PHUNG Duc Tuan
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 0000-0002-5002-4946
- Sex
- Male
- 20633465
- I+,v%:IE*"C+*,",wvCvxC!'
- Research fields
Mathematical informatics Social systems engineering/ Safety system - Research keywords
Applied Probability, Stochastic Models, Performance Evaluation, Queueing Theory, Operations Research, Stochastic Systems - Research projects
Mathematical Models for Load Balancing and Performance Evaluation of Power-saving Data Centers 2025-01 -- 2026-12 Tuan Phung-Duc Kayamori Foundation of Informational Science Advancement/研究助成 1,000,000Yen Theoretical development for queueing models with variable processing speeds and its application to large-scale energy-saving data centers 2021-04 -- 2025-03 PHUNG Duc Tuan Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,290,000Yen 複数車両・複数道路橋を対象とした移動センシング技術の基盤的研究 2019-04 -- 2023-03 山本 亨輔 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 200,000Yen Deepening the theory of queueing systems with variable processing rate and their applications in energy-saving data-centers 2018-04 -- 2022-03 PHUNG Duc Tuan Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,160,000Yen 起動時間を有するシステムの理論解析と省エネ型データセンター性能評価への応用 2017-08 -- 2018-03 PHUNG Duc Tuan University of Tsukuba/研究基盤支援プログラム(Aタイプ) 773,000Yen 錐最適化技術の実社会における利活用を加速させる基礎理論の整備と深化 2015-04 -- 2019-03 Akiko Yoshise Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B) Modelling and Performance Analysis of Call Centers with Retrials and Abandonments of Customers 2014-04 -- 2017-03 TUAN Phung-Duc Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) 3,770,000Yen 再試行型待ち行列によるコールセンターの性能解析とサービス科学への応用 2012-08 -- 2014-03 Tuan Phung-Duc Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科学研究費補助金 研究活動スタート支援 3,120,000Yen 再試行型複数サーバ待ち行列の解析と情報ネットワークへの応用 2010-04 -- 2012-03 Tuan Phung-Duc Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 1,400,000Yen - Career history
2019-01 -- (current) University of TsukubaAssociate Professor 2016-04 -- 2018-12 University of TsukubaAssistant Professor 2012-04 -- 2016-03 Tokyo Institute of TechnologyAssistant Professor 2011-04 -- 2012-03 JSPSJSPS Research Fellow (PD) 2010-04 -- 2011-03 JSPSJSPS Research Fellow (DC2) - Degree
2011-03 Doctor of Informatics Kyoto University - Academic societies
2024-05 -- (current) IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) WG 7.3 (Working Group on Computer System Modeling) 2014-01 -- (current) ACM Sigmetrices 2013-04 -- (current) The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2008-04 -- (current) THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN - Honors & Awards
2024-09 World Top 2% Scientists (Career Long) by Stanford University - Elsevier 2024-05 Paper Award 2024-02 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems ICORES: Best Student Paper Candidate Certificate (指導学生の受賞) 2023-09 学長表彰(指導学生の受賞) 2023-10 World Top 2% Scientists (Career Long) by Stanford University - Elsevier 2024-04 システム情報系教育貢献賞 2024-02 Best Faculty Member 2023-10 IEEE Distinguished Paper Award on Dependable Computing 2021-03 日越大学:感謝状 JICA専門家としての貢献 2019-08 QTNA2019: Best Paper Award 2019-02 University of Tsukuba: Best Faculty Member 2018-11 Research Encourage Award for Young Faculty Member (Wakate Kyoin Shoreisho), University of Tsukuba 2018-04 Educational Contribution Award 2017-08 Performance Evaluation (Elservier): Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2016-10 Performance Evaluation (Elservier): Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2014-12 Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elservier): Outstanding Reviewer 2013-09 Research Encourage Award (Kenkyusho Shoreisho) 2011-02 Research Encourage Award 2008-10 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 「OR横断若手の会」研究部会主催「若手研究交流会(2008)」: 学生優秀発表賞 2008-08 Best Student Paper Award (The 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Queueing Theory and Network Applications) - Articles
- Sojourn Time Analysis of a Single-Server Queue with Single- and Batch-Service Customers
Yusei Koyama; Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
Mathematics/12(18)/pp.2820-1-2820-27, 2024-09 - Queueing Analysis of an Ensemble Machine Learning System
Keishin Tsutsumi; Tuan Phung-Duc; Hong-Linh Truong
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/14826/pp.97-111, 2024-09 - Performance analysis of a collision channel with abandonments
Fiems Dieter; Tuan Phung-Duc
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION/165(102424), 2024-08 - Empirical architecture comparison of two-input machine learning systems for vision tasks
Kazuya Wakigami; Fumio Machida; Tuan Phung-Duc
Formal Aspects of Computing/36(4), 2024-06 - Exact and Asymptotic Analysis of Infinite Server Batch Service Queues with Random Batch Sizes
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
Queueing Systems/106(1-2)/pp.129-158, 2023-11 - Modeling and performance analysis of hybrid systems by queues with setup time
Mitsuki Sato; Kohei Kawamura; Ken’ichi Kawanishi; Tuan...
