- Affiliation
- Institute of Human Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- Research fields
Applied health science - Research keywords
Frailty Sarcopenia Fall prevention Care prevention Rehabilitation Geriatrics - Research projects
社会的フレイルの発症・予後の機序解明とその対策方法の探求 2023 -- 2025 山田 実 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,240,000Yen 軽度認知障害の人における進行予防と精神心理的支援のための手引き作成と介入研究 2021 -- 2023 櫻井孝 厚生労働省/認知症政策研究事業 PDCAサイクルに沿った介護予防の取り組み推進のための通いの場等の効果検証と効果の枠組み構築に関する研究 2021 -- 2022 藤原佳典 厚生労働省/厚生労働科学政策研究事業 サルコペニアをターゲットとした包括的観察研究 2021 -- 2023 荒井秀典 日本学術振興会/挑戦的萌芽 新型コロナウイルス拡大防止に伴う活動制限下における高齢者の活動量の実態を踏まえたハイリスク者等に対する対策等に資する研究 2020 -- 2020 荒井秀典 厚生労働省/厚生労働科学特別研究事業 COVID-19感染拡大による高齢者の身体活動量減少および社会活動量減少が有害健康転帰に及ぼす影響 2020 -- 2020 山田実 筑波大学/新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム 骨格筋内脂肪に着目したサルコペニア肥満の新たな定義の提案 2019 -- 2021 山田 実 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,240,000Yen エビデンスを踏まえた効果的な介護予防の実施に資する介護予防マニュアル改定のための研究 -- (current) 荒井秀典 厚生労働省科学研究費補助金/ 日常生活活動(ADL)の評価指標の互換性と新しいADL指標の開発 -- (current) 大沢愛子 日本医療研究開発機構/ 1,950,000Yen 介護予防のための“通いの場”の総合的研究:実態把握と効果検証 2019 -- 2020 荒井秀典 日本医療研究開発機構/ 3,900,000Yen more... - Career history
2019 -- (current) University of TsukubaProfessor 2014 -- 2019 University of Tsukuba准教授 2010 -- 2014 Kyoto University助教 2008 -- 2010 Kyoto University助手 - Academic background
2007 -- 2010 Kobe University 医学系研究科 博士後期課程 2005 -- 2007 Kobe University 医学系研究科 博士前期課程 - Degree
2010 PhD - Academic societies
-- (current) 日本老年医学会 -- (current) 日本認知症学会 -- (current) 日本疫学会 -- (current) 日本静脈経腸栄養学会 -- (current) 運動疫学研究会 -- (current) 日本健康支援学会 -- (current) 日本公衆衛生学会 -- (current) 日本体力医学会 -- (current) 理学療法士協会 - Honors & Awards
2020-08 第62回日本老年医学会 優秀賞 2019-09 日本ヘルスサポート学会 最優秀賞 2019-06 The Geriatrics & Gerontology International Best Reviewer Award 2019 2016-6 The Geriatrics & Gerontology International Best Reviewer Award 2018 2016-6 第1回日本老年医学会 Young Investigator Award 2016 The Geriatrics & Gerontology International Best Reviewer Award 2016 筑波大学 若手教員奨励賞 第2回サルコペニア・フレイル研究会発表会 最優秀演題賞 第29回日本老年学会 最優秀演題賞 平成26年日本静脈経腸栄養学会 フェローシップ賞 The 1st Asian Congress of Medical and Care Facilities Best Poster Award The 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies Award 長寿科学賞 The Geriatrics & Gerontology International Best Article Award 2012 The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics Best Poster Award 2013 第46回日本理学療法学術大会 優秀賞 第41回日本理学療法学術大会 大会奨励賞 第25回健康医科学 優秀賞 第42回日本理学療法学術大会 最優秀賞 - Articles
- Higher-level competence: Results from the Integrated Longitudinal Studies on Aging in Japan (ILSA-J) on the shape of associations with impaired physical and cognitive functions
Abe Takumi; Fujiwara Yoshinori; Kitamura Akihiko; Nofu...
