YAMANAKA Toshimasa
- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- 0000-0001-9049-294X
- +N6B6C6@6aIDH=>B6Ha<:Xef6XefJaIHJ@J76a68a?En
- Research fields
Design science Kansei informatics Eating habits Cognitive science - Research keywords
Kansei Science Design Cognition Information Science Interface Design Analysis and Evaluation Creativity - Research projects
5G通信環境を活用した知覚拡張システムに関する研究 2020-04 -- 2021-03 Yamanaka, Toshimasa Rakuten Mobile/共同研究・受託研究 Special Research Project on 5G-Experience Design 2021-04 -- 2023-03 Yamanaka, Toshimasa Rakuten Mobile/Special Research and Development 感性情報と連動した媒体情報提供方法(システム)の開発 2017-11 -- 2018-05 Toshimasa Yamanaka 株式会社マテリアル/学術指導契約 次世代購買体験をつくる店舗システムの研究 2018-04 -- 2019-03 Toshimasa Yamanaka Rakuten/共同研究一般研究 次世代の購買体験をつくる店舗システムの研究 2017-04 -- 2018-03 Toshimasa Yamanaka Rakuten/共同研究一般研究 感性を通して直感的に「惹かれる」物に対する行動選択思考メカニズムの脳機能的解明 2015-04 -- 2018-03 Fumihiro Shuto 文部科学省科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)/科学研究費助成事業基盤研究(B)一般 16,120,000Yen 感性情報と連動した媒体情報提供方法(システム)の開発 2016-11 -- 2017-07 Toshimasa Yamanaka 株式会社マテリアル/学術指導契約 磁石内蔵積み木の研究 2017-03 -- 2019-03 Toshimasa Yamanaka /企業からの奨学寄附金 山中敏正 2016-08 -- 2017-03 Toshimasa Yamanaka Rakuten/共同研究一般研究 感性データベース構築のための研究 2012-04 -- 2013-03 山中敏正 University of Tsukuba/共同研究一般研究 more... - Career history
2011-10 -- 2023-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of Art and DesignProfessor 2008-04 -- 2013-03 Kogakuin UniversityDepartment of Information Design, Faculty of Information Engineeringadjunct professor 2006-04 -- (current) 中央大学理工学部非常勤講師 2005-04 -- 2011-09 or the University of TsukubaComprehensive Human SciencesProfessor 2003-04 -- (current) Nihon UniversityGraduate School of Art and Designadjunct professor 2002-04 -- 2003-01 Delft University of TechnologySpecial Researcher at TU Delft (Holland) 2000-04 -- 2005-03 Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of TsukubaInstitute of Art and Design, Comprehensice Human Science 1999-08 -- 2005-03 島根県技術アドバイザー 1998-04 -- 2004-06 千葉大学工学部非常勤講師 1997-10 -- 2002-03 県立会津短期大学非常勤講師 more... - Academic background
-- 1980 Chiba University Faculty of Engineering School of Industrial Design -- 1982 Chiba University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Major of Industrial Design - Degree
1982-03 Master of Engineering Chiba University 2005-03 PhD (Kansei Science) University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2005 -- (current) International Association of Societies of Design Research 1980 -- (current) JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENCE OF DESIGN 1999 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF KANSEI ENGINEERING 1994 -- (current) JAPANESE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY 1994 -- (current) JAPAN ERGONOMICS SOCIETY 1994 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY - Honors & Awards
2018-03 Best Paper Award Visualizing Situations: Comparing Comprehension and Emotion Between Simple and Detailed Dining Situation Sketches 2018-03 春季大会優秀発表賞 2014-06 Special committee award 2011-06-26 Good Presentation 2011-06-26 Good Presentation 2010-03-04 Presentation Awards (SANABRIA ZEPEDA Jorge Carlos, CHO Young-Il, YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan) 2008-09 優秀発表賞 2007-08-02 Award of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering for Research Paper 2007-08-02 Award of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering for Publishing 1989-09 デザインフォーラム 銅賞 1989-09 デザインフォーラム銅賞 1988-11 デザイン・オブ・ザ・イヤー銀賞(PENTAX 7x21DCF II R 双眼鏡) - Articles
- What is the Effect of a Slant Shape in the Design of a UGV Delivery Robot? - UGV Robots and the Effect of Shape on the Perceived Safety
Silva Vithor Hugo Costa da; Koyama Shinichi; Yamanaka ...
