福田 慎一(フクダ シンイチ)

ダイレクトリプログラミングにより網膜神経節細胞を再生させる新規緑内障治療法の開発2023 -- (現在)福田 慎一AMED/「再生・細胞医療・遺伝子治療実現加速化プログラム(再生・細胞医療・遺伝子治療研究開発課題(基礎応用研究課題))」97,500,000円
エピジェネティクス制御によるダイレクトリプログラミング亢進とライブイメージング2022 -- (現在)福田 慎一日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B)17,160,000円
マウス網膜神経再生のライブイメージング2022 -- (現在)福田 慎一武田科学振興財団/医学系研究助成2,000,000円
老化と神経細胞へのダイレクトリプログラミング2021 -- (現在)福田 慎一JST/創発的研究支援事業65,000,000円
「計算光学顕微鏡による生きた組織の機能イメージング」 主たる研究分担者2021 -- (現在)安野 嘉晃JST/CREST500,000,000円
網膜硝子体研究2021 -- 2021福田 慎一網膜硝子体学会/第14回 田野 Young Investigator’s Award300,000円
老化細胞を脱分化・ダイレクトリプログラミングさせるメカニズムの解明2021 -- 2021福田 慎一網膜硝子体学会/基礎研究助成プログラム1,600,000円
加齢性黄斑変性症におけるレトロトランスポゾン蓄積の影響およびメカニズムの解2019 -- 2022福田 慎一日本学術振興会/国際共同研究加速基金(帰国発展)61,620,000円
Quantitative Evaluation of Phase Retardation in Filtering Blebs Using Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography.2018 -- 2018福田 慎一日本眼科学会/日本眼科学会学術奨励賞300,000円
Endogenous complementary DNA in age-related macular degeneration2017 -- 2017福田 慎一/Sun and Science 2017 Research Competition Award 2nd place100,000円
2005-04 -- 2007-03筑波大学附属病院研修医
2007-04 -- 2008-03筑波大学附属病院眼科レジデント
2008-04 -- 2009-03茨城西南医療センター眼科医師
2010-04 -- 2012-07日本学術振興会特別研究員
2012-08 -- 2018-02筑波大学医学医療系眼科講師
2015-04 -- 2016-06ケンタッキー大学Postdoctoral fellow
2016-07 -- 2018-02バージニア大学Postdoctoral fellow
2016-04 -- 2018-02日本学術振興会海外特別研究員
2018-03 -- 2019-03バージニア大学医学部Assistant Professor
2019-09 -- (現在)筑波大学医学医療系眼科准教授
2022武田科学振興財団 医学系研究助成
2021日本網膜硝子体学会 第14回田野 Young Investigator's Award
2021日本網膜硝子体学会 基礎研究プログラム
2018日本眼科学会 学術奨励賞
2017AUPO/RPB (Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology) Resident & Fellow Research Forum Award
2017Sun and Science 2017 Research Competition Award 2nd place
2015日本医師会 医学研究奨励賞
2014筑波大学附属病院 医療の質の為のベストプラクティス 奨励賞
2013Alcon Novartis Hida Memorial Award
2012108th KOS Travel Grant Award, Korean Ophthalmology Society
2011The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Travel Grant Award
  • Anterior segment OCT: Polarization-sensitive OCT.
    S Fukuda; Y Yasuno; Oshika Tetsuro
    Atlas of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography/Springer Nature Switzerland AG/pp.237-249, 2020-11
  • Anterior segment OCT: An Overview.
    S Fukuda; Y Yasuno; Oshika Tetsuro
    Atlas of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography/Springer Nature Switzerland AG/pp.1-4, 2020-11
  • 眼内Cow Hitch法による偏位眼内レンズ矯正法
    福田 慎一
    あたらしい眼科/メディカル葵出版/pp.53-54, 2008
  • マウスの網膜色素変性におけるAlde-Low EPCの血管・神経保護作用
    福田 慎一
    Retina Medicine/先端医学社/pp.69-78, 2014
  • ぶどう膜炎
    福田 慎一
    NHK きょうの健康/NHK出版/pp.128-128, 2014
  • 白内障・緑内障・加齢性黄斑変性
    福田 慎一
    環境と健康シリーズ/大同生命公共事業団/pp.5-12, 2013
  • Neuroprotection by Endothelial Progenitor Cells for Retinal Degeneration
    Fukuda Shinichi
    Neuroprotection and Neutoregeneration for Retinal Disease/pp.323-331, 2014
  • 水晶体・白内障術後
    福田 慎一
    前眼部画像診断A to Z/MEDICAL VIEW/pp.91-97, 2016
  • 円錐角膜
    福田 慎一
    前眼部画像診断A to Z/MEDICAL VIEW/pp.56-63, 2016
  • 前眼部偏光OCT
    福田 慎一
    前眼部画像診断A to Z/MEDICAL VIEW/pp.170-175, 2019
  • 留学体験記
    福田 慎一
    The Lipid/メディカ出版/pp.73-76, 2020
  • 前眼部偏光OCT
    福田 慎一
    眼科グラフィック/メディカ出版/pp.271-276, 2015
  • Studying the effect of gluconeogenesis inhibitor drug on liver functionality using dynamic optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; El-Sadek Ibrahim Abd; Fukuda Shini...
    Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XXI/2024-01-27--2024-02-01
  • Virtual multi-directional optical coherence tomography
    El-Sadek Ibrahim Abd; Miyazawa Arata; Shen Larina; Fukuda...
    SPIE Photonics West/ BiOS 2020/2020-02-03--2020-02-05
  • Three-dimensional intracellular motility imaging in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVI, Photonics West/2022-2-24--2022-02-26
  • Monte-Carlo based Bayesian estimator to obtain the true local birefringence of biological samples using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography
    Kasaragod Deepa K.; Makita Shuichi; Fukuda Shinichi; Behe...
    Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XVIII, BIOS, Photonics West/2014-02-03--2014-02-05
  • 3D label-free dynamics imaging of liver microvasculature by optical coherence microscopy
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Miyazawa Arata; Fukuda Shinichi; Yama...
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2020/2020-11-14--2020-11-17
  • Revealing renal tubular structural metabolism without labeling by functional optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2022/2022-11-13--2022-11-16
  • Assessment of renal functional changes in obstructed nephropathy using optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Optics and Photonics Japan/2021-10-26--2021-10-29
  • Multi-functional optical coherence microscopy for in-vitro and ex-vivo tissue investigation
    Yasuno Yoshiaki; El-Sadek Ibrahim Abd; Miyazawa Arata; Sh...
    European Conference on Biomedical Optics/2021-06-20--2021-06-24
  • Volumetric multi-contrast dynamics imaging for ex vivo liver microvasculature activity visualization using Jones matrix optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Miyazawa Arata; Shen L. T. W.; Fukuda...
    Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXV, Photonics West BiOS/2021-03-06--2021-03-11
  • Three-dimensional imaging of mouse liver dynamics by polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Miyazawa Arata; Fukuda Shinichi; Yama...
    Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2021, Photonics West BiOS/2021-03-06--2021-03-11
  • Renal tubular structure and metabolism revealed by dynamic optical coherence tomography and OCT angiography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XX, Photonics West BiOS/2023-01-29--2023-01-30
  • Label-free ex-vivo animal tissue metabolism investigation using dynamic optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVII, Photonics West BiOS/2023-01-30--2023-02-01
  • Assessment of renal functional changes in obstructed nephropathy using optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Optics and Photonics Japan/2021-10-26--2021-10-29
  • 3D label-free metabolic imaging in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease model by optical coherence microscopy
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Optics and Photonics Japan/2021-10-26--2021-10-29
  • Label-free assessment of renal function with unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) model by optical coherence microscopy
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Fukuda Shinichi; Lukmanto Donny; Yama...
    Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2022, Photonics West/2022-2-22--2022-02-27
  • Objective cataract detection and grading with deep learning based on OCT densitometry
    Huang Xiaoqin; Mori Haruhiro; Lukmanto Donny; Tran Th...
    ARVO Imaging in the Eye Conference/2021-05-13--2021-05-14
  • Quantification of ex-vivo tissue activity by polarization dynamics imaging using Jones matrix optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; Miyazawa Arata; Shen Larina; Fukud...
    Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2020/2020-08-24--2020-09-04
  • The corneal phase retardation measured by a prototype of anterior segment polarization-sensitive OCT
    Fukuda Shinichi; Ueno Yuta; Fujita Akari; Mori Haruhi...
    Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO)/2020-05-01--2020-05-07
  • Quantification of ex vivo tissue activity by short and long time-course analysis of multifunctional OCT signals
    El-Sadek Ibrahim Abd; Miyazawa Arata; Shen Larina; Fukuda...
    SPIE Photonics West/ BiOS 2020/2020-02-01--2020-02-06
  • Short and long time-course ex vivo tissues activity quantification by multifunctional OCT
    El-Sadek Ibrahim Abd; Miyazawa Arata; Shen Larina; Fukuda...
    Optics Photonics Japan 2019 (日本光学会年次講演会)/2019-12-2--2019-12-05
  • Birefringence dynamics imaging for ex-vivo tissue activity quantification using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography
    Mukherjee Pradipta; El-Sadek Ibrahim Abd; Miyazawa Arata...
    Optics Photonics Japan 2019 (日本光学会年次講演会)/2019-12-2--2019-12-05

(最終更新日: 2023-08-02)