NIWA Ryusuke

Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
Official title
Research fields
Developmental biology
Animal physiology/Animal behavior
Applied biochemistry
Research keywords
reproductive dormancy
lipid metabolism
enteroendocrine hormone
Drosophila melanogaster
parasitoid wasp
steroid hormone
developmental timing
germline stem cell
Research projects
ショウジョウバエ精液タンパク質Sex Peptideの新機能に迫る2024 -- 2025Niwa RyusukeJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)6,370,000Yen
腸内細菌とがんの関連性の研究に掛かる海外教育研究ユニット招致2024-04 -- 2025-03丹羽隆介/Pierre Leopold筑波大学/海外教育研究ユニット招致14,100,000Yen
飼い殺し型寄生蜂の毒による巧みな発生操作の分子基盤2024-04 -- 2029-03Niwa RyusukeMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)118,690,000Yen
腸内細菌に起因するがん悪液質をコントロールする介入ポイントの探索2023-04 -- 2024-03丹羽 隆介公益財団法人ヤクルト・バイオサイエンス研究財団/2022年度(第32回)一般研究1,000,000Yen
腸内細菌とがんの関連性の研究に掛かる海外教育研究ユニット招致2023-04 -- 2024-03丹羽隆介/Pierre Leopold筑波大学/海外教育研究ユニット招致14,000,000Yen
腸内細菌とがんの関連性の研究に掛かる海外教育研究ユニット招致2022-11 -- 2023-03丹羽隆介/Pierre Leopold筑波大学/海外教育研究ユニット招致15,000,000Yen
幹細胞の挙動を制御する神経内分泌システムの包括的理解2022-04 -- 2026-03丹羽隆介Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)41,730,000Yen
成長期の栄養履歴が後期ライフステージに与える機能低下のメカニズム2021-04 -- 2022-03上村匡Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/革新的先端研究開発支援事業「全ライフコースを対象とした個体の機能低下機構の解明」21,385,000Yen
昆虫脱皮ホルモン生合成に着目した感染症媒介蚊に対する新規殺虫剤に関する研究2022-04 -- 2023-03丹羽隆介公益財団法人 大下財団/2022年度研究助成「感染症媒介動物及び外来動物」1,000,000Yen
昆虫エクジステロイド生合成酵素に対する阻害剤に注目した新規殺蚊剤開発に向けた研究2022-03 -- 2024-03丹羽隆介日本農芸化学会/19th JSBBA Innovative Research Program Award2,000,000Yen
Career history
2002-04 -- 2002-10科学技術振興事業団戦略的基礎研究推進事業博士研究員
2002-10 -- 2003-03東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科リサーチアソシエイト
2003-04 -- 2005-12日本学術振興会特別研究員 SPD
2005-01 -- 2008-01Human Frontier Science ProgramLong-Term Research Fellow
2008-02 -- 2011-10筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科・「次代を担う若手大学人育成イニシアティブ」助教
2011-11 -- 2012-03筑波大学生命環境系助教
2012-04 -- 2019-05筑波大学生命環境系准教授
2012-10 -- 2016-03科学技術振興事業団戦略的基礎研究推進事業さきがけ研究者
2017-04 -- 2020-03高エネルギー加速器研究機構客員准教授
2017-04 -- 2019-03筑波大学学長補佐
Academic background
1993-04 -- 1997-03Kyoto University Faculty of Science
1997-04 -- 1999-03Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
1999-04 -- 2002-03Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
2002-03博士(理学)Kyoto University
Licenses and qualifications
Academic societies
2024-07 -- (current)The Genetics Society
2021-08 -- (current)Pesticide Science Society of Japan
2021-03 -- (current)毒素シンポジウム
2009 -- (current)盛和スカラーズソサエティー
2002 -- (current)Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists
1999 -- (current)The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
2008 -- 2021-09Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology
2002 -- 2020Genetics Society of America
Honors & Awards
2022-03Best Paper Award 2022, Journal of Pesticide Science
2019-05Development, Growth and Differentiation Editor-in-Chief Prize 2019
2017-03BBB Most-Cited Review Award
2016-09平成28年度 内外環境応答・代謝酵素研究会 優秀賞
2014-04平成26年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞昆虫ステロイドホルモン生合成に関する総合的研究
  • Visualization of Mating-Dependent Activation of Neurons and Oogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
    Niwa Ryusuke
    Behavioral Neurogenetics/pp.27-38, 2022-06
  • Chapter 126. Ecdysteroids
    Takumi Kamiyama; Niwa Ryusuke
    Handbook of Hormones 2nd Edition/Elisevier/pp.981-982, 2021-07
  • Chapter 126A. 20-hydroxyecdysone
    Kamiyama Takumi; Niwa Ryusuke
    Handbook of Hormones 2nd Edition./Elsevier/pp.983-986, 2021-07
  • 昆虫でのゲノム編集の利用
    丹羽 隆介
    ゲノム編集入門 -ZFN・TALEN・CRISPR-Cas9-/裳華房/pp.56-72, 2016-12
  • エクジステロイド生合成の調節機構
    丹羽 隆介
    Biology of Molting and Metamorphosis - Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation in insects and Crustaceans/東海大学出版会/pp.55-76, 2011-05
Conference, etc.