IASDR 2023, 2023-10-09 - Does the shape of the UGV Robot matters for perceived safety? - A Study on the Effect of Slant Shape of UGV Robots -
Silva Vithor Hugo Costa da; Masuko So; 小山 慎一; 山中敏正
第18回日本感性工学会春季大会予稿集/p.2C02-03, 2023-03-06 - Shape parameters of UGV delivery robots that affect subject’s perception of safety
Silva Vithor Hugo Costa da; Masuko Soh; Bao Suomiya; Yama...
2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 2022-10 - Effects of colored lights on an individual's affective impressions in the observation process
Xie Xing; Cai Jun; Fang Hai; Tang Xiaoying; Yamanaka Tos...
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY/13, 2022-12 - Designing Gender Ambiguous Voice Agents - Effects of Gender Ambiguous Voice Agents on Usability of Voice User Interfaces -
ELIAN Matheus TYMBURIBA; BAO Suomiya; MASUKO Soh; Yamanak...
KANSEI Engineering International, 2022-11 - The Impression of Deliciousness through Food Photography - A Photographer's Approach to Test the Commonly Manipulated Factors and the Interactions on the Food Image Creation Process -
Sakay Rodriguez Oscar Eduardo; Masuko Soh; Yamanaka To...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE ENGINEERING/21(1)/pp.67-76, 2022-01 - Hikari-Tsumiki: Modular Toy that Visualizes Information Flow by Light Emission
Kawaguchi Ikkaku; Toshimasa Yamanaka
In Proceedings of 24nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII '22)/pp.101-112, 2022-06 - データを活かした教学マネジメント:筑波大学の試み
柳浦 猛; 立石 慎治; 小原 明恵; 山中 敏正
IDE/641(6月)/pp.36-40, 2022-06 - データを活かした教学マネジメント:筑波大学の試み
柳浦 猛; 立石 慎治; 小原 明恵; 山中 敏正
IDE, 2022-06 - 筑波大学「オンライン授業に関する学修状況等の実態調査」結果報告
立石 慎治; 土居 新治; 山中 敏正
大学研究/47/pp.39-87, 2021-03 - Use of Remote-Reality in Collaborative Design Work Over the Distance
大友邦子; 山中 敏正
Journal of Human Interface Society/24(2)/pp.8-11, 2022-05-15 - A Sustainable Community Development Process through Public-Academic-Private Partnerships Based on " Placemaking".
大竹 英理耶; 山中 敏正
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/68(0)/pp.192-193, 2021-06 - International Comparative Research on The Influence of Cuteness Impression of Manner Poster on Information Acquisition
*Alisjahbana Kara; 山中 敏正
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/68(0)/pp.416-417, 2021-06 - The Impression of Deliciousness through Food Photography
SAKAY Oscar Eduardo; Masuko Soh; Yamanaka Toshimasa
International Journal of Affective Engineering, 2021 - A Study on Instructional Humor: How Much Humor Is Used in Presentations?
Shoda Vera Paola; Yamanaka Toshimasa
Behavioral Sciences/12(1), 2022-01 - Effects of acoustic comfort and advertisement recallability on digital signage with on-demand pinpoint audio system
Kuratomo Noko; Miyakawa Haruna; Masuko Soh; Yamanaka ...
APPLIED ACOUSTICS/184, 2021-12 - A Method for Evaluating Food Image Complexity from the Photographer's Perspective
International Journal of Affective Engineering/20(3)/pp.181-187, 2021 - The improvement of medical condition by Handworks (Tedukune) workshop
蓮見 孝; 山中 敏正; 貝島 桃代; 村上 史明
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/58/pp.52-52, 2011 - Affective Impressions Scale (AIS): The Development of a Visual Scale to Measure Affective Synchrony Among Children
Rodrigo Fernandes; 山中 敏正
KEER 2020: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research/pp.45-54, 2020-09 - Video Networks of Sustainable Design: The Doughnut Perspective
xanat VARGAS MEZA; 山中 敏正
EcoDesign and Sustainability/pp.135-148, 2020-11 - Simultaneous Evaluation of Scent and Product in User Experience using Kansei Method
Bao Suomiya; 山中 敏正
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/60/p.178, 2013 - Development of a Sustainable Design Lexicon. Towards Understanding the Relationship Between Sentiments, Attitudes and Behaviours
Vargas Meza Xanat; Toshimasa Yamanaka
Proceedings: Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications, 2017 - Semantic Relationships with the Environment in the Context of Sustainable Design
Vargas Meza Xanat; Toshimasa Yamanaka
International Symposium “Local Communities and Nature Conservation”, 2017 - Proposal of a Recommendation System for Complex Topic Learning based on a Sustainable Design Approach
Vargas Meza Xanat; Toshimasa Yamanaka
Proceedings: Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications, 2018 - Sustainable Design in YouTube. A comparison of Contexts
Vargas Meza Xanat; Toshimasa Yamanaka
International Journal of Affective Engineering, 2017 - more...
