OTA Mitsuru
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- G(-x<KG,$E-,.$.yxExzE#)R
- Research fields
Economic policy Economic theory - Research keywords
urban structure - Research projects
Satellite-based evaluation of air quality improvements in logistics 2023-04 -- 2026-03 OTA Mitsuru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,420,000Yen A study of voluntary provision of environmental offsets under monopolistic competition 2020-04 -- 2023-03 YOSHIDA Masatoshi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 都市における環境リスクの軽減の経済効果に関する研究 2020-04 -- 2024-03 Mitsuru OTA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,420,000Yen Study on Dynamical Model on Radon Measures and its Application to Urban Structure Models 2014-04 -- 2017-03 YAMASHITA Yuh Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research Urban General Equilibrium Model Using New Type of Agglomeration Effect Function 2014-04 -- 2017-03 OTA Mitsuru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2,730,000Yen 通信技術の発達と住宅地地価の都市経済的分析 2000 -- 2000 /企業からの受託研究 Communication Technology and Self-Organization of Urban Spatial Configurations -- (current) / Research on change of the domestic urban spatial structure by the intermediate inputs produced in overseas 2010 -- 2013-03 OTA Mitsuru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 1,950,000Yen Numerical approach concerning endogenous determination of location in city 2003 -- 2005-03 OTA Mitsuru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2,200,000Yen 都市内情報流を考慮した空間構造の自己組織化 1998 -- 2000-03 OTA Mitsuru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) 2,100,000Yen - Academic background
-- 1984 Hokkaido University Faculty of Engineering 建築工学科 1987-09 -- 1991-08 University of Pennsylvania Arts & Sciences Regional Science - Degree
M. A. Ph. D. - Licenses and qualifications
1994-02-08 一級建築士 - Academic societies
2014-12 -- (current) The Econometric Society 2014-12 -- (current) American Economic Association -- (current) Regional Science Association International -- (current) APPLIED REGIONAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE -- (current) Association of Urban Housing Sciences -- (current) JAPANESE ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION -- (current) ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN -- (current) The Japan Section ofThe Regional Science Association International -- (current) The City Planning Institute of Japan - Honors & Awards
1994 日本地域学会奨励賞 - Articles
- Dual Chalcogen-Bonding Interactions for the Conformational Control of Urea
SASAMORI Takahiro; Inoue T.; Ota M.; Amijima Y.; Taka...
Chem. Eur. J./p.e2023021, 2023 - Benefits of Diesel Emission Regulations: Evidence from the World’s Largest Low Emission Zone
Ushijima Koichi; Kang C.; Ota Mitsuru
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT/125, 2024-05 - Benefits of Heavy-Duty Diesel Emission Regulations: Evidence from the World’s Largest Low Emission Zone
Ushijima Koichi; Ota Mitsuru; Kang Choelmin
筑波大学 Department of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper Series, 2020 - Life Cycle Analysis and Cost–Benefit Assessment of the Waste Collection System in Anyama, Cote d’Ivoire
太田 充
Sustainability/14(20), 2022-10 - Green Markets, Free Riders, and Monopolistic Competition
Yoshida Masatoshi; Turnbull Stephen John; Ota Mitsuru
Social Science Research Network, 2022-07 - Relationship between urban population growth and utility level of workers with heterogeneity of labor efficiency
Hirayama Noriyuki; Ota Mitsuru; Turnbull Stephen John
Department of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper Series, 2015-05 - Environmental offsets and production externalities under monopolistic competition
Yoshida Masatoshi; Turnbull Stephen John; Ota Mitsuru
International Tax and Public Finance/30(2)/pp.305-325, 2023-04 - Environmental offsets and production externalities under monopolistic competition
Yoshida Masatoshi; Turnbull Stephen J.; Ota Mitsuru
INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE/Epub, 2022-01 - Implications of urbanization and Impact of Population Growth on Abidjan City, Cote d’Ivoire
Hyacinthe KOUASSI Kouakou; Hettiarachchi Chamara; Armand ...
