MONJI Hideaki
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Professor
- 10220112
- Research fields
Fluid engineering - Research keywords
Multiphase flow Bubble Jet Dispersed Two-Phase Flow Image Processing Liquid-Solid Two-phase Flow - Research projects
創薬・新材料開発で緊急に求められている微小流量制御に欠かせない微細管内流量の高精度瞬時計測法の確立 2022-12 -- 2023-12 文字秀明 公益財団法人カシオ科学振興財団/研究助成 2,000,000Yen 二重管サーモサイフォンの基礎特性に関する研究 2022-09 -- 2023-03 文字秀明 東芝エネルギーシステムズ株式会社/共同研究 3,900,000Yen 模擬ADSビーム窓周囲の非定常流動データの取得 その5 2023-09 -- 2024-01 文字秀明 国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構/受託研究 2,953,698Yen 模擬ADSビーム窓周囲の非定常流動データの取得 その4 2022-09 -- 2023-01 文字 秀明 国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構/受託研究 1,246,494Yen 模擬ADSビーム窓周囲の非定常流動データの取得 その3 2021-09 -- 2022-01 文字秀明 国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構/受託研究 2,973,825Yen 模擬ADSビーム窓周囲の非定常流動データの取得 その2 2020-09 -- 2021-01 文字秀明 日本原子力研究開発機構/受託研究 2,795,912Yen 模擬ADSビーム窓周囲の非定常流動データの取得 2019-07 -- 2020-01 文字秀明 日本原子力研究開発機構/受託研究 2,486,738Yen 模擬炉内構造物内溶融物流動挙動に関するデータの取得 2015-12 -- 2016-01 文字秀明 日本原子力研究開発機構/受託研究 1,684,800Yen 車列走行による空気抵抗低減を利用して高効率化を図る安定した高速自動運転技術の開発 2015-01 -- 2016-12 文字秀明 カシオ科学振興財団/研究協賛事業 2,000,000Yen Thermal and Flow Characteristics Measurement in Porous Media by Image Processing 2000 -- 2001 /企業からの受託研究 more... - Career history
2013-04 -- (current) University of Tsukubaシステム情報系Professor - Academic background
-- 1984 University of Tsukuba Third Cluster of College 基礎工学類 -- 1989 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Engineering 構造工学 - Degree
工学博士 University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2008-06 称号授与 Specialist in Experimental Mechanics 2006-07 日本混相流学会論文賞 2006-03-14 日本実験力学会論文賞 2003 日本実験力学会技術賞 2003 日本実験力学会論文賞 2002 計測自動制御学会学会賞・論文賞 2001 油空圧機器技術振興財団学術論文顕彰 1996 日本混相流学会奨励賞 - Articles
- Effect of stiffness on vibration of the model of ADS beam window due to impinging jet
平塚 想汰; 飛田 大樹; 文字 秀明; 山下 晋; 近藤 奈央; 吉田 啓之; 菅原 隆徳
日本原子力学会 2024年春の大会 予稿集/pp.3H05-3H05, 2024-03-26 - Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in Converging-Diverging Nozzle with Different Pressure Ratio
HUANG XiaoXian; Monji Hideaki
Abstract Book International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/pp.34-34, 2023-11-24 - Interaction Between Two Spheres Falling at Low Reynolds Number in Stagnant Oil
TAMATE Koji; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/pp.31-31, 2023-11-24 - Optical Inner Diameter Measurement for Micro Flowrate Meter
CHANG ChaoChun; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/pp.16-16, 2023-11-24 - Decision Model for the Final Sprint Phase in Bicycle Racing by Numerical Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiment Verification
CHANG Kaichun; Monji Hideaki
Abstract Book International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/pp.23-23, 2023-11-24 - Fluid Resistance on Truck Models in a Line
IGARASHI Daichi; Monji Hideaki
Abstract Book International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/pp.8-8, 2023-11-24 - Study of Fluid Drag Acting on Tandem Car Models
SONOKI Syouta; MONJI Hideaki; ASAI Takeshi; HONG Sung...
Advanced Experimental Mechanics/8(0)/pp.11-16, 2023-08-31 - Benchmark simulation code for the thermal-hydraulics design tool of the accelerator-driven system: validation and benchmark simulation of flow behavior around the beam window
Yamashita Susumu; Kondo Nao; Sugawara Takanori; Monji ...
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/Epub, 2023-10-19 - Vibration of Cantilever by Jet Impinging in Axial Direction
Tobita Daiki; Monji Hideaki; Yamashita Susumu; Horiguchi ...
The 12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety/p.N12P1100, 2022-10-30 - Development of an Optical Internal Diameter Measurement Method Using Light for Micro Flow Measurement Devices
石井俊輝; 文字 秀明
Proceedings of JSEM 2021 Annual Conference on Experimental Mechanics/(21)/pp.111-112, 2021-08-25 - Study of Fluid Drag Acting on Tandem Car Models
園木翔大; 文字 秀明; 洪性賛; 浅井武
Proceedings of JSEM 2021 Annual Conference on Experimental Mechanics/(21)/pp.97-98, 2021-08 - Study of Fluid Drag Acting on Tandem Car Models
Sonoki Syouta; Monji Hideaki; Hong Sungchan; Asai Takeshi
Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 2021-11 - Study on Drag Force Acting on Tandem Car Models
Yuta KUROSAWA; Hideaki MONJI; Syouta SONOKI; Takeshi Asa...