- What is the Effect of a Slant Shape in the Design of a UGV Delivery Robot? - UGV Robots and the Effect of Shape on the Perceived Safety
- Books
- Effect of cultural factors on manner awareness poster impressions
Alisjahbana Kara Dinissa; Yamanaka Toshimasa; Bao Suomiya
9th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research. KEER2022. Proceedings/Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Conference, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/pp.239-248, 2022-09 - Design is the Future
Yamanaka Toshimasa
design discourse, DPD : Degree Program in Design 2020-2021/Degree Program in Design, University of Tsukuba/pp.2-5, 2021-03 - Visualizing Situations: Comparing Comprehension and Emotion between Simple and Detailed Dining Situation Sketches
Bao Suomiya; Koyama Shinichi; Yamanaka Toshimasa
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018/Springer/pp.306-315, 2018-03 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2020: KEER 2020, 7-9 September 2020, Tokyo, Japan
Shoji Hiroko; Koyama Shinichi; Kato Takeo; Muramatsu Kei...
Springer International Publishing, 2020-09 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018: KEER 2018, 19-22 March 2018, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Lokman Anitawati Mohd; Yamanaka Toshimasa; Lévy Pierre; C...
Springer International Publishing, 2018-03 - Proceedings KEER2018, Go Green with Emotion: 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018, 19-22 March 2018, Kuching, Malaysia
Yamanaka Toshimasa
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2018-03 - 感性認知脳科学的視点から考える感性価値創造
山中 敏正
将来ニーズの発掘と新製品開発への活用/Technical Information Institute Co., LTD., 2013-08 - Kansei Process and Design
山中 敏正
2014-03 - 第2章 感性認知脳科学の方法論 第3節 感性科学からのアプローチ
山中 敏正
2013-09 - 感性情報による設計と評価の支援
山中 敏正
2005-03 - 左脳デザイニング
山中 敏正
1993 - Excelによる調査分析入門
山中 敏正
1996 - 感性の科学
山中 敏正
2006-04 - 自由形状設計システム導入でデザインの不明確さを一掃
山中 敏正
日経CG別冊「インダストリアル・デザインCG活用ガイド」, 1990-07 - カメラデザインにおけるCADの活用
山中 敏正
PIXEL1992年7月号・図形情報処理センター, 1992-06 - 左脳デザイニング III 評価 (1)乗り心地のデザイン 45~56頁
山中 敏正
海文堂 海文堂 海文堂, 1994-01 - 左脳デザイニング II コンセプトの構造化 (2)デザイン設計要件の構造化 33~44頁
山中 敏正
海文堂 海文堂 海文堂, 1994-01 - マスコミとインターネット-インターネットの特長から見た利用方法
山中 敏正
講談社出版情報SEP. '95, No. 295,講談社・資料センター, 1995-09 - 芸術分野における情報化と情報価値
山中 敏正
筑波フォーラム 44・筑波大学, 1996-06 - EXCELによる調査分析入門 第4章 数量化理論I類, 51~62頁
山中 敏正
海文堂 海文堂 海文堂, 1996-01 - プロダクトデザインのひろがり 第3部 デザインの仕事は考えること -問題の発見と解決の考え方- 262~271頁
山中 敏正
工業調査会, 2000-01 - プロダクトデザインのひろがり 第2部 統合化技術としてのデザイン 164~167頁
山中 敏正
工業調査会, 2000-01 - Science of Kansei
都甲潔 坂口光一、長町三生、八木昭宏、三浦佳世、山中敏正、本郷文夫、源田悦夫、井川憲明、池崎秀和、釘宮雄一、武藤...
Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd., 2006-04 - -基礎教育としてのデザインを考える- 感性と理性を育む芸術教育の再生
日本美術家連盟ニュース 9月号 No. 428, 2008-10 - Kansei Research and Design
Bianca Beuttel; Toshimasa Yamanaka (produce)
Kansei Information Laboratory, University of Tsukuba, 2010-02 - more...