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION/162(102366), 2023-11 - Enabling Dynamic Autoscaling for NFV in a Non-Standalone Virtual EPC: Design and Analysis
Yi Ren; Tuan Phung-Duc; Jyh-Cheng Chen; Frank Y. Li
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY/72(6)/pp.7743-7756, 2023-01 - Design and Analysis of Dynamic Block-setup Reservation Algorithm for 5G Network Slicing
Cheng-Ying Hsieh; Tuan Phung-Duc; Yi Ren; Jyh-Cheng Chen
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING/22(9)/pp.5140-5154, 2022-04 - To wait or not to wait: Strategic behaviors in an observable batch-service queueing system
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
Operations Research Letters/50(3)/pp.343-346, 2022-05 - A Two-Population Game in Observable Double-Ended Queueing Systems
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
Operations Research Letters/50(4)/pp.407-414, 2022-07 - Supply-Demand Equilibria and Multivariate Optimization of Social Welfare in Double-Ended Queueing Systems
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING/170, 2022-08 - Analyzing Vertical and Horizontal Offloading in Federated Cloud and Edge Computing Systems
Akutsu Kohei; Phung-Duc Tuan; Lai Yuan-Cheng; Lin Ying-Dar
Telecommunication Systems/79(3)/pp.447-459, 2022-03 - Queueing analysis of a Car/Ride-Share system
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc; Hiroyasu Ando
ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH/310(2)/pp.661-682, 2021-10 - Strategic customer behavior and optimal policies in a passenger-taxi double-ended queueing system with multiple access points and non-zero matching times
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
Queueing Systems/102/pp.481-508, 2022-04 - Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Two-input Machine Learning Systems
Kazuya Wakigami; Fumio Machida; Tuan Phung-Duc
Proceedings of 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023), 2023-10 - Performance Analysis of Multi-server Queueing Systems with Batch Services and Setup Times
Thu Le-Anh; Kai Ishiguro; Tuan Phung-Duc
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/14231/pp.111-122, 2023-10 - Equilibrium Analysis and Social Optimization of a Selectable Single or Time-Based Batch Service
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems ICORES/pp.92-100, 2024-02 - Equilibrium analysis for batch service queueing systems with strategic choice of batch size
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
MATHEMATICS/11(18)/p.3956, 2023-09 - Scaling limits of a tandem queue with two infinite orbits
Anatoly Nazarov; Phung-Duc Tuan; Svetlana Paul; Morozo...
MATHEMATICS/11(11), 2023-05 - Diffusion limit of a modified Erlang-B system with sensing time of secondary users
Kazuma Abe; Tuan Phung Duc
Annals of Operations Research, 2022-12 - A moment approach for a conditional central limit theorem of infinite-server queue: a case of M/M^X/∞ queue
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
MATHEMATICS/11(9), 2023-04 - Diffusion Limit for Single-Server Retrial Queues with Renewal Input and Outgoing Calls
Nazarov Anatoly; Tuan Phung-Duc; Paul Svetlana; Lizyura ...
MATHEMATICS/10(6), 2022-03 - Two-Way Communication Retrial Queue with Markov Modulated Poisson Input and Multiple Types of Outgoing Calls
Nazarov Anatoly; Tuan Phung Duc; Paul Svetlana; Lizyura ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science/1748/pp.370-381, 2023-05 - Cyclic Retrial Queue for Building Data Transmission Networks
Nazarov Anatoly; Tuan Phung-Duc; Shulgina Ksenia; Lizyura...
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering/482/pp.167-179, 2023-05 - Asymptotic analysis of modified Erlang-B system with sensing time and stochastic loss of secondary users
Kazuma Abe; Tuan Phung-Duc
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering/482/pp.67-80, 2023-05 - more...
