- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0001-7149-4763
- /C@<FH2<:Tc_86@=]EDF<F32]24];A
- Research fields
Solid earth and planetary physics - Research keywords
Geophysics Seismology - Research projects
What rocks the Earth? Unearthing non-earthquake sources from noise 2024-04 -- 2028-03 Ryo OKUWAKI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 12,870,000Yen Exploring slow-to-fast earthquake transition phenomena using a data-driven strategy 2024-04 -- 2026-03 Ryo OKUWAKI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) 4,030,000Yen 余効変動の把握と予測に向けた地殻変動データ解析と粘弾性データ同化システムの構築 2021-04 -- 2025-03 加納 将行 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,160,000Yen Unraveling unconventional seismic sources using dense seismic arrays 2020-04 -- 2024-03 Ryo OKUWAKI Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 3,770,000Yen Rupture evolution during the mega and large earthquakes resolved by multi-scale source analyses 2019-04 -- 2022-03 Ryo OKUWAKI Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 4,420,000Yen Irregular rupture evolution during the large/great earthquakes: resolved by high-frequency radiation sources and co-seismic slip 2016-04 -- 2019-03 Ryo OKUWAKI Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2,500,000Yen - Career history
2019-06 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor 2022-11 -- 2022-12 Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego,Visiting Scholar 2020-03 -- 2022-03 University of Leeds,School of Earth and Environment,Visting Professor 2019-09 -- 2019-12 Florida State University,Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science,Visting Scholar 2019-04 -- 2019-06 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Research Fellow PD 2016-04 -- 2019-03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science University of Tsukuba Research Fellow DC1 - Degree
2019-03-25 Doctor of Philosophy in Science University of Tsukuba 2016-03-25 Master of Science University of Tsukuba 2014-03-25 Bachelor of Science University of Tsukuba - Honors & Awards
2023-05 Young Scientist Award of the Seismological Society of Japan 2022-11-08 2022 Young Faculty Award 2022-04-25 AGU 2021 Editors' Citation for Excellence in Refereeing - JGR-Solid Earth 2021-01-28 EPS Excellent Reviewers 2020 2019-03-25 President Prize 2018-05-25 JpGU Meeting 2018 Outstanding Student Presentation Award 2018-04-01 Outstanding Reviewer, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2017-05-31 JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 Outstanding Student Presentation Award 2015-01-21 Outstanding Student Presentation Awards - Articles
- A Multiplex Rupture Sequence Under Complex Fault Network Due To Preceding Earthquake Swarms During the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula, Japan, Earthquake
Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji; Murakami Asuka; Fukahata Yuki...
Geophysical Research Letters/51(11)/p.e2024GL109224, 2024-06 - Barrier‐Induced Rupture Front Disturbances during the 2023 Morocco Earthquake
Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Hirano Shiro; Enescu Bogdan; ...
Seismological Research Letters/95(3)/pp.1591-1598, 2024-01 - Complex rupture evolution of the 2007 Martinique earthquake: a non-double-couple event in the Caribbean Sea
Ohara Kenta; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo
GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL/236(3)/pp.1743-1752, 2024-03 - 2023年トルコ・シリア双子地震の破壊過程
奥脇 亮; 八木 勇治
日本地震工学会誌/50/pp.2-6, 2023-11 - Complex evolution of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake revealed by teleseismic body waves
Ohara Kenta; Yagi Yuji; Yamashita Shinji; Okuwaki Ryo...
PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE/10(35)/pp.1-12, 2023-07 - Multi-scale rupture growth with alternating directions in a complex fault network during the 2023 south-eastern Türkiye and Syria earthquake doublet
Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji; Taymaz Tuncay; Hicks Stephen P.
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS/50(12)/p.e2023GL103480, 2023-06 - Irregular rupture process of the 2022 Taitung, Taiwan, earthquake sequence
Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Enescu Bogdan; Lu Junjie
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-01 - Earthquake cycle deformation associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo (eastern Tibet) earthquake: An intrablock rupture event on a slow-slipping fault from Sentinel-1 InSAR and teleseismic data
Fang Jin; Ou Qi; Wright Tim J.; Okuwaki Ryo; Amey Ru...
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH/127(11), 2022-11 - The launch of Seismica: a seismic shift in publishing
Christie Rowe; Matthew Agius; Jaime Convers; Gareth Funn...
Seismica/1(1), 2022-11 - Chasing supershear earthquakes
Okuwaki Ryo
NATURE GEOSCIENCE/15(11)/pp.863-864, 2022-10 - Complex rupture process on the conjugate fault system of the 2014 Mw 6.2 Thailand earthquake
Tadapansawut Tira; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Yamashita Shi...
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science/9(1), 2022-05 - Potency density tensor inversion of complex body waveforms with time-adaptive smoothing constraint
Yamashita Shinji; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Shimizu Kousuk...
Geophysical Journal International/231(1)/pp.91-107, 2022-05 - Irregular rupture propagation and geometric fault complexities during the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
Yamashita Shinji; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo
Scientific Reports/12(1), 2022-03 - Very low frequency earthquakes in between the seismogenic and tremor zones in Cascadia?
Fan Wenyuan; Barbour Andrew J.; McGuire Jeffrey J.; Huang...