- Effect of cultural factors on manner awareness poster impressions
- Conference, etc.
- Communication and Education in Metaverse; NAKADAI Green Commons for Workcation; SPATIALIZER : Environmental Instrument; KANZOO: Educational Toy for Kids
ITO Setsu; 早里 山本; 敏正 山中; 慎一 小山; 俊廣 花里; 俊朗 内山; 協太 山...
INTERDEPENDENCE/2024-04-15--2024-04-21 - What is the Effect of a Slant Shape in the Design of a UGV Delivery Robot? - UGV Robots and the Effect of Shape on the Perceived Safety
Silva Vithor Hugo Costa da; Koyama Shinichi; Yamanaka ...
IASDR 2023/2023-10-09--2023-10-13 - Interactive Games Effects on Children’s Affective Cooperation: Evaluating Cooperation Through Kansei-Based Play and Design Sections
Fernandes Rodrigo; 小山 慎一; Kawaguchi Ikkaku; Yamanaka Tosh...
the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018/2018-03-19--2018-03-22 - Hikari-Tsumiki: Modular Toy that Visualizes Information Flow by Light Emission
Kawaguchi Ikkaku; Toshimasa Yamanaka
the 24nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII '22)/2022-06-26--2022-07-01 - Does the shape of the UGV Robot matters for perceived safety? - A Study on the Effect of Slant Shape of UGV Robots -
Silva Vithor Hugo Costa da; Masuko So; 小山 慎一; 山中敏正
第18回日本感性工学会春季大会/2023-03-06--2023-03-07 - Effect of cultural factors on manner awareness poster impressions
Alisjahbana Kara Dinissa; Yamanaka Toshimasa; Bao Suomiya
KEER2022 (International Conference in Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research)/2022-09-05--2022-09-08 - Pandemic vs Universal Design
Yamanaka Toshimasa
8th International Conference for Universal Design/2021-02-27 - Opening Address and Closing Address
Yamanaka Toshimasa
IASDR 2021/2021-12-5--2021-12-8 - Efects of Gender and Semantics on Auditory Displays: An Exploratory Study on User Interface Design
ELIAN Matheus TYMBURIBA; R. Oscar E. SAKAY; Yamanaka Tos...
IASDR 2021/2021-12-5--2021-12-8 - The Design Approach with Citizens’ Participation in Community Development Through the Pop-up Children’s Playground in Public Spaces
Erika Otake; watari; Yamanaka Toshimasa
IASDR 2021/2021-12-5--2021-12-8 - 「場づくり」を軸にした官学民連携の継続性あるまちづくりプロセス
大竹 英理耶; 山中 敏正
日本デザイン学会 第68 回春季研究発表大会/2021-06-25--2021-06-27 - Chair for the Lightning Talk at Capacity for Depiction: The Role of Art and Design in Science
Yamanaka Toshimasa
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2021/2020-11-21--2020-11-21 - Design for the Problem Discovery
Yamanaka Toshimasa
Elian Matheus Tymburiba; Yamanaka Toshimasa; Câmara Jair...
KEER2020; International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2020/2020-09-07--2020-09-09 - The Development of a Visual Scale to Measure Affective Synchrony Among Children
Fernandes rodrigo; Yamanaka Toshimasa
KEER2020; International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2020/2020-09-07--2020-09-09 - E12 Viewer Development for Analysis that Interprets Axis(TECHNICAL SESSION CONTENT)
柿山 浩一郎; 内山 俊朗; 山中 敏正; 原田 昭
平成18年度 日本デザイン学会 第53回研究発表大会/2006-06-30--2006-07-02 - A review of Sustainable Design education with YouTube.
Vargas Meza Xanat; Toshimasa Yamanaka
International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt/2020-05--2020-05 - Perception of Smell in Scent Product Design
Suomiya Bao; Toshimasa Yamanaka
2012 Autumn Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design/2012-11-17--2012-11-17 - Simultaneous Evaluation of Scent and Product in User Experience using Kansei Method
Suomiya Bao; Toshimasa Yamanaka
60th Spring Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design/2013-06-21--2013-06-23 - Exploring the Role of Color in Dining Experience: Preference and Relationship between Colors and Dining Scenes
Suomiya Bao; Yusuke Shiokawa; Kai Ishii; Satoshi Suzuki; ...
