Institute of Medicine
Official title
Associate Professor
Research fields
Neurophysiology / General neuroscience
Basic / Social brain science
Nerve anatomy/Neuropathology
Research keywords
Research projects
覚醒時の徐波生成機序解明による眠気発生原理の理解2022 -- 2029Yo OishiJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/FOREST65,000,000Yen
「眠気」を誘導する神経回路の探索2020 -- 2023大石 陽Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)6,500,000Yen
報酬系による睡眠制御メカニズムの解明2018 -- 2023大石 陽Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)17,160,000Yen
短眠を作る神経メカニズムの研究2021-04 -- 2022-03Yo OishiJapan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/成人病の病因・病態の解明に関する研究助成500,000Yen
短眠を作る神経メカニズムの研究2020-04 -- 2021-03Yo OishiJapan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/成人病の病因・病態の解明に関する研究助成300,000Yen
報酬⾏動が制御する睡眠神経回路の解析2018-09 -- 2021-03Yo OishiTakeda Science Foundation/2018年度医学系研究助成(精神・神経・脳領域)2,000,000Yen
短眠を作る神経メカニズムの研究2019-04 -- 2020-03Yo OishiJapan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/成人病の病因・病態の解明に関する研究助成400,000Yen
報酬系による睡眠覚醒制御2018-04 -- 2019-03Yo OishiJapan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/成人病の病因・病態の解明に関する研究助成550,000Yen
腹側被蓋野ドーパミン系による睡眠覚醒制御機構の解析2017-04 -- 2018-03Yo OishiJapan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/成人病の病因・病態の解明に関する研究助成200,000Yen
睡眠を誘発する神経システムの解明2015 -- 2018Yo OishiJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Young Researcher (B)3,900,000Yen
Career history
2023-04 -- (current)筑波大学医学医療系准教授
2018-08 -- (current)University of TsukubaInternational Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS)Principal investigator
2022-04 -- 2023-03筑波大学医学医療系助教
2017-11 -- 2022-03University of TsukubaInternational Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS)Assistant Professor
2013-04 -- 2017-10University of TsukubaInternational Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS)Researcher
2010-04 -- 2013-03Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical SchoolResearch Fellow
2010-04 -- 2012-03JSPSPostdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad
2009-04 -- 2010-03Osaka Bioscience InstitutePostdoctoral Associate
Academic background
2005-04 -- 2009-03Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2003-04 -- 2005-03Keio University Graduate school of Science and Technology
1999-04 -- 2003-03Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology
2009-03Ph.D.Osaka University
Academic societies
2008-07 -- (current)The Japanese Neuroscience Society
2008-06 -- (current)Japanese Society of Sleep Research
Honors & Awards
2018-11Young faculty encouragement award, University of Tsukuba
2018-07Research award, Japanese Society of Sleep Research
  • 神経活動の操作
    大石 陽
    睡眠学の百科事典/丸善出版, 2024-06
  • ドパミン
    大石 陽
    睡眠学の百科事典/丸善出版, 2024-06
  • 正常睡眠の特徴 リード文
    大石 陽
    睡眠学の百科事典/丸善出版, 2024-06
  • Adenosinergic Control of Sleep
    Lazarus Michael; Oishi Yo; Landolt Hans-Peter
    Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine Seventh Edition/pp.452-459, 2021-12
Conference, etc.
  • Analyses of the anatomical and molecular bases of REM sleep deficits that accompany Parkinson’s disease
    Ami Kaneko; Kanae Iwase; Mitsuaki Kashiwagi; Shinnosuk...
    日本生理学会 第100回記念大会/2023-03-14--2023-03-16
  • 中脳・橋神経による睡眠および関連行動の制御
    大石 陽
  • Neural mechanisms for brain slow-wave generation in mice
    大石 陽
  • DREADD-mediated slow-wave generation in mice
    Oishi Yo
    WPI-IIIS/Fudan University Joint Symposium/2022-02-25
  • モチベーションによる睡眠制御の神経機構
    大石 陽
  • Sleep-regulating midbrain GABAergic circuitry
    Oishi Yo
    World Sleep 2019/2019-09-24
  • モチベーションと睡眠覚醒をつなぐ神経回路の解析
    大石 陽
  • 報酬系による睡眠覚醒制御
    大石 陽
  • Slow-wave sleep is controlled by a subset of nucleus accumbens core neurons in mice
    大石 陽
  • The role of ventral midbrain neurons in sleep-wake regulation
    Oishi Yo
    Sleep Regulation and Function; Gordon Research Conference/2018-03-18--2018-03-23
  • The role of the nucleus accumbens in sleep regulation
    Oishi Yo
    World Sleep 2017/2017-10-09
  • Sleep-regulatory mechanism of the nucleus accumbens
    Oishi Yo
    The 5th Annual IIIS Symposium/The 32nd Wako Workshop/2016-12-12
  • Activation of the indirect pathway in the nucleus accumbens core produces slow-wave sleep
    Oishi Yo
    The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2016-7-20--2016-7-22
  • Neural mechanisms of cataplexy
    Oishi Yo
    Meeting in Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University/2015-08-25
  • Neural circuitry of cataplexy in orexin knockout mice
    Oishi Yo
  • Role of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Cataplexy
    Oishi Yo
    Neuroscience 2013/2013-11-09--2013-11-13
  • Chocolate increases cataplexy and c-Fos expression in orexin knockout mice
    Oishi Yo
    Neuroscience 2011/2011-11-12--2011-11-16
  • Feeding-induced cataplexy and c-Fos expression in brain areas projecting to the brainstem in orexin knockout mice
    Oishi Yo
    Worldsleep 2011/2011-10-16--2011-10-20
  • Activation of adenosine A1 receptors in the histaminergic neurons induces sleep in rats
    Oishi Yo
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2008/2008-12-10
  • Adenosinergic inhibition of the histaminergic system induces sleep through the adenosine A1 receptors in rodents
    Oishi Yo
  • Activation of adenosine A1 receptors in the tuberomammillary nucleus of rodents suppresses histaminergic systems and promotes non-REM sleep.
    大石 陽
  • Function of lipocalin-type prostaglandin synthase in leptomeninges.
    Oishi Yo
    The Molecular Biology Society of Japan Forum 2006/2006-12-06--2006-12-08
  • Large analysis of protein-protein interaction using E.coli proteome chips.
    大石 陽
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Research in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Seminars in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lecture in Kansei , Behav ioral and Brain Sciences 4University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Lecture in Kansei , Behav ioral and Brain Sciences 4University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lectures in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Lectures in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Seminars in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lecture in Kansei , Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Lecture in Kansei , Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Research in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2022-01 -- (current)日本睡眠学会睡眠学会教育委員会 睡眠科学研究講座 作業部会
University Management
2023-04 -- (current)ヒューマニクス学位プログラム学生支援委員会副委員長
2023-04 -- (current)ニューロサイエンス学位プログラム入試委員会委員
2022-10 -- (current)ヒューマニクス学位プログラム運営委員会委員
2022-04 -- (current)研究戦略室室員
2022-04 -- (current)ニューロサイエンス学位プログラム広報・HP委員会委員
2022-04 -- (current)生命システム医学専攻教務委員会委員
2022-04 -- (current)医学学位プログラム教務委員会委員
2022-04 -- (current)ヒューマニクス学位プログラム学位審査委員会委員
2022-04 -- (current)国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構(WPI-IIIS)運営委員会委員
2021-08 -- (current)国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構(WPI-IIIS)サブネットワーク委員会委員

(Last updated: 2024-09-10)