Institute of Art and Design
Official title
Junior Assistant Professor
Research fields
Education on school subjects and activities
Art at large
Research keywords
art education
art education in Islam
multicultural art education
cultural diversity/pluralism
Artist in Residence
art management
Research projects
An investigation of cultural diversity in UK art education: from anti-racism perspective2021 -- (current)Kanae MinowaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research Fostering Joint International Research (A)11,830,000Yen
A Comprehensive Study of the Relationship Between Islam and Art Education2021-04 -- (current)Kanae MinowaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientific Research4,550,000Yen
A collaboration project with UCL: CAIR exhibition and the discussion2022 -- 2023Minowa KanaeThe Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation/200,000Yen
イスラムの文化的特色に立脚した美術教育の解明を目指した基礎的研究2018 -- 2020箕輪 佳奈恵Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists4,160,000Yen
A preliminary study for structuring art education on Islamic culture2016-08 -- 2018-03Kanae MinowaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up2,860,000Yen
筑波大学芸術教育アーカイブの活用と保存の両立2018-06 -- 2019-03Kanae MinowaUniversity of Tsukuba/平成30年度芸術系研究プロジェクト
筑波大学芸術教育アーカイブの創設2017-06 -- 2018-03Minowa KanaeUniversity of Tsukuba/平成29年度芸術系研究プロジェクト
イスラム文化に即した美術教育を解明するための予備的研究2016-06 -- 2017-03Minowa KanaeUniversity of Tsukuba/平成28年度芸術系研究プロジェクト
Career history
2023-01 -- 2024-04University College London/Department of Culture, Communication and Media/Honorary Senior Research Fellow
2016-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Art and DesignJunior Assistant Professor
2016-03Doctor of Philosophy in ArtUniversity of Tsukuba
Licenses and qualifications
Primary Teacher's Certificate
Lower Secondary Teacher's Certificate (Art and Design)
Academic societies
2022 -- (current)The National Society for Education in Art & Design (NSEAD)
2016 -- (current)The Japanese Society for Education through Art in Japan
2014 -- (current)International Society for Education through Art (InSEA)
Honors & Awards
2019-0316th Encouragement Award of The Journal for the Association of Art Education
  • Outcomes Together: CAIRx3
    Minowa Kanae
    Institute of Art and Design, 2024-04
  • 《エッセイ》モルディブと私 「人との出会いと研究と」
    箕輪 佳奈恵
    《アジア・日本研究Webマガジン》 アジア・マップ Vol.1/立命館大学アジア・日本研究所, 2023-03
  • CAIR 2022: FEEL
    Minowa Kanae
    CAIR 2022 Working Team, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba, 2022-03
  • 第11章 イスラム国家の美術教育: 文化と制度のあいだで
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
    モルディブを知るための35章/明石書店/pp.97-102, 2021-12
  • (Cor)Relate: Responding, Reframing and Re-thinking in times of a pandemic
    Andy Ash; Kanae Minowa (Trans.)
    CAIR 2021: correlate/CAIR 2021 Working Team, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba/pp.108-109, 2021-03
  • CAIR 2021: correlate
    Kanae Minowa
    CAIR 2021 Working Team, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba, 2021-03
  • Sharing Artists
    Andy Ash; Kanae Minowa (Trans.)
    CAIR 2020: Interaction/CAIR 2020 Working Team, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba/pp.48-49, 2020-03
  • CAIR 2020: Interaction
    Kanae Minowa
    CAIR 2020 Working Team, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba, 2020-03
  • 5章「図画工作における評価」第3節 「第1学年〜第2学年における評価の実践例」、13章「図画工作における課題と展望」第1節 「幼児教育とのつながり」
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
    初等図画工作教育/ミネルヴァ書房/p.pp.52-54, 155-157, 2018-11
  • イスラム世界における「表現の制約」と「解釈の自由」:人物・動物表現をめぐる議論を手がかりに
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
    アートエデュケーション思考/学術研究出版/pp.344-351, 2016-09
Conference, etc.