- Sojourn Time Analysis of a Single-Server Queue with Single- and Batch-Service Customers
- Books
- Queues with Variable Service Speeds: Exact Results and Scaling Limits
Moeko Yajima; Tuan Phung-Duc
The Palgrave Handbook of Operations Research/Springer/pp.675-694, 2022-07 - Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modeling
Paolo Ballarini; Hind Castel; Ioannis Dimitriou; Mauro I...
Springer, 2021-11 - Special Issue of Annals of Operations Research on Queues and Related Stochastic Models
Tuan Phung-Duc
2022-03 - Special Issue in Queue and Stochastic Models for Operations Research
Tuan Phung-Duc
MDPI, 2021-02 - Special Issue of Annals of Operations Research: Queueing theory and network applications II
Tuan Phung Duc; Yutaka Takahashi; Hideaki Takagi
Springer, 2020-10 - Computer Performance Engineering - 16th European Workshop, EPEW 2019, Milan, Italy, November 28-29, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Marco Gribaudo; Mauro Iacono; Tuan Phung Duc; Rostislav ...
2019-11 - Queueing Theory and Network Applications: 14th International Conference, QTNA 2019, Ghent, Belgium, August 27–29, 2019, Proceedings
Tuan Phung Duc; Sabine Wittevrongel; Shoji Kasahara
Springer, 2019-08 - Special Issue of Annals of Operations Research: Queueing Theory and Network Applications
Yutaka Takahashi; Wuyi Yue; Tuan Phung-Duc
Springer US, 2019-06 - Queueing Theory and Network Applications
Yutaka Takahashi; Tuan Phung-Duc; Sabine Wittevrongel; Wu...
Springer, Cham, 2018-07 - Special Issue on Retrial Queues and Related Models
Tuan Phung-Duc; Antonio Gomez-Corral
Springer, 2016-12 - Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications
Sabine Wittevrongel; Tuan Phung-Duc
Springer International Publishing, 2016-08
- Queues with Variable Service Speeds: Exact Results and Scaling Limits
- Conference, etc.
- M/M/c/setup Queues with Batch Services
Le-Anh Thu; PHUNG Duc Tuan
2024年⽇本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会/2024-09-10--2024-09-11 - 動的な承認料金を考慮したブロックチェーンのモデル化と解析
稲見 洸紀; PHUNG Duc Tuan
2024年⽇本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会/2024-09-10--2024-09-11 - シェアリングシステムにおけるDynamic Pricing Control - 待ち行列ゲームによるモデル化と解析-
中村 彩⾳; PHUNG Duc Tuan
2024年⽇本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会/2024-09-10--2024-09-11 - Queueing Analysis of Server Farms with Batch Services and Setup Times
Thu Le-Anh; PHUNG Duc Tuan
第40回(2023年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」/2024-01 - Fair and efficient sharing: dynamic pricing control in batch service system with strategic customers
中村 彩⾳; PHUNG Duc Tuan
第40回(2023年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」/2024-01 - 単独サービス客と集団サービス客を区別した待ち⾏列モデルの定常解析
古⼭ 雄晟; 中村 彩⾳; PHUNG Duc Tuan
第40回(2023年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」/2024-01 - Equilibrium Analysis and Social Optimization of a Selectable Single or Time-Based Batch Service
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems ICORES/2024-02-24--2024-02-26 - Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Two-input Machine Learning Systems
Tuan Phung-Duc; Kazuya Wakigami; Fumio Machida
28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023)/2023-10-24--2023-10-27 - エージェントの戦略的な行動を考慮したDouble-Ended Queuesの解析
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
第307回待ち行列研究部会/2023-02-04--2023-02-04 - Queues with Setup Time: Exact Solutions and Scaling Limits
Tuan Phung Duc
The Second Bellingham Symposium on Modeling and Data Analytics (BSOMADA)/2022-07-27--2022-07-28 - Strategic customer behaviors in observable multi-server batch service queueing systems with shared fee and server maintenance cost
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung-Duc
EAI VALUETOOLS 2022 - 15th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools/2022-11-16--2022-11-18 - Asymptotic analysis of modified Erlang-B system with sensing time and stochastic loss of secondary users
Kazuma Abe; Tuan Phung-Duc
EAI VALUETOOLS 2022 - 15th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools/2022-11-16--2022-11-18 - Cyclic Retrial Queue for Building Data Transmission Networks
Nazarov Anatoly; Tuan Phung-Duc; Shulgina Ksenia; Lizyura...
