation
    Christensen Jens; Gonzalez Fulton; Kakehi Tomoyuki; Wa...
  • Surjectivity of convolution operators on noncompact symmetric spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Journal of Functional Analysis/280(2), 2021-01
  • Behavior of solutions to linear and semilinear parabolic pseudo-differential equations
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Sakai Kensuke
    Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics/34(2)/pp.221-253, 2010-12
  • Support theorem for the fundamental solution to the Schrödinger equation on certain compact symmetric spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS/226(3)/pp.2739-2763, 2011-03
  • Surjectivity of mean value operators on noncompact symmetric spaces
    Christensen Jens; Gonzalez Fulton; Kakehi Tomoyuki
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS/272(9)/pp.3610-3646, 2017-05
  • Blowup and global existence of a solution to a semilinear reaction-diffusion system with the fractional Laplacian
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Ohshita Yoshihito
    Mathematical Journal of Okayama University/59/pp.175-218, 2017-04
  • Schrödinger equations on compact symmetric spaces and Gauss sums
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics/64/pp.311-318, 2015
  • Magnetic Schrödinger equation on compact symmetric spaces and the geodesic Radon transform of one forms
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Contemporary Mathematics/598/pp.129-138, 2013
  • Fundamental solution to the Schrodinger equation on a compact symmetric space (スペクトル・散乱理論とその周辺--RIMS共同研究報告集)
    筧 知之
    数理解析研究所講究録/1696(0)/pp.67-78, 2010-07
  • Invariant differential operators and the range of the matrix Radon transform
    Gonzalez Fulton; Kakehi Tomoyuki
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS/241(1)/pp.232-267, 2006-12
  • Moment conditions and support theorems for Radon transforms on affine Grassmann manifolds
    Gonzalez FB; Kakehi T
    ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS/201(2)/pp.516-548, 2006-04
  • Dual radon transforms on affine Grassmann manifolds
    Gonzalez FB; Kakehi T
  • Pfaffian systems and Radon transforms on affine Grassmann manifolds
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Gonzalez Fulton
    Mathematische Annalen/326(2)/p.537-573, 2003
  • Radon transforms on compact Grassmann manifolds and invariant differential operators of determinantal type
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Chapman & Hall/CRC. Research Notes in Mathematics/422/p.9-17, 2000
  • Integral Geometry on Grassmann Manifolds and Calculus of Invariant Differential Operators
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Journal of Functional Analysis/168(1)/p.1-45, 1999
  • Range theorems and inversion formulas for Radon transforms on Grassmann manifolds
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A/73(5)/p.89-92, 1997
  • Eigenfunction expansion associated with the Casimir operator on the quantum group SUq(1,1)
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Duke Mathematical Journal/80(2)/p.535-573, 1995
  • Range characterization of Radon transforms on quaternionic projective spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Mathematische Annalen/301(3)/p.613-625, 1995
  • Spectral analysis of a q-differnce operator which arises from the quantum SU(1,1)group
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Masuda Tetsuya; Ueno Kimio
    Journal of Operator Theory/33(1)/p.159-196, 1995
  • Logarithmic divergence of heat kernels on some quantum spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Masuda Tetsuya
    Tohoku Mathematical Journal/47(4)/p.595-600, 1995
  • Range characterization of Radon transforms on Sn and (]G0343[)n (]G0454[)
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University/33(2)/p.315-328, 1993
  • Characterization of Images of Radon Transforms
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Tsukamoto Chiaki
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics/22/p.101-116, 1993
  • Spectrum of an operator appears in the quantum SU(1,1) group
    Kakehi Tomoyuki; Masuda Tetsuya; Ueno Kimio
    Mathematical Physics Studies/16/p.253-261, 1993
  • Range characterization of Radon transforms on complex projective spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University/32(2)/p.387-399, 1992
  • 微積分学入門-例題を通して学ぶ解析学
    磯崎洋; 筧知之; 木下保; 竹山美宏; 籠屋恵嗣; 砂川秀明
    培風館, 2008
  • Snapshot problem for the wave equation
    KAKEHI Tomoyuki
    RIMS workshop "Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics"/2023-11-29--2023-12-01
  • Surjectivity of convolution operators
    筧 知之
    Geometric Structures and Differential Equations -- Symmetry, Singularity, and Quantization --/2022-03-14--2022-03-18
  • Mean value operators on noncompact symmetric spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Modern Challenges in Imaging Conference/2019-08-05--2019-08-09
  • 平均値作用素の全射性について
    筧 知之
  • Construction of the fundamental solution to the Schr¨odinger equation on compact symmetric spaces and related problems
    筧 知之
    第1 回解析学の耳袋/2015-01-14--2015-01-16
  • Fundamental solution to the Schr¨odinger equation on compact symmetric spaces
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Inverse Problems and Related Topics/2014-08-18--2014-08-22
  • Schr¨odinger equation on compact symmetric spaces and reciprocity for Gauss sums
    Kakehi Tomoyuki
    Geometric and Singular Analysis/2014-03-24--2014-03-28
2024-04 -- 2024-08解析学特別研究IIB筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08解析学特別研究IB筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08解析学特別研究IVB筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08解析学特別研究IVA筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02解析学特別研究VB筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02解析学特別研究IA筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08解析学特別研究VA筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02解析学特別研究VA筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02解析学特別研究IIA筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08数学セミナー筑波大学

(最終更新日: 2024-08-09)