  • Preparing for Diversity in Art and Design Classrooms: Conversations with Student Art Teachers in UK
    Minowa Kanae; Andy Ash
    InSEA World Congress 2023, Çanakkale: Turkey/2023-09-04--2023-09-08
  • Outcomes Together:CAIRx3
    Andy Ash; Minowa Kanae
    InSEA World Congress 2023, Çanakkale: Turkey/2023-09-04--2023-09-08
  • Art management education through an international student artist in residence programme 'CAIR'
    箕輪佳奈恵; 市川絢菜; 星 美加
    令和3年度日本教育大学協会全国美術部門協議会, 第60回大学美術教育学会「山形大会」/2021-09-25--2021-09-27
  • Interact/correlate: an international student artists residency in Japan
    Andy Ash; Kanae Minowa
    InSEA Regional European Congress: Being Radical, in Baeza/2021-07-06--2021-07-08
  • Using Art Education as a Medium to Cultivate Muslim Identity in a Multicultural Society
    Minowa Kanae
    The International Society for Education through Art World Congress in Vancouver, Canada/2019-07-09--2019-07-13
  • An Attempt at Construction of Practice Model for Applying Artistic Culture for Expressive Activity
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
    Research Conference Association of Art Education in Sapporo/2019-03-26--2019-03-27
  • An inter-regional comparison of the practice of Islam through art education
    Minowa Kanae
    InSEA CONGRESS 2018 Finland/2018-06-18--2018-06-21
  • Design and Practice of Applying Artistic Culture for Expressive Activity
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
    Research Conference Association of Art Education in Shiga/2018-03-29--2018-03-30
  • Structuring the Relationship between Art Education and Islamic Faith
    Minowa Kanae
    35th World Congress of International Society for Education through Art/2017-08-07--2017-08-11
  • What does consideration of art education from an Islamic viewpoint mean?
    Minowa Kanae
  • Restriction and Freedom: Reconsidering Figural Representation in Islam
    Minowa Kanae
    Tsukuba Grobal Science Week 2016/2016-09-17--2016-09-19
  • The Beginning of Art Education in a Developing Country : A Historical Consideration of the 1984 National Curriculum in the Maldives
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
  • The Practice of Art Education in a Developing Country
    Minowa Kanae
    The 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2014)/2014-07-07--2014-07-11
  • イスラム世界における美術教育
    Minowa Kanae
  • Outcomes Together: CAIR x3 (exhibition curation)
    Minowa Kanae; Andy Ash
2024-09 -- 2024-09Teaching Method of Art Education IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Art and Design Education IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-06Introduction to Art Environment SupportUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Practice of Teaching HandicraftUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practice of Teaching HandicraftUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-09 -- 2024-09Arts and Crafts in Elementary SchoolUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-06Introduction to Art Environment SupportUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-09 -- 2023-09Arts and Crafts in Elementary SchoolUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-06Art and Design Education IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Methodology of Teaching HandicraftUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2023-02 -- 2023-02Exhibition Talk & Discussion 'Outcomes Together: CAIR x3'Institute of Education, UCL & Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
2021-08 -- 2022-03Campus Artist in Residence 2022Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba; Educational Funding for Strategic Programme for Graduate Schools 2021
2020-07 -- 2021-03Campus Artist in Residence 2021Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba; Programme for Promotion of Educational Strategy 2020
2019-06 -- 2020-03Campus Artist In Residence 2020Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba; Programme for Promotion of Educational Strategy 2019
  • My experience in International Collaboration Research
    Minowa Kanae
    TRiPSTAR-Hamburg Forum for Young Researchers: International and Interdisciplinary Networking/2023-11-27--2023-11-28
  • 美術教育からモルディブを知る
    箕輪佳奈恵 MinowaKanae
  • Art Education in the Maldives
    箕輪 佳奈恵 Kanae MINOWA
    Study Group of 'Politics, Economy, and Society in the Maldives' in Institute of Developing Economics, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)/2019-07-25--2019-07-25

(Last updated: 2024-08-19)