EAI VALUETOOLS 2022 - 15th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools/2022-11-16--2022-11-18 - M/M/c/Setup Queues: Conditional Mean Waiting Times and a Loop Algorithm to Derive Customer Equilibrium Threshold Strategy
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
18th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2022)/2022-09-21--2022-09-23 - The rational outcome of a two-population game in a matching queue
Hung Q. Nguyen; Tuan Phung Duc
第39回(2022年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」報文集/2023-01-18--2023-01-20 - Heavy traffic analysis for infinite server batch service queue with infinite support batch size: A moment approach
中村彩音; Tuan Phung Duc
第39回(2022年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 報文集/2023-01-18--2023-01-20 - 混雑度に依存するパラメータ変化を考慮した待ち行列モデルの分析と交通流への応用
小日向将人; Tuan Phung Duc
第39回(2022年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」報文集/2023-01-18--2023-01-20 - Mixture Density Networks as a general framework for estimation and prediction of waiting time distributions in queueing systems
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
17th European Performance Engineering Workshop/2021-12-09--2021-12-10 - Performance Models of NFV-based Hybrid Systems for Delay-sensitive Services
Mitsuki Sato; Kohei Kawamura; Ken’ichi Kawanishi; Tuan P...
The 26th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications/2021-12-13--2021-12-14 - Moments for the stationary workload of an M/PH/1 queue with workload-dependent processing speed and vacations
Yutaka Sakuma; Onno Boxma; Tuan Phung-Duc
EURO21/2021-07-11--2021-07-14 - Equilibria of supply and demand in double-ended queueing systems
Hung Quoc Nguyen; Tuan Phung-Duc
EURO21/2021-07-11--2021-07-14 - Queueing Analysis of Car/Ride-Share System
Ayane Nakamura; Tuan Phung Duc; Hiroyasu Ando
EURO21/2021-07-11--2021-07-14 - A diffusion limit of cognitive wireless networks with sensing time of secondary users
Kazuma Abe; Tuan Phung-Duc
13th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ 2021)/2021-12-06--2021-12-08 - Queues with Adjustable Service Speed: Exact and Asymptotic Solutions
Tuan Phung Duc
13th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ 2021)/2021-12-06--2021-12-08 - Queues: Theory and Applications
Tuan Phung Duc
2021 Vietnam Operations Research Network Annual Meeting/2021-11-26--2021-11-27 - more...
- M/M/c/setup Queues with Batch Services
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-11 Optimization in Practice University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Program in Service Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Program in Service Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-07 -- 2024-07 Special Lecture on Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Workshop in Policy and Planning Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Workshop in Policy and Planning Sciences I University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2016-10 -- 2016-10 高大連携活動,出前講義(福島県磐城高校) - Professional activities
2023-10 -- 2024-07 33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 33rd) Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30 – July 3, 2024 Session Organizer 2024-06 -- 2025-05 The INTERNATIONAL TELETRAFFIC CONGRESS ITC 36 Technical Program Member 2023-12 -- 2024-10 IV European Conference on Queueing Theory Technical Program Member 2024-01 -- 2024-06 The 28th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications Technical Program Member 2024-03 -- 2024-06 20th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2024) Technical Program Member 2023-01 -- 2023-08 ICIAM 2023 Tokyo: Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan August 20-25, 2023 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics Organizer of the minisymposium: Queues and Related Stochastic Models 2022-04 -- 2023-03 MDPI Mathematics Guest Editor of Mathematics: Queue and Stochastic Models for Operations Research II 2023-02 -- 2023-06 The 19th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2023) Florence - 20-23 June, 2023 Technical Program Committee 2023-02 -- 2023-06 The 27th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2023) Technical Program Committee 2022-10 -- 2023-04 PESARO 2023, The Thirteenth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications Technical Program Committee more... - University Management
2023-04 -- 2024-03 4年学生担任 委員 2023-04 -- 2024-03 留学生支援委員会・学生相談室 委員長 2023-04 -- 2024-03 日越大学公共政策プログラム運営委員会委員 委員 2023-04 -- 2024-03 留学生委員(研究群) 委員 2022-04 -- 2023-03 日越大学公共政策プログラム運営委員会委員 委員 2022-04 -- 2023-03 留学生委員(研究群) 委員 2022-04 -- 2023-03 留学生支援委員会・学生相談室 委員長 2022-04 -- 2023-03 入試実施委員会 委員 2022-04 -- 2023-03 2年学生担任 委員 2021-09 -- 2022-08 新入生オリエンテーショ 委員 more...
(Last updated: 2025-01-08)