  • A neuronal system for seminal fluid replenishment in mated male Drosophila
    Hoshino Ryo; Tanaka Ryoya; Lin Hsin-Kuang; Ameku Tomo...
    日本比較生理生化学会 第46回大会/2024-09-30--2024-10-01
  • 宿主ショウジョウバエの発生や免疫を操作するAsobara 属寄生蜂のユニークな毒タンパク質の同定
    上山 拓己; 島田 裕子; 森 一葉; 谷 直紀; 高巣 晃; 賴本 隼汰; 重信 秀治; 千田 ...
  • Stress-induced organismal death is genetically programed by the mTOR-Zeste-Phae1 axis
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Exploring mechanisms of parasitoid wasp venom-induced imaginal disc degradation in Drosophila
    Kodaira Shintaro; Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • An inter-relationship between juvenile hormone and insulin signaling to regulate aging and reproduction
    Hayashi Ryosuke; Mizuno Yosuke; Chen Jiangtian; Tatar ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Identification of Gyc76C as a potential receptor for ion transport peptide (ITP) in Drosophila
    Watanabe Akira; Furumitsu Megumi; Iwakoshi-Ukena Eiko; ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Distinct responses of Drosophila melanogaster larvae against three Asobara parasitoid wasp species
    Kondo Hayato; Mori Hitoha; Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Ni...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Cachexia triggered by microbiota-host interaction
    Sanaki Yuya; Ganem-Elbaz Carine; Gummadi Bhavya; Chen ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Converting one differentiated cell identity into another: Insights from Drosophila enteroendocrine cells
    Qian Qingyin; Hayashi Makoto; Nagai Hiroki; Kimura Ke...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • New antibodies and ELISA system for Neuropeptide F immunostaining and detection
    Higashida Maki; Okamoto Naoki; Hoshino Ryo; Yoshinari ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Parasitism strategy of the endoparasitoid wasp Asobara rossica against its host Drosophila auraria
    Staroverova Anastasiia; Kamiyama Takumi; Yorimoto Shun...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Mechanism of lifespan extension via juvenile hormone biosynthesis by methionine restriction
    Mizuno Yosuke; Kurogi Yoshitomo; Hayashi Yoshiki; Yosh...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • The peptide hormone CG14075/Marmite regulates the starvation-dependent response in Drosophila
    Yoshinari Yuto; Abe Maiko; Hoshino Ryo; Mizuno Yosuke...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Parasitoid wasp venoms induce imaginal disc degradation in Drosophila for successful parasitism
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Mori Hitoha; Tani ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • A neuronal pathway controlling Sex Peptide production reinforces male reproductive fitness
    Hoshino Ryo; Tanaka Ryoya; Lin Hsin-Kuang; Ameku Tomo...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • A potential role of the microtubule-associated protein NudC in ribosome biogenesis homeostasis
    Shi Duoduo; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Okamoto Naoki; Nakamura...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • キイロショウジョウバエIon transport peptideの候補受容体Gyc76cの同定
    渡邊 瑛; 古満 芽久美; 岩越 栄子; 吉井 大志; 谷本 拓; 近藤 周; 浮穴 和義; 丹羽 ...