AGU Advances/3(2), 2022-03 - Fast rupture of the 2009 Mw 6.9 Canal de Ballenas earthquake in the Gulf of California dynamically triggers seismicity in California
Fan Wenyuan; Okuwaki Ryo; Barbour Andrew J.; Huang Yihe; ...
Geophysical Journal International/230(1)/pp.528-541, 2022-02 - Oblique convergence causes both thrust and strike-slip ruptures during the 2021 M 7.2 Haiti earthquake
Okuwaki Ryo; Fan Wenyuan
Geophysical Research Letters/49(2), 2022-01 - Illuminating a Contorted Slab With a Complex Intraslab Rupture Evolution During the 2021 Mw 7.3 East Cape, New Zealand Earthquake
Okuwaki Ryo; Hicks Stephen P.; Craig Timothy J.; Fan Wen...
Geophysical Research Letters/48(24), 2021-12 - Back-propagating rupture evolution within a curved slab during the 2019 Mw 8.0 Peru intraslab earthquake
Hu Yaping; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Shimizu Kousuke
Geophysical Journal International/227(3)/pp.1602-1611, 2021-08 - Long Tsunami Oscillations Following the 30 October 2020 Mw 7.0 Aegean Sea Earthquake: Observations and Modelling
Heidarzadeh Mohammad; Pranantyo Ignatius Ryan; Okuwaki R...
Pure and Applied Geophysics/178/pp.1531-1548, 2021-05 - Identifying landslides from continuous seismic surface waves: a case study of multiple small-scale landslides triggered by Typhoon Talas, 2011
Okuwaki Ryo; Fan Wenyuan; Yamada Masumi; Osawa Hikaru; Wr...
Geophysical Journal International/226(2)/pp.729-741, 2021-04 - Consecutive ruptures on a complex conjugate fault system during the 2018 Gulf of Alaska earthquake
Yamashita Shinji; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Shimizu Kousuk...
Scientific Reports/11, 2021-03 - Rupture process of the 2020 caribbean earthquake along the oriente transform fault, involving supershear rupture and geometric complexity of fault
Tadapansawut Tira; Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji; Yamashita Shinji
Geophysical Research Letters/48(1), 2021-01 - Construction of fault geometry by finite-fault inversion of teleseismic data
Shimizu Kousuke; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Fukahata Yukitoshi
Geophysical Journal International/224(2)/pp.1003-1014, 2021-02 - Back-propagating supershear rupture in the 2016 Mw 7.1 Romanche transform fault earthquake
Hicks Stephen; Okuwaki Ryo; Steinberg Andreas; Rychert C...
Nature Geoscience/13/pp.647-653, 2020-08 - Inchworm-like source evolution through a geometrically complex fault fueled persistent supershear rupture during the 2018 Palu Indonesia earthquake
Okuwaki Ryo; Hirano Shiro; Yagi Yuji; Shimizu Kousuke
Earth and Planetary Science Letters/547, 2020-10 - more...
- A Multiplex Rupture Sequence Under Complex Fault Network Due To Preceding Earthquake Swarms During the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula, Japan, Earthquake
- Conference, etc.
- フンガ・トンガ=フンガ・ハアパイ火山における2022年噴火前・中・後のイベント検出と大規模噴火の運動学的モデリング
奥脇 亮; Fan Wenyuan
日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会/2023-11-01 - 稠密な三つ組サブアレーを用いた超低周波地震の検出
奥脇 亮; Fan Wenyuan; 松澤 孝紀; 武村 俊介
日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会/2023-11-01 - 2021年サウスサンドウィッチ諸島地震における複雑な震源過程
山口 諒; 八木 勇治; 奥脇 亮
日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会/2023-11-01 - 高自由度な震源過程モデルによって明らかになった階層的な破壊成長
八木 勇治; 奥脇 亮
日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会/2023-11-01 - 2023年ロイヤリティ諸島南東部地震で発生した逆破壊伝播
村上 明叶; 八木 勇治; 奥脇 亮
日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会/2023-10-31 - 高自由度な震源過程イメージングによる破壊成長の複雑性と断層形状の関係の究明
奥脇 亮
日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会/2023-10-31 - Accounting Epistemic Uncertainty in Earthquake Source Inversion: Investigating Complex Rupture Processes
Okuwaki Ryo
Envisioning the Future of Geophysics: A Celebration of the Centennial of the Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology/2022-11-10--2022-11-11 - Accounting Epistemic Uncertainty in Finite-fault Inversion; Illuminating Complex Earthquake Rupture Processes
Okuwaki Ryo
IGPP Seminar Series 2022/2022-11-15--2022-11-15 - データ駆動型の震源過程解析手法:ポテンシー密度テンソルインバージョン
八木 勇治; 清水 宏亮; 山下 真司; 奥脇 亮; 縣 亮一郎; 深畑 幸俊; 縣 亮一郎
- フンガ・トンガ=フンガ・ハアパイ火山における2022年噴火前・中・後のイベント検出と大規模噴火の運動学的モデリング
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-07 Advanced Seminar in Earth Evolution Sciences IIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Earth Evolution Sciences, Seminar IIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Advanced Seminar in Earth Evolution