Advanced Experimental Mechanics/5/pp.91-96, 2020-08 - Drag Force on a Sphere in Lines of Spheres
Ichikawa Shuhei; Itamoto Yuji; Monji Hideaki
Proc. of 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow/p.ICMF2013-549, 2013-05 - Study on Fluid Resistance Acting on car line model
黒澤祐太; 文字 秀明; 浅井武; 洪 性賛
Proceedings of JSEM 2019 Annual Conference on experimental Mechanics/p.C113, 2019-09 - Study on Drag Force Reduction by a Car Line
鄭洸賢; 黒澤祐太; 文字 秀明; 浅井武; 洪 性賛
Proceedings of JSEM 2018 Annual Conference on experimental Mechanics/pp.67-68, 2018-08 - Development of Liquid Micro Flow Rate Measurement Method using Image Processing
依田雅彦; チョン カー ウィー; 文字 秀明
The 26th Ibaraki District Conference/2018/p.No.309, 2018-08 - Study on Fluid Resistance Acting on a Car Line Model
黒澤祐太; 鄭洸賢; 文字 秀明; 浅井武; 洪 性賛
The 26th Ibaraki District Conference/2018/p.308, 2018-08 - Experiment on Drag Force of Car Models Arranged in a Line
UEDA Sohei; MONJI Hideaki
Advanced Experimental Mechanics/3(0)/pp.59-64, 2018 - Supersonic Flow Conditions for Two Connecting Two-Phase Flow Nozzle in Pressurized Dissolution Method
NAUNG Khine Tun; MONJI Hideaki
Advanced Experimental Mechanics/3(0)/pp.92-97, 2018 - Measurement of Drag Force Acting on a Car in Line by Using Wind Tunnel
染谷裕喜; 植田 平; 鄭洸賢; 文字秀明; 浅井 武; 洪 性賛
日本実験力学会講演論文集2017年度年次講演会/pp.135-136, 2017-08 - Behavior on Two Tandem Spheres Falling Freely in Water
比佐徹也; 文字 秀明
混相流シンポジウム2017予稿集/p.P070, 2017-08 - Supersonic Flow Conditions for Two Connecting Two-Phase Flow Nozzle in Pressurized Dissolution Method
Naung Khine Tun; Monji Hideaki
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics/p.109, 2017-11 - Experiment on Drag Force of Car Models Arranged in a Line
Ueda Sohei; Someya Yuki; Koyama Hikaru; Monji Hideaki
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics/p.076, 2017-11 - Behavior of Simulated Molten Metal at Channel Modeled Boiling Water Reactors
Yutaro Hihara; Kota Matsuura; Hideaki Monji; Akiko Kanek...
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, 2017-07 - more...
- Effect of stiffness on vibration of the model of ADS beam window due to impinging jet
- Books
- 混相流計測法
1)日本原子力学会編; +文字 秀明
森北出版, 2003-01 - 実験力学会ハンドブック
日本実験力学会編; +文字 秀明
Monji Hideaki; Shinozaki Tatsup; Kamide Hideki; Sakai Ta...
- 混相流計測法
- Conference, etc.
- Basic Study on Vibration of Beam Window in ADS Due to Impinging Jet
Tobita Daiki; Monji Hideaki; Yamashita Susumu; Horiguc...
The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2023-05-21--2023-05-26 - Effect of stiffness on vibration of the model of ADS beam window due to impinging jet
平塚 想汰; 飛田 大樹; 文字 秀明; 山下 晋; 近藤 奈央; 吉田 啓之; 菅原 隆徳
日本原子力学会 2024年春の大会/2024-03-26--2024-03-28 - Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in Converging-Diverging Nozzle with Different Pressure Ratio
HUANG XiaoXian; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/2023-11-24--2023-11-25 - Interaction Between Two Spheres Falling at Low Reynolds Number in Stagnant Oil
TAMATE Koji; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/2023-11-24--2023-11-25 - Optical Inner Diameter Measurement for Micro Flowrate Meter
CHANG ChaoChun; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/2023-11-24--2023-11-25 - Decision Model for the Final Sprint Phase in Bicycle Racing by Numerical Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiment Verification
CHANG Kaichun; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/2023-11-24--2023-11-25 - Fluid Resistance on Truck Models in a Line
IGARASHI Daichi; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023/2023-11-24--2023-11-25 - Study on drag characteristics of trucks in a platoon
髙木 保鑑; 五十嵐 大地; 文字 秀明
The 30th Ibaraki District Conferenee/2022-08-19--2022-08-19 - Vibration of Rod by Impinging Jet in Axial Direction
Tobita Daiki; Monji Hideaki; Yamashita Susumu; Horiguchi ...