African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences/3(1)/pp.245-255, 2020-01 - Measuring the Economic Impact on Land Prices of Announcement of the Tokyo Winning the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
香川涼亮; 小倉利仁; 太田 充; 牛島光一
Urban Housing Sciences/97/pp.126-135, 2017-04 - Effects of Air Quality on Land Prices Evidence from the Land Prices of Tokyo Metropolitan Area
姜 哲敏; 太田 充; 牛島光一
Journal of applied regional science/20/pp.67-77, 2016-09 - Communication Technologies and Spatial Configurations of Intrafirm Units and Residential Units-The case with Fixed Costs of Communications-
太田 充
City Planning Review/27/pp.331-336, 1992-01 - Communication Technologies and Spatial Configurations and Intra firm Units and Residential Units
太田 充
Studies in Regional Science/22/pp.87-104, 1992-01 - Communication technologies and spatial organization of multi-unit firms in metropolitan areas
太田 充; 藤田 昌久
Regional Science and Urban Economics/23/p.695, 1993-01 - A General Equilibrium Model with Agglomerative Economies and Urban Subcenters
太田 充
City Planning Review/31/pp.67-72, 1996-01 - The Influence of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on Housing Market of the Area
太田 充; 川脇 康生
Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies/8(2)/pp.220-232, 1996-01 - The Estimation of the Utility of the Household in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, and Application of the Model of Household Location Choice
太田 充
Studies in Regional Science/29(3)/pp.25-37, 1998-01 - A study on the effect of the spread of telecommuting in the metropolitan area
佐藤 仁志; 太田 充
Papers on City Planning/35/pp.1051-1056, 2000-01 - Dynamic stability of multi-central urban structure
太田充; 佐藤仁志
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/36(3)/p.919-924, 2001-10 - The Household Location Choice Model in Tokyo Metropolitan Area
佐藤仁志; 太田充
Studies in Regional Science/36(4)/pp.885-897, 2007-03 - Equilibrium Configurations of a City with Two Kinds of Firms
太田 充
Studies in Regional Science/41(4)/pp.853-865, 2011-01 - Telecommuting and Equilibrium Analysis of Urban Structures in Metropolitan Areas in Recent Years
太田 充
Studies in Regional Science/41(1)/pp.1-14, 2011-08 - The Household Location Choice Model in Tokyo Metropolitan Area
佐藤 仁志; 太田 充
Studies in Regional Science/36(4)/pp.885-897, 2006-01 - An Evaluation of the Qualitative Factor in the Tokyo Apartment House Market
小西 俊作; 佐藤 要祐; 太田 充
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/42(3)/pp.529-534, 2007-10
- Dual Chalcogen-Bonding Interactions for the Conformational Control of Urea
- Conference, etc.
- Telecommuting technologies and equilibrium urban structure: Why the world is not becoming flat?
太田 充
33rd Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2019-11-23--2019-11-24 - Telecommuting technologies and equilibrium urban structure
Ota Mitsuru
66th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2019-11-13--2019-11-16 - Telecommuting technologies and equilibrium urban structure
Ota Mitsuru
The Urban Economics Workshop/2019-04-19--2019-04-19 - Potential Game on Measures and its Dynamical Behavior
太田 充
32nd Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2018-12-01--2018-12-02 - Tradeoff between time and budget resources: an application to modal choice
Ota Mitsuru
65th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2018-11-07--2018-11-10 - How Does Agglomeration of Economic Activity Influence to Urban Spatial Configuration?