    第48回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム 函館大会/2024-08-29--2024-09-01
  • 寄生蜂毒による宿主昆虫の後胚発生の操作
    上山 拓己; 島田 裕子; 森 一葉; 谷 直紀; 高巣 晃; 賴本 隼汰; 重信 秀治; 千田 ...
    日本動物学会 第95回長崎大会/2024-09-12--2024-09-14
  • The role of a taste receptor expressed in non-taste tissues in the regulation of animal physiology: Lessons from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    NIWA Ryusuke
    Asian Scientists Symposium, The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell/2024-09-11--2024-09-11
  • 骨のない昆虫における カルシウム恒常性制御メカニズム
    丹羽 隆介
  • A genetic program promotes stress-induced organismal death in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; ...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • Male accessory gland-projecting neurons reinforce reproductive fitness by increasing the production of seminal fluid proteins in male Drosophila
    Hoshino Ryo; Ameku Tomotsune; Lin Hsin-Kuang; Tanaka ...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • Neuroendocrine regulation of calcium homeostasis during development in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Okamoto Naoki; Mizuno Yosuke; Kohsaka Hiroshi; Niwa R...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • The methionine cycle in the corpus allatum is involved in juvenile hormone biosynthesis in Drosophila melanogaster
    Mizuno Yosuke; Kurogi Yoshitomo; Yoshinari Yuto; Imura...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • Venom proteins of the endoparasitoid wasp Asobara japonica induce epithelial cell death in the host Drosophila species and ensure parasitism success
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Takasu...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • more...
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Research in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Seminars in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Basic Experiments in Human BiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar on Animal Physiology and Developmental Biology IIIFUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Seminars in Human Biology IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lectures in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Lectures in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Seminars in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Seminars in Human Biology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lectures in Human Biology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2024-10 -- 2024-10大学院講義「先端研究」慶應義塾大学先端生命科学研究所/大学院政策・メディア研究科
2023-08 -- 2023-08令和5年度筑波大学GFESTプログラム 春の実習筑波大学
2023-08 -- 2023-08令和5年度未来の科学者育成プロジェクト事業「高校生科学体験教室」茨城県教育庁高校教育課
2023-07 -- 2023-07大学模擬授業千葉県立佐原高等学校
2022-09 -- 2022-09令和4年度筑波大学GFESTプログラム 「『理科系の作文技術』を磨きましょう」筑波大学
2023-03 -- 2023-03令和4年度筑波大学GFESTプログラム 春の実習筑波大学
2020-11 -- 2020-11GFEST STEAMプログラム「『理科系の作文技術』を磨きましょう」未来を切り拓くフロントランナー育成プログラム 筑波大学GFEST
2020-11 -- 2021-03博士論文学位審査・副査神戸大学
2020-04 -- 2021-03生物科学専攻 早期修了プログラム 主査・副査筑波大学
2020-08 -- 2021-02Examiner for the PhD thesis examinationUniversity of Melbourne, Australia
  • 小さな虫を用いた研究からヒトを理解する
    丹羽 隆介
  • 高次生命現象を理解する一助としての組換えタンパク質の活用~昆虫ホルモン生合成制御因子の研究を例として~
    丹羽 隆介
  • How to enjoy the tenure-track system: My private experience at University of Tsukuba
    丹羽 隆介
  • How to regulate developmental timing in insects
    Niwa Ryusuke
    Summer School 2014: Biological Time and Biological Space/2014-08-27--2014-08-28
  • 虫の研究からヒトを理解する
    丹羽 隆介
  • ゲノム編集時代の生命科学~生化学と遺伝学を併用した研究アプローチ~
    丹羽 隆介
  • 日本型テニュアトラック制に基づくPIとしての独立:経験者の一私見
    丹羽 隆介
  • 大人になるってなんだろう?~昆虫から学べること~
    丹羽 隆介
  • Adaptive regulation of ecdysteroid biosynthesis through a stomatogastric nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster
    Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Umei Yosuke; Maramzina Jevgenija; Niwa Ry...
