- Affiliation
- Institute of Art and Design
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0002-9364-706X
- 54>34E,64N]Y2045@?>@W?>@6@-,W,.W5;d
- Phone
- 029-853-2707
- Fax
- 029-853-2707
- Research fields
Education on school subjects and activities - Research keywords
Art Education Art Appreciation Appreciation Skill Art Appreciation Repertoires 熟達化 転移 学習理論 支援ツール 教材開発 Franz Cizek - Research projects
美術鑑賞学習におけるメタ認知支援のためのアプリケーション開発と検証 2022-04 -- 2027-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,160,000Yen 美術鑑賞学習における思考の可視化と深化 2022-04 -- 2023-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Scientific Literature) 900,000Yen A Study on Strategies of Visualizing Thought Using Digital Tools for Art Appreciation Learning 2019-04 -- 2023-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,420,000Yen A study on learning strategies encouraging flexible and deep thinking in the process of art appreciation 2016-04 -- 2020-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,550,000Yen A study on art learning strategies encouraging interaction between pictorial images and language 2013-04 -- 2016-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,810,000Yen Considering the effects of metacognition in the process of writing about art 2010-04 -- 2013-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,160,000Yen A Study of expertise and learning strategies in art appreciation 2006-04 -- 2009-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 3,190,000Yen 美術鑑賞学習における発達とレパートリーに関する研究 2006-04 -- 2007-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Scientific Literature) 1,500,000Yen Analysis of Repertoires in Art Appreciation and Material Development for the Learning Skills 2003-04 -- 2006-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2,800,000Yen 美的感受性の発達的知見に基づく美術鑑賞教育ソフトウェアの開発 2001-04 -- 2003-03 ISHIZAKI Kazuhiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 2,100,000Yen - Career history
2013-04 -- (current) 国立大学法人筑波大学芸術系教授 2011-10 -- 2013-03 国立大学法人筑波大学芸術系准教授 2008-04 -- 2011-09 国立大学法人筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科准教授 2007-04 -- 2008-03 国立大学法人宇都宮大学教育学部准教授 2004-04 -- 2007-03 国立大学法人宇都宮大学教育学部助教授 2001-04 -- 2004-03 宇都宮大学教育学部助教授 1999-10 -- 2000-07 米国オハイオ州立大学客員研究員 1998-04 -- 2001-03 秋田大学教育文化学部助教授 1997-06 -- 1998-03 秋田大学教育学部助教授 1993-04 -- 1997-05 秋田大学教育学部講師 - Academic background
1982-04 -- 1986-03 University of Tsukuba School of Arts and Design 1986-04 -- 1992-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Art and Design - Degree
1992-03 博士(芸術学) University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
1986 -- (current) ASSOCIATION OF ART EDUCATION 1987 -- (current) SOCIETY OF ART EDUCATION IN UNIVERSITY 1987 -- (current) National Art Education Association 2001 -- (current) International Society for Education through Art 1988 -- (current) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF EDUCATIONAL METHODS 1986 -- (current) The Japanese Society for Education through Art in Japan - Honors & Awards
2007-03 2006年度 美術科教育学会『美術教育学』賞 - Articles
- Visualizing and deepening thoughts through art appreciation
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
Visual Inquiry/10(3)/pp.371-383, 2022-10 - Paradox of “pictorial turn”: Reconsidering the interaction between drawing and linguistic activity
Ishizaki K.; Wang W.
International Journal of Education through Art/14(2)/pp.161-177, 2018-06 - Our museum in the diverse social context: Schools’ collections as cultural resources created by citizen curators
Wang Wenchun; Ishizaki Kazuhiro
Conference Proceedings: The 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art/pp.175-177, 2015-07 - Learning through Collaborative Activities in Metacognitive Art Writing
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
InSEA European Regional Congress: Tales of Art Curiosity/Canterbury 2013 Proceedings/pp.350-361, 2014 - Considering the Effects of Metacognition in the Process of Writing about Art
Ishizaki K.; Wang W.
ART & SPACE & EDUCATION: Proceedings of the 33rd InSEA World Congress, Budapest, 25-30th June 2011(DVD)/pp.1-13, 2011-06 - Considering the framework of art appreciation repertoires
Ishizaki K.; Wang W.
International Journal of Education through Art/6(3)/pp.327-341, 2010-12 - The Role of Metacognition in Art Appreciation Learning
石崎 和宏; 王 文純
Art Education/0(31)/pp.55-66, 2010-03 - The Expertise and Transfer in Learning about "Appreciation Skills"
王 文純; 石崎 和宏
Art Education/0(30)/pp.465-476, 2009-03 - Learning about “Appreciation Skills”: Case Study of Two Teenagers
Ishizaki K.; Wang W.; Parsons M.