18th Conference of Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE 2016)/2016-09-09--2016-09-11 - Visualizing Situations: Comparing Comprehension and Emotion between Simple and Detailed Dining Situation Sketches
Bao Suomiya; Koyama Shinichi; Yamanaka Toshimasa
7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018 (KEER 2018)/2018-03-19--2018-03-22 - Association and Evaluation of Scent and Product in User Experience using Kansei Method
Bao Suomiya; Yamanaka Toshimasa
5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR2013)/2013-08-26--2013-08-30 - The Effects of Scents on Emotion and Performance in User Experience of Application Software
Bao Suomiya; Yamanaka Toshimasa
1st International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering (ISASE2015)/2015-03-22--2015-03-23 - The Colour of Dining Experience: Preference, Association of Colour and Relationship between Colours and Dining Scenes
Bao Suomiya; Shiokawa Yusuke; Ishii Kai; Suzuki Satoshi; ...
6th International Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Conference (KEER 2016)/2016-08-31--2016-09-02 - Kids Design Association Japan: Regulating and Promoting Children Oriented Design Practice in Japan
Fernandes Rodrigo; Bao Suomiya; Tsutatani Kunio; Yamanaka...
7th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR2017)/2017-10-31--2017-11-04 - more...
- Communication and Education in Metaverse; NAKADAI Green Commons for Workcation; SPATIALIZER : Environmental Instrument; KANZOO: Educational Toy for Kids
- Intellectural property rights
- 7x21 DCF HD
山中敏正 - 7x20 DCF R
山中敏正 - Telescope
Yamanaka; Toshimasa (Tokyo JP) - MS4 コントローラ
山中敏正 - ストロボ内蔵一眼レフカメラ」1989.6.29
山中敏正 - 7x20DCF II
山中敏正 - Back-cover release device1989.12.12共同(他2名) for a camera
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Nakajima; Masahiro (Tokyo J... - Single-lens reflex camera with built-in flash
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Koshino; Susumu (Tokyo JP); ... - Pair of binoculars
Yamanaka; Toshimasa (Tokyo JP); Shishikura; Takenao (Toky... - Single-lens reflex camera with built-in flash
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Koshino; Susumu (Tokyo JP); ... - Actuating mechanism and multi-position rubber or membrane switch device
Yamamoto; Masato (Kawagoe JP); Nakajima; Masahiro (Oizumi... - 7x20 DCF IIR
山中敏正 - 8x24UCF
山中敏正; 宍倉剛直; 高橋明夫 - Spotting Scope 500R
山中敏正 - 125EDHFコントローラ
山中敏正 - Indicating apparatus within finder of single-lens reflex camera
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Nakajima; Masahiro (Tokyo J... - Indicating apparatus within finder of camera
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Yamanaka; Toshimasa (Tokyo ... - 125EDHF
堀田啓一; 山中敏正 - 100EDUF
山中敏正; 野村博 - Representation of depth of field in camera
Yamamoto; Masato (Saitama JP); Yamanaka; Toshimasa (Tokyo... - Camera with side-mounted balancer
山中敏正 - Barcode reader
Mori; Seiichi (Tokyo JP); Yamanaka; Toshimasa (Tokyo JP)... - SLR camera with auxiliary light emitter
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Nakajima; Masahiro (Tokyo J... - Single-lens reflex camera with built-in flash
Yamamoto; Masato (Tokyo JP); Koshino; Susumu (Tokyo JP); ... - ペン型バーコードスキャナー
松下武; 森整一; 山中敏正 - more...