    2013 Ecdysone Workshop/2013-04-03
  • 栄養依存的に反応する新規の前胸腺投射神経の同定
    島田(丹羽)裕子; 梅井洋介; 丹羽隆介
  • エクジステロイド生合成酵素遺伝子の発現に関わるハエ目特異的新規ジンクフィンガータンパク質の機能解析
    小村達也; 梅井洋介; 塩谷天; 島田(丹羽)裕子; 篠田徹郎; 丹羽隆介
  • ショウジョウバエ成虫におけるエクジステロイド生合成酵素遺伝子の発現と機能の解析
    天久朝恒; 塩谷天; 島田(丹羽)裕子; 樫川(吉田)真樹; 丹羽隆介
  • エクジステロイド生合成を調節するシグナル伝達経路の解析
    梅井洋介; 島田(丹羽)裕子; 丹羽隆介
  • Besides P450s: Three non-P450-type enzymes play crucial roles in steroid hormone biosynthesis of insects
    Sora Enya; Takuji Yoshiyama-Yanagawa; Yuko S. Niwa; Ryusuke ...
    50th Anniversary Symposium on Cytochrome P450 in Fukuoka/2012-12-03
  • Phosphorylation-dependent interaction between Argonaute 1 and 14-3-3 protein
    Yuki Kawaguchi; Tohru Ichimura; Ryusuke Niwa
  • ステロイドホルモン生合成制御とその生体における意義の追究~昆虫と線虫を用いたアプローチ~
  • The role of neurotransmitter receptors in the regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis and developmental progression in Drosophila
    Yuko Shimada-Niwa; Yosuke Umei; Jevgenija Maramzina; Ryus...
    Japanese Drosophila Research Conference 10/2012-10-14
  • Noppera-bo, a new player essential for controlling ecdysteroid biosynthesis and insect developmental transition
    Sora Enya; Yuko Shimada-Niwa; Yoshinori Fujimoto; Tetsuro...
    Japanese Drosophila Research Conference 10/2012-10-13
  • Identification and characterization of Dipteran-specific genes essential for ecdysteroid biosynthesis
    Tatsuya Komura; Yosuke Umei; Sora Enya; Yuko Shimada-Niw...
    Japanese Drosophila Research Conference 10/2012-10-13
  • Expression and functional analyses of enzymes for ecdysteroid biosynthesis during gonadal development in Drosophila
    Tomotsune Ameku; Sora Enya; Yuko Shimada-Niwa; Maki Kash...
    Japanese Drosophila Research Conference 10/2012-10-13
  • An intracellular signal transduction pathway that regulates ecdysone biosynthesis in Drosophila melanogaster
    Yosuke Umei; Yuko Shimada-Niwa; Ryusuke Niwa
    Japanese Drosophila Research Conference 10/2012-10-13
  • 昆虫ステロイドホルモン生合成に関与する新規因子の同定と機能解析
    東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 分子認識化学セミナー/2012-09-27
  • The steroidogenic Rieske-type oxygenase Neverland is involved in cholesterol metabolism during the life cycle of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Tomotsune Ameku; Sora Enya; Maki Kashikawa-Yoshida; Takuj...
    International Symposia "New Frontiers of Metabolism Research in Biomedical Sciences"/2012-09-27
  • β-amyloid発現線虫に対する高分子ポリフェノールMAFの効果の検証
    小林秀美; 小澤哲夫; 丹羽隆介; 沼田治
  • 昆虫発育に関わる新規エクジソン生合成酵素Noppera-boの機能解析
    塩谷天; 丹羽隆介
  • more...