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/24(4)/pp.352-358, 2024-04 - Clinical practice for sarcopenia in Asia: Online survey by the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia
Yamada Minoru; Lee Wei-Ju; Akishita Masahiro; Yang Mi...
ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS/115, 2023-12 - Understanding social frailty
Yamada Minoru; Arai Hidenori
ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS/115, 2023-12 - Participatory approaches for developing a practical handbook integrating health information for supporting individuals with mild cognitive impairment and their families
Kuroda Yujiro; Goto Aya; Sugimoto Taiki; Fujita Kosuk...
HEALTH EXPECTATIONS/Epub, 2023-09-19 - Relationship between physical activity levels and changes in skeletal muscle characteristics in patients with stroke
Kimura Yosuke; Otobe Yuhei; Suzuki Mizue; Tanaka Shu; ...
DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION/Epub, 2023-10-23 - Combination of low muscle strength and malnutrition is associated with longer length of hospital stay among older patients with heart failure
Kojima Iwao; Koyama Shingo; Otobe Yuhei; Suzuki Mizue...
HEART & LUNG/62/pp.9-15, 2023-11 - Associations between caregiver burden and care receivers' sharing ratio of household tasks among spousal caregivers
Otobe Yuhei; Kimura Yosuke; Terao Yusuke; Suzuki Mizu...
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/23(8)/pp.616-621, 2023-08 - A U-shaped relationship between body mass index and functional recovery in older Japanese stroke survivors undergoing hospital rehabilitation
Kimura Yosuke; Otobe Yuhei; Suzuki Mizue; Tanaka Shu; ...
CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY/232, 2023-09 - Impact of the quantity and quality of the skeletal muscle on survival among patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Terao Yusuke; Nakayama Yasuhide; Abo Masahiro; Otobe ...
LEUKEMIA RESEARCH/128, 2023-05 - Changes in physical and social activities among community-dwelling Japanese older adults during three years of the COVID-19 pandemic
Yamada Minoru; Arai Hidenori
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/Epub, 2023-07-23 - Association between community-level health literacy and frailty in community-dwelling older adults
Uemura Kazuki; Tsukasa Kamitani; Watanabe Atsuya; Okam...
AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH/35(6:SI)/pp.1253-1261, 2023-06 - Association between phase angle and functional disability among patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: The SPSS-OK study
Wada Osamu; Yamada Minoru; Kamitani Tsukasa; Mizuno K...
JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION/36(2)/pp.399-405, 2023 - The impact of preoperative muscle strength on postoperative walking ability in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty
Terao Yusuke; Hosaka Naoki; Otobe Yuhei; Suzuki Mizue...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH/46(2)/pp.157-162, 2023-06 - Dose-Response Relationship Between Life-Space Mobility and Mortality in Older Japanese Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study
Watanabe Daiki; Yoshida Tsukasa; Yamada Yosuke; Watana...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION/23(11), 2022-11 - Effect of Simultaneous Dual-Task Training on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Older Adults with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
Kunieda Yota; Arakawa Chiaki; Yamada Takumi; Koyama S...
CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH/19(6)/pp.458-468 - The effects of rehabilitation therapy duration on functional recovery of patients with subacute stroke stratified individual's a multicenter
Kimura Yosuke; Otobe Yuhei; Suzuki Mizue; Masuda Hiro...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE/58(5)/pp.675-682, 2022-10 - Physical Exercise Improves Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Stage 3-4 Chronic Kidney Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Otobe Yuhei; Yamada Minoru; Hiraki Koji; Onari Satosh...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY/52(12)/pp.929-939, 2022-01 - 2型糖尿病患者における身体活動と下肢機能の関連性
谷 直樹; 大路 駿介; 安部 諒; 音部 雄平; 木村 鷹介; 増田 浩了; 鈴木 大輔; 船崎 俊介; 山田実...