- 7x21 DCF HD
- Works
- PENTAX 7x21 DCF-HD binocular
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Telescope 125 EDHF system
山中 敏正 - PENTAX PC-555 (Compact camera)
山中 敏正 - PENTAX 7x21 DCF II binocular
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Telescope 105 EDHF system
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Telescope 75 EDHF-II system
山中 敏正 - PENTAX 7x21 DCF II-R binocular
山中 敏正 - PENTAX 7x24 UCF binocular
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Binocular PCF series
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Spotting Scope 300R, 500R
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Laserprinter LaserFold 240
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Automatic typesetting system PAIS
山中 敏正 - PENTAX ZOOM 105 (Compact camera)
山中 敏正 - PENTAX Z-1 (SLR camera)
山中 敏正 - PENTAX PocketBook mobile printer
山中 敏正 - Homepage Design of Art and Design at University of Tsukua
山中 敏正 - Internet Musium of Art and Design at University of Tsukuba
山中 敏正 - NoNoJi House
花里 俊廣; 戸田 巧; 山中 敏正 - kansei x tsukuba x design, 展覧会
山中 敏正 - kansei x tsukuba x design 2, (exhibition)
山中 敏正
- PENTAX 7x21 DCF-HD binocular
- Teaching
2023-10 -- 2024-02 Special Lecture in Kansei , Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Special Lecture in Kansei , Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IA University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IIA University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Art IB University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Art IIB University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Art IIA University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Art IA University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Special Lecture in Kansei , Behav ioral and Brain Sciences 5 University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Special Lecture in Kansei , Behav ioral and Brain Sciences 5 University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2017-02 -- 2017-02 Investigation of Kansei Science and Design Research Sistema de Universidad Virtual (SUV) 2014-08 -- 2014-08 ワークショップ ミッション[宇宙X芸術] 東京都現代美術館 2012-02 -- 2012-03 International Internship (Munich, 2011) University of Tsukuba 2013-03 -- 2013-03 International Internship (Milan, 2012) University of Tsukuba 2015-03 -- 2015-03 International Internship(Paris, 2014) University of Tsukuba 2011-03 -- 2011-03 Design Skill Standard Trial Program (MEXT) LV.3, No.07 Design and Kansei Value 学外 2010-08 -- 2010-09 金の卵展入選(泉瀧新) 学外 2010-03 -- 2010-03 Special Lecture on Kansei Science 学外 2010-03 -- 2010-03 International Internship and Joint workshop at Royal College of Art (France) 学外 2010-03 -- 2010-03 International Internship at International Conference (France) 学外 more... - Talks
- Design is the Future, 学としてのデザインと感性の科学
山中 敏正
札幌市立大学特別講義/2021-10-27 - 見えないものを見るために 創立100周年を目指して
山中 敏正
県立松江南高等学校 創立60周年記念事業/2021-11-06 - Panel Discussion: Regional and Urban Development on Universal Design
Yamanaka Toshimasa
7th International Conference for Universal Design/2019-03-04--2019-03-06 - Kansei and Kansei Research for Design
Yamanaka Toshimasa
International workshop in Design/2017-10-24--2017-10-24 - Understanding Kansei Mechanism for Creation
Yamanaka Toshimasa
International Kansei Design Workshop/2016-02-29--2016-02-29 - (特別講演) 製品の魅力と感性・デザイン・工学
山中 敏正
ヒューマンライフテクノロジー研究部門 平成24年度第4回研究成果発表会/2013-3-18--2013-3-18 - サイエンスイラストレーション技法と事例紹介
山中 敏正
サイエンスイラストによる感性データベース研究会 第1回サイエンスイラストWG/2014-12-08--2014-12-08 - 感性データベースとサイエンスビジュアライゼーション
山中 敏正
サイエンスイラストによる感性データベース研究会 第1回研究会・公開講演会/2014-11-10--2014-11-10 - Session 9 (Closing Session): Glocalized Development for Universal Design —Recovery and Rehabilitation in Fukushima/Towards Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games—
Yamanaka Toshimasa
The 5th International Conference for Universal Design in Fukushima & Tokyo 2014/2014-11-10--2014-11-13 - 2020のデザイン アート+スポーツ+テクノロジーの融合による未来
山中 敏正
2020のデザイン アート+スポーツ+テクノロジーの融合による未来/2014-09-20--2014-09-20 - 東京のオリンピック・日本のオリンピック〜デザインがそこにあるから研究する
山中 敏正
東京デザイン2020フォーラム/2013-10-31--2013-10-31 - 製品の魅力を支える感性価値研究
山中 敏正
期待学研究会/2012-03-27--2012-03-27 - 感性工学とキッズデザイン
山中 敏正
Kid's Design Lecture 2013/2013-06-03--2013-06-03 - デザインと脳-感性が創る世界
山中 敏正
応用脳科学コンソーシアム/2012-12-10 - Special Issue - Topic: Toward the definition of Kansei and Kansei Engineering
山中 敏正
Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER) 2012/2012-05-25 - Toward the definition of Kansei and Kansei Engineering
山中 敏正
UXPA Korea: Imerging Experience/2012-10-26 - 製品の魅力を支える感性価値研究
期待学研究会/2012-03-28 - Kansei Research and Kansei Engineering
Prof. Anne Gué nand Prof. Pierre Levy Prof. Toshima...