Proceedings : The 32nd InSEA World Congress 2008 in Osaka (CD-ROM)/p.1-10, 2008-08 - An Analysis of Expertise in Writing about Art
石崎 和宏; 王 文純
Art Education/0(29)/pp.49-60, 2008-03 - A Qualitative Research for the Structure of Repertoires in Writing about Art
王 文純; 石崎 和宏
Art Education/0(28)/pp.429-440, 2007-03 - 美術教育における読解力形成と構造化をめぐる課題
石崎 和宏
Art Education/0(27)/pp.439-450, 2006-03 - Study of Repertoires in Writing about Art
石崎 和宏; 王 文純
Art Education/0(27)/pp.29-41, 2006-03 - Re-thinking of Aesthetic Development from the Viewpoint of Repertoires
王 文純; 石崎 和宏
Art Education/0(25)/pp.507-519, 2004-03 - A Study on the Art Criticism Program Using Multimedia CD-ROM
石崎 和宏; 王 文純
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Utsunomiya University. Section 1/54(0)/pp.115-130, 2004-03 - Postmodern Approach of Art Appreciation for Integrated Study in Japan
Ishizaki K.; Wang W.
Journal of Aesthetic Education/37(4)/pp.64-73, 2003-12 - Re-considering the Developmental Characteristics of Japanese Students' Art Appreciation from the Viewpoint of Repertoires
Ishizaki K.; Wang W.
International Conversations through Art: Proceedings - The 31st InSEA World Congress (CD-ROM)-/p.1-8, 2003-07 - Aesthetic Development in Cross-cultural Context: A Study of Art Appreciation in Japan, Taiwan and the United States
Wang W.; Ishizaki K.
Studies in Art Education/43(4)/pp.373-392, 2002-07 - 日本の美術鑑賞教育の新たな課題 -美的感受性の発達的特徴からの検討―
石崎和宏; 王文純
新世紀芸術教育理論與実務国際学術検討会論文集/p.1-20, 2001-09 - A Developmental Study on Aesthetic Sensitivity of Youth in Japan─ Features in Preadolescence ─
石崎和宏; 王文純
大学美術教育学会誌/(32)/p.39-46, 2000-03 - A Study on the Assessment Method and the Development of Aesthetic Sensitivity of Schoolchildren and Adolescents
石崎 和宏; 王 文純
Art Education/0(20)/pp.35-45, 1999-03 - A Cross-cultural Study on the Development of the Aesthetic Sensitivity ─A Comparison of Japan and Taiwan─
王文純; 石崎和宏
大学美術教育学会誌/(31)/p.31-38, 1999-03 - A Study on the Properties of Adult's Aesthetic Sensitivity to Visual Art and Correlations
石崎 和宏
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Akita University. Educational science/53(0)/pp.11-16, 1998-03 - A Study on the Development of Aesthetic Sensitivity : An Examination of the Assessment Method in Youth
王 文純; 石崎 和宏
Art Education/0(19)/pp.417-427, 1998-03 - An Analysis of Artistic Abilities by the Art Appreciation Test
石崎 和宏
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Akita University. Educational science/51(0)/pp.21-27, 1997-03 - more...
- Visualizing and deepening thoughts through art appreciation
- Books
- Visualizing and Deepening Thoughts in the Learning Process of Art Appreciation
石崎和宏; 王文純
TOSHINDO, 2022-12 - 第2章美術科 美術科の教科目標、学年目標、美術鑑賞の発達理論
石崎 和宏
『新・教職課程演習 第21巻 中等音楽科教育,中等美術科教育,中等家庭科教育,中等技術分野教育,中等保健体育科教育,高校情報科教育, 中等総合的な学習/探究の時間』/協同出版/pp.52-55, -pp.90-92, 2021-10 - 第3章図画工作 第1節図画工作科の目的・目標、第2節図画工作科の内容構成
石崎 和宏
『新・教職課程演習 第15巻 初等生活科教育,初等音楽科教育,初等図画工作科教育,初等家庭科教育,初等体育科教育,初等総合的な学習の時間』/協同出版/pp.98-101, -pp.108-111, 2021-06 - 教育改革と美術鑑賞教育研究の軌跡-発達的視点からの研究を中心として-
石崎 和宏; 王文純
美術教育学の歴史から/学術研究出版/ブックウェイ/pp.164-175, 2019-03 - 図画工作科教育の意義とねらい
石崎 和宏
初等図画工作科教育/ミネルヴァ書房/pp.3-14, 2018-11 - New Trends in Teaching Art Appreciation in Japan
石崎和宏; 王文純
Art Education with the Gig Data Era/上海教育出版社/pp.43-57, 2017-06 - 美術鑑賞学習における美的判断ジレンマの試み
アートエデュケーション思考/学術研究出版/ブックウェイ/pp.64-71, 2016-09 - Interaction between pictorial images and language in art appreciation
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
當代藝術教育研究新視野-第一屆藝術教育研究國際學術研討會論文集-/Airiti Press/pp.1-18, 2015-06 - 子どもの芸術的なコンピテンシー -イメージとことばを相互作用的につなげる力-
石崎 和宏; 王文純
アートでひらく未来の子どもの育ち:未来の子どもの育ち支援のために-人間科学の越境と連携実践4-/明石書店/pp.298-320, 2014-02 - Considering the Effects of Metacognition in the Process of Writing about Art
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
From Child Art to Visual Language of Youth: New Models and Tools for Assessment of Learning and Creation in Art Education/Intellect, Limited/pp.249-266, 2013-08 - A study of development and repertoires in learning about art appreciation
石崎和宏; 王文純
風間書房, 2006-11 - A study on the theory and methods used in the art education of Franz Cizek
石崎 和宏
建帛社, 1992-10 - 戦後の民間教育運動、学習指導要領の変遷(1)~(5)
石崎 和宏
美術科教育の基礎知識 (4訂版)/建帛社, 2010-10 - 美術鑑賞における発達の特徴、パーソンズの美的発達論
石崎 和宏; 王文純
美術鑑賞宣言/日本文教出版/pp.300-305, 2003-03
- Visualizing and Deepening Thoughts in the Learning Process of Art Appreciation
- Conference, etc.