糖尿病/65(3)/pp.81-89, 2022-03 - Association of Existence of Sarcopenia and Poor Recovery of Swallowing Function in Post-Stroke Patients with Severe Deglutition Disorder: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Nishioka Shinta; Fujishima Ichiro; Kishima Masako; Ohn...
NUTRIENTS/14(19), 2022-10 - Combined use of two frailty tools in predicting mortality in older adults
Watanabe Daiki; Yoshida Tsukasa; Yamada Yosuke; Watana...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/12(1), 2022-09 - The effect of care receivers' dysphagia severity on caregiver burden among family caregivers
Suzuki Mizue; Kimura Yosuke; Otobe Yuhei; Koyama Shin...
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/22(10)/pp.870-875, 2022-10 - Coexistence of Slow Gait Speed and Depressed State is Associated with Poor Health-Related Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Ishiyama Daisuke; Suzuki Mizue; Koyama Shingo; Ichikaw...
AGING MEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE/13(2)/pp.93-97, 2022-06 - Combined effect of lower muscle quality and quantity on incident falls and fall-related fractures in community-dwelling older adults: A 3-year
Yamada Minoru; Kimura Yosuke; Ishiyama Daisuke; Otobe ...
BONE/162, 2022-09 - Reply to the comments on "Five-repetition sit-to-stand test: End with the fifth stand or sit?"
Yamada Minoru; Lim Jae-Young; Assantachai Prasert; Tan...
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/22(7)/pp.539-540, 2022-07 - Temporal trends in cognitive function among community-dwelling older adults in Japan: Findings from the ILSA-J integrated cohort study
Nishita Yukiko; Makizako Hyuma; Jeong Seungwon; Otsuka...
- Higher-level competence: Results from the Integrated Longitudinal Studies on Aging in Japan (ILSA-J) on the shape of associations with impaired physical and cognitive functions
- Books
- PT・OTのための臨床研究 はじめの一歩
山田 実
2016 - 高齢者の生活機能向上支援
山田 実
2017 - 高齢者理学療法学
山田 実
2017 - メディカルスタッフのためのひと目で選ぶ統計手法.
山田 実
2018 - エピソードで学ぶ転倒予防78.
山田 実
2018 - 理学療法実践レクチャー 栄養・嚥下理学療法.
山田 実
2018 - イチからわかる!サルコペニアQ&A.
山田 実
2019 - フレイル対策実践ガイド
山田 実
- PT・OTのための臨床研究 はじめの一歩
- Conference, etc.
- 高齢者の転倒予防の一助となるレーザレンジセンサを用いた歩行計測システム
萬 礼応; 西口周; 山田実; 青山朋樹; 森口智規; 高橋正樹
Dynamics and Design Conference 2013 (D&D2013)/2013-08-26--2013-08-30 - 地域在住高齢者の四方向ステップ動作反応時間と認知機能の関連
西口周; 高橋正樹; 萬 礼応; 稲田拓; 山田実; 青山朋樹
- 高齢者の転倒予防の一助となるレーザレンジセンサを用いた歩行計測システム
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lecture on Rehabilitation Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lecture on Rehabilitation Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Individual Studies for Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Seminar University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Individual Studies for Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Seminar University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Case Studies for Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Seminar University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research Methods on Rehabilitation II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Methods on Rehabilitation II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Introduction to Rehabilitation University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lecture on Rehabilitation Sciences III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lecture on Rehabilitation Sciences III University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
-- (current) 日本体力医学会 評議委員 -- (current) 日本サルコペニア・悪液質・消耗性疾患研究会 世話人 -- (current) 日本老年医学会 代議員 -- (current) 日本健康支援学会 評議委員 -- (current) 日本転倒予防学会 理事/編集委員 -- (current) 予防理学療法学会 副代表/運営幹事 - University Management
-- (current) 日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会 理事
(Last updated: 2024-07-12)