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researches 2022/2022-11-25--2022-11-26 - Drag Force Acting on Truck Models In a Line
Takagi Yasuaki; Igarashi Daichi; Monji Hideaki
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researches 2022/2022-11-25--2022-11-26 - Vibration of Cantilever by Jet Impinging in Axial Direction
Tobita Daiki; Monji Hideaki; Yamashita Susumu; Horiguchi ...
The 12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety/2022-10-30--2022-11-02 - Development of an Optical Internal Diameter Measurement Method Using Light for Micro Flow Measurement Devices
石井俊輝; 文字 秀明
JSEM 2021 Annual Conference on Experimental Mechanics/2021-08-25--2021-08-27 - Study of Fluid Drag Acting on Tandem Car Models
園木翔大; 文字 秀明; 洪性賛; 浅井武
JSEM 2021 Annual Conference on Experimental Mechanics/2021-08-25--2021-08-27 - Behavior of Velocity Fluctuation of Horizontal Bubbly Flow by Structure Vibration
呉 与宸; 宮崎 彬史; 金子 暁子; 文字 秀明; 阿部 豊; 吉田 啓之
日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会2017 - GS0512 Response of a single rising bubble to structure vibration
宮崎 彬史; 加藤 由幹; 金川 哲也; 金子 暁子; 文字 秀明; 吉田 啓之; 阿部 豊
日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会2016 - 原子炉内溶融物移行挙動数値解析手法の開発 (13) 流下液膜挙動および表面波速度計測
日原 由太郎; 文字 秀明; 阿部 豊; 吉田 啓之; 山下 晋
日本原子力学会2018年秋の大会 - Study on Drag Force Acting on Car Line Model
Kurosawa Yuta; Monji Hideaki; ASAI Takeshi; HONG Sungchan
14th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics/2019-11-1--2019-11-4 - Development of a Liquid Micro Flowrate Measurement Method Using Image Processing
Yoda Masahiko; Cheong Kar-Hooi; Monji Hideaki
14th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics/2019-11-1--2019-11-4 - Study on Fluid Resistance Acting on car line model
黒澤祐太; 文字 秀明; 浅井武; 洪 性賛
日本実験力学会2019年度年次講演会/2019-09-01--2019-09-03 - Study on Fluid Resistance Acting on car line model
文字 秀明
日本実験力学会2019年度年次講演会/2019-09-01--2019-09-03 - Study on Particle Motion in Dispersed Two-Phase Flow and its Application
Monji Hideaki
13th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics/2018-10-30--2018-11-02 - Study on Drag Force Reduction by a Car Line
鄭洸賢; 黒澤祐太; 文字 秀明; 浅井武; 洪 性賛
日本実験力学会2018年度年次講演会/2018-08-27--2018-08-29 - Development of Liquid Micro Flow Rate Measurement Method using Image Processing
依田雅彦; チョン カー ウィー; 文字 秀明
日本機械学会第26回茨城講演会/2018-08-22--2018-08-22 - Study on Fluid Resistance Acting on a Car Line Model
黒澤祐太; 鄭洸賢; 文字 秀明; 浅井武; 洪 性賛
日本機械学会第26回茨城講演会/2018-08-22--2018-08-22 - 原子炉内溶融物移行挙動数値解析手法の開発 (13) 流下液膜挙動および表面波速度計測
日原 由太郎; 文字 秀明; 阿部 豊; 吉田 啓之; 山下 晋
日本原子力学会2018年秋の大会/2018-09-05--2018-09-07 - more...
- Basic Study on Vibration of Beam Window in ADS Due to Impinging Jet
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy Ib University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy Ib University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Measurement Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Laboratory of Engineering Systems B University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2016-11 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS Advanced Experimental Mechanics 編集委員 2018-11 -- 2019-11 14th Int. Symp. on Advanced Science and Technology Chairperson of Organizing Committee 2016-09 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS 評議委員 2016-11 -- 2017-11 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS The 12th Int. Symp. on Advanced Science and Technology, Scientific Committee 2015-11 -- 2016-11 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS The 11th Int. Symp. on Advanced Science and Technology, Scientific Committee 2016-07 -- 2018-06 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR MULTIPHASE FLOW 理事 2012 -- 2013 THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ICONE21 事務局 2008 -- 2009 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR MULTIPHASE FLOW 評議員 2011 -- 2016-03 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS 理事 - University Management
2023-04 -- (current) 構造エネルギー工学学位プログラムリーダー 2020-04 -- 2022-03 工学システム学類長 2018-04 -- 2020-03 オグズハン工科大学(トルクメニスタン)プログラム運営委員会 委員 2017-04 -- 2020-03 工学システム学類トルクメニスタン対応委員会 委員長 2018-04 -- 2020-03 工学システム学類カリキュラム委員会 委員長 2018-04 -- 2020-03 シス情系施設安全衛生管理・省エネルギー委員会 委員 2017-04 -- (current) タシケントオフィス及びアルマトイオフィス運営委員会 2017-04 -- (current) 研究基盤総合センター 副センタ―長 2017-04 -- 2020-03 クラス担任
(Last updated: 2024-08-28)