Professional activities
2023-12 -- (current)Current Opinion in Insect Science, ElsevierEditorial Board
2023-06 -- (current)Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists第4期理事
2021-03 -- (current)Frontiers in Experimental EndocrinologyAssociate Editor (Experimental endocrinology)
2020-09 -- (current)Fly (Taylor & Francis group journal)Editorial Board
2020-01 -- (current)The Molecular Biology Society of JapanGenes to Cells/Associate Editor
2020-04 -- (current)Development, Growth, and DifferentiationEditorial Board
2017-04 -- (current)第4期ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ショウジョウバエ」運営委員
2010-07 -- (current)International Insect Hormone Wokrshop organizing committeeCommittee member
2023-06 -- 2025-05日本医学会不適切語を含む医学用語の検討ワーキンググループ委員会/委員
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)研究デザイン室室員
2018-04 -- (current)生物学類 カリキュラム委員会委員
2018-04 -- (current)生物学類 運営委員会委員
2013-04 -- (current)駒場連携小委員会委員
2013-04 -- (current)フロンティア医科学専攻広報委員会委員
2023-06 -- 2024-03研究戦略室室員
2019-04 -- 2021-03生物科学専攻 広報・HP委員会委員
2018-04 -- 2019-03生物学類 広報委員会委員長
2018-04 -- 2019-03TIA連携プログラムかけはし「ミクロとマクロをつなぐ新たな生物学の創生と創薬への応用を目指す調査研究」筑波大学側メンバー
2018-04 -- 2019-03生物学類・クラス担任4年生4クラス担任
Other activities
2024-04 -- (current)原著論文査読(レフリ)ー:Cell Reports、Development、Journal of Visualized Experiments、Nature Communications、PNAS
2023-04 -- 2024-03原著論文査読(レフリ)ー:Cell Reports、Communications Biology、Development、General and Comparative Endocrinology、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Pest Management Science、PLoS One、PNAS、Science、Scientific Reports
2022-04 -- 2023-03原著論文査読(レフリ)ー:FEBS Journal、General and Comparative Endocrinology、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、iScience、Nature、Trends in Genetics
2021-04 -- 2022-03原著論文査読(レフリ)ー:Applied Entomology and Zoology、Cell Reports、Current Biology、FEBS Journal、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Insects、Metabolites、Pest Management Science、PNAS、Scientific Reports、Zoological Science
2020-04 -- 2021-03原著論文査読(レフリ)ー:Applied Entomology and Zoology、Cell Reports、Current Biology、Current Opinion in Insect Science、Development、Development, Growth, and Differentiation、eLife、Frontiers in Endocrinology、Frontiers in Physiology、G3、Genes to Cells、Genetics、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Insects、Journal of Genetics and Genomics、PLoS Genetics、Scientific Reports、Zoological Science
2019-04 -- 2020-03原著論文査読(レフリー):Applied Entomology and Zoology、Current Biology、Development、Development Growth and Differentiation、Frontiers in Physiology、General Comparative Endocrinology、Journal of Genetics and Genomics、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Insect Molecular Biology、Journal of Biochemistry、PLoS Biology、Scientific Reports、日本応用動物昆虫学会誌
2018-04 -- 2019-03原著論文査読(レフリー):Applied Entomology and Zoology、Current Biology、Development Growth and Differentiation、General and Comparative Endocrinology、Genes to Cells、PLoS Biology、PLoS Genetics、Scientific Reports、Zoological Sciences
2017-04 -- 2018-03原著論文査読(レフリー):Applied Entomology and Zoology、Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry、Cellular Signalling、Development、Frontiers in Endocrinology、Frontiers in Physiology、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Open Biology、PLoS ONE、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America、Scientific Reports、Zoological Letters
2016-04 -- 2017-03原著論文査読(レフリー):Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、International Journal of Developmental Biology、Journal of Insect Science、PLoS Genetics、PLoS ONE、Scientific Reports、Zoological Letters、Zoological Sciences
2015-04 -- 2016-03原著論文査読(レフリー):Current Biology、Development, Growth & Differentiation、European Journal of Entomology、Frontiers in Zoology、Genes and Genetic Systems、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Insect Molecular Biology、International Journal of Radiation Biology、Molecular Biology and Evolution、PLoS Genetics、Scientific Reports、Zoological Letters

(Last updated: 2024-10-09)