2012 International Symposium on Design Engineering and Kansei/2012-03-16 - 感性プロダクトの展望: 感性工学による製品開発
山中敏正; 内山俊朗
CIAJデザイン委員会見学会/2011-10-07 - 製品の魅力を支える感性価値研究
山中敏正; 若林尚樹; 姜南圭
長崎総合科学大学第1回公開講演会『新しい時代の感性とデザイン』/2011-10-22 - Kansei - live product design
Toshimasa Yamanaka
Munich Creative Business Week/2012-02-10 - Introduction to the Kansei and Kansei Research
山中 敏正
ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE)/2010-08-15 - Introduction to the Kansei Research and KEER Conference, Openeing Remark of the KEER2010
Toshimasa Yamanaka
International Conference of Kansei Engingeering and Emtion Research 2010/2010-03-02 - Kansei Engineering and Kansei Science --the emerging research for society
山中 敏正
2nd Annual Symposium of Taiwan Institute of Kansei/2009-11-20 - デザインと社会とのかかわり-製造物の感性評価とデザイン-
山中 敏正
日本農業機械学会関東支部セミナー/1998-11-01 - more...
- Design is the Future, 学としてのデザインと感性の科学
- Professional activities
2018-04 -- 2020-09 KEER / Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research KEER 2020 Vice Chair 2020-01 -- 2023-12 International Association of Societies of Design Research President 2012-09 -- (current) Japan Society of Kansei Engineering counselor 2017-11 -- 2019-11 International Association of Societies of Design Research Secretary General / Board member 2018-04 -- (current) JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENCE OF DESIGN board member 2017-09 -- 2017-09 19th Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering board of organization 2017-04 -- 2017-09 Rakuten Research Session, JSKE Chair 2016-08 -- 2018-03 Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018 Chair of Organizing Committee 2016-04 -- 2018-03 JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENCE OF DESIGN audit 2014-11 -- (current) 一般社団法人 人間生活工学研究センター 感性データベース研究会/主査 more... - University Management
2020-04 -- 2022-03 Office of management for the Teaching and Learning chair 2020-04 -- 2021-03 デザイン学学位プログラム財務委員会 委員長 2020-04 -- 2022-03 教育戦略会議 委員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 教学デザイン室 室員 2019-04 -- 2021-03 Office of Advisors to the President Advisors to the President 2018-04 -- 2020-03 Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Vice Provost 2018-04 -- 2022-03 Doctoral Program in Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences Chair 2015-04 -- 2018-03 Faculty of Art and Design Provost 2014-04 -- 2015-03 International Committee, Faculty of Art and Design head of board 2012-04 -- 2015-03 芸術専門学群 副学群長 more... - Other activities
2017-05 -- 2018-03 https://assets.tue.nl/fileadmin/content/onderzoek/Onderzoeksbeoordelingen/Research%20review%20Industrial%20Design%20Technical%20Eindhoven%20University%20of%20Technology.pdf 2014-06 -- 2015-03 岐阜県庁 商工労働部 産業技術課 岐阜県研究課題外部評価員 として,岐阜県の公設研究機関が行う研究課題の評価を行う 2015-04 -- 2017-03 古河商工会議所 古河地区工業連絡会 アドバイザー (「古河地区工業連絡会」において運営のアドバイスを行う.) 2015-06 -- 2016-03 県北国際アートフェスティバル実行委員会委員 (茨城県の県北地域においてアートの力を活用して地域の魅力を引き出しこれまで以上に交流を活発化させる取り組みを行う) 2015-06 -- 2016-03 ナイジェリア共和国Ondo州 Akure市のThe Federal University of Technology, Akure の External Assessment of Academic Staff(教育スタッフの外部審査員)を勤める 2015-06 -- 2016-03 経済産業省中小企業庁委託事業「戦略的基盤技術高度化支援事業」に係る評価者 2014-05 -- 2014-05 Chief Jury for the PhD research 'Definition and representation of user experience intentions in the early phase of the industrial design process: a focus on the kansei process, by Alexandre GENTNER at l’École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers - Message
Kansei is a intuitive process of mind. We can feel and make up our mind with Kansei. Kansei Science is a theoretical and practical research on this intuitive process and support to develop advanced creativity necessary for designers.
(Last updated: 2022-12-20)