- Trends in Japanese Art Education in the Corona Era: A Case Study of University
2022 Taiwan International Symposium on Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education/2022-11-11--2022-11-12 - 創造意図的鑑賞-従比較研究出発的鑑賞教育研究-
石崎和宏; 王文純
亜州地区学校美術課程改革与創新国際検討会/2020-11-15--2020-11-15 - Making meaning through interaction between visual and verbal metaphors
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
InSEA 2019 World Congress/2019-07-12--2019-07-12 - Meaning making through digital art educational practices
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
European Regional InSEA Congress 2018/2018-06-18--2018-06-21 - 美術鑑賞における発達と学習方略
文化活動のマーケティング研究会/2017-08-27--2017-08-28 - Considering how young students deepen their dialogue with artworks through therapeutic reading
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
The 35th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art/2017-08-07--2017-08-11 - 鑑賞教育研究:20年來的回顧・現況與展望
石崎和宏; 王文純
“守正創新”美術教育創新学術論壇/2016-11-14--2016-11-15 - Longitudinal study of the interaction between drawing and linguistic activity in art appreciation
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
2015 USSEA Regional Conference, An Inclusive World: Bridging Communities/2015-07-17--2015-07-19 - Interaction between pictorial images and language in art appreciation
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
The 1st International Symposium on Research in Arts Education/2015-03-20--2015-03-20 - The unique and specific function of the interaction among drawing, linguistic activities and art appreciation
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
The 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2014)/2014-07-07--2014-07-11 - Our museum in the diverse social context: A participatory action research study of art museum project for lifelong learning
Wang Wenchun; Ishizaki Kazuhiro
The 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2014)/2014-07-07--2014-07-11 - Learning through Collaborative Activities in Metacognitive Art Writing
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
InSEA European Regional Congress: TALES OF ART AND CURIOSITY/2013-06-24--2013-06-26 - From Child Art to the Visual Culture of Youth - Panel discussion on authentic, developmental assessment
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Karpati A. Steers J. Boughton D. ...
InSEA European Regional Congress: TALES OF ART AND CURIOSITY/2013-06-24--2013-06-26 - 自主シンポジウム「未来の子どもの育ち」をどう考え,支援するか -OECDキー・コンピテンシーを超えて:智・身体・芸術的感性を通した人・環境とのつながり
長崎勤; 庄司一子; 茂呂雄二; 澤江幸則; 木塚朝博; 石崎和宏; 片岡 浄; 本郷一夫
日本教育心理学会第54回大会/2012-11-23--2012-11-23 - Considering the effects of metacognition on the process of writing about art
Ishizaki Kazuhiro; Wang Wenchun
The 33rd InSEA World Congress Research Pre-Conference/2011-06-25--2011-06-26
- Trends in Japanese Art Education in the Corona Era: A Case Study of University
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research on Arts Education I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research on Arts Education I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Field Research: Art Environment Support A-2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Field Research: Art Environment Support A-2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Theory of Arts Appreciation a-2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Theory of Arts Appreciation a-1 University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Field Research: Art Environment Support B-1 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Field Research: Art Environment Support B-1 University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Field Research: Art Environment Support B-2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Field Research: Art Environment Support B-2 University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- 美術鑑賞教育の現在
あーとネット・とちぎ サマーミーティング2019/2019-08-24--2019-08-24 - 美術鑑賞の学習方略を複眼的に考える
平成29年度千葉県高等学校教育研究会美術・工芸部会総会/2017-05-25--2017-05-25 - 鑑賞スキルからレパートリーへ ―学習方略を複眼的に考える―
- 美術鑑賞教育の現在
- Professional activities
2010-04 -- 2019-03 ASSOCIATION OF ART EDUCATION 理事 2001-04 -- (current) 台湾『芸術教育研究』 『芸術教育研究』(Research in Arts Education)顧問委員
(Last updated: 2025-01-29)