Ota Mitsuru
65th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2018-11-07--2018-11-10 - Telecommuting and Urban Spatial Structure in Metropolitan Areas
太田 充
2017 Japanese Economic Association Spring Meeting/2017-06-24--2017-06-25 - Telecommuting and Urban Spatial Structure in Metropolitan Areas
Ota Mitsuru
64th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2017-11-08--2017-11-11 - 都市空間形状と企業の集積関数に関する一考察
太田 充
31st Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2017-11-25--2017-11-26 - 測度上のポテンシャルゲームとそのダイナミクス
Ota Mitsuru
Polycy Modeling Workshop/2017-09-02--2017-09-02 - Efficiency Range of Agglomeration and Multiple Equil ibria of Non - monocentric Urban Configuration
Ota Mitsuru
The Urban Economics Workshop/2016-10-21 - Influence to urban structure of changes in the international price of intermediate goods
太田 充
30th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2016-11-26--2016-11-27 - Efficiency Range of Agglomeration and Multiple Equil ibria of Non - monocentric Urban Configuration
Ota Mitsuru
63rd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2016-11-09--2016-11-12 - 2020年東京オリンピック開催決定が周辺地価に与える影響
香川涼亮; 小倉利仁; 太田 充; 牛島光一
2015 Japanese Economic Association Autumn Meeting at Sophia University/2015-10-10--2015-10-11 - 浸水危険度が地価に与える影響:東京23区における中小河川の場合
香川涼亮; 太田 充; 橋本基
2015 Japanese Economic Association Spring Meeting in Niigata University/2015-05-23--2015-05-24 - Telecommuting Has Changed Equilibrium and Optimal Urban Spatial Structure
太田 充
28th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2015-11-28--2015-11-29 - Relationship Between Urban Population Growth and Utility Level of Workers with Heterogeneity of Labor Efficiency
Ota Mitsuru
62nd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2015-11-11--2015-11-14 - A Dynamic Extension of the Urban Spatial Equilibrium Model
Ota Mitsuru
Urban Economics Workshop 2014/2014-07-11--2014-07-11 - Efficiency Range of the Agglomeration and Multiple Equilibria of Non-monocentric urban Configuration
太田 充
日本経済学会2014年度春季大会/2014-06-14--2014-06-15 - Relationship between urban population and utility level of workers with income heterogeneity: Who bears urban costs?
平岡 規之; 太田 充
28th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2014-11-29--2014-11-30 - Flood Risk and Land Prices : A Case of small and medium-sized rivers in Tokyo's 23 wards
香川 涼亮; 橋本 基; 太田 充
28th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2014-11-29--2014-11-30 - A Dynamic Extension of the Urban Spatial Equilibrium Model
Ota Mitsuru
61st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2014-11-12--2014-11-15
- Telecommuting technologies and equilibrium urban structure: Why the world is not becoming flat?
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Introduction to Programming University of Tsukuba. 2024-11 -- 2024-12 Urban Analytics University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Introduction to Programming A University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Regional Science University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Program in Service Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Program in Service Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Relationship between urban population and utility level of workers
太田 充
28th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2014-11-29--2014-11-30 - A Dynamic Extension of the Urban Spatial Equilibrium Model Regional Science Association International
Ota Mitsuru
61th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2014-11-12--2014-11-15 - Effecency Range of the Agglomeration and Equilibrium Land Use in the Metropolitan Areas
太田 充
27th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2013-12-14--2013-12-15 - Equilibrium Land Use in a Multicentric City
Ota Mitsuru
60th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International/2013-11-13--2013-11-16 - Equilibrium Land Use in a Multicentric City
太田 充
26th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2012-11-17--2012-11-18 - 大都市圏内における企業の分離立地と付け値地代を用いた均衡都市構造分析-都市の構造の動的モデル-
太田 充
25th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference/2011-12-03--2011-12-04 - 2種類の企業による都市の均衡形状に関する研究 Equilibrium configurations of the city with the two kinds of firms
太田 充
日本地域学会第47回(2010年)年次大会/2010-10-10 - 同一都市内に中間財供給企業がある場合の均衡付け値地代分析
太田 充
応用地域学会(ARSC)第24回研究発表大会/2010-12-04--2010-12-05 - 労働と中間財の国際価格の変化による都市構造への影響
太田 充
応用地域学会(ARSC)第23回研究発表大会/2009-12-12 - 大都市圏における近年のテレコミューティング(在宅勤務)と都市構造の均衡分析(Telecommuting and an equilibrium analysis of urban structures in metropolitan areas in recent years)
太田 充
- Relationship between urban population and utility level of workers
- Professional activities
2020-05 -- (current) 公益社団法人都市住宅学会 理事会/常務理事(業務執行理事) 2019-05 -- (current) 公益社団法人都市住宅学会 総務企画委員会/委員長 2016-05 -- 2020-05 公益社団法人都市住宅学会 理事会/理事 2016-04 -- 2018-03 応用地域学会 運営委員会/運営委員 2014-05 -- 2019-05 Association of Urban Housing Sciences 総務企画委員会/副委員長 2014-05 -- (current) Association of Urban Housing Sciences 編集委員会/委員 2014-05 -- (current) 公益社団法人都市住宅学会 学会賞委員会/委員 2014-05 -- 2016-05 Association of Urban Housing Sciences 理事会/幹事 2012-09 -- 2014-05 Association of Urban Housing Sciences 総務企画委員会/委員
(Last updated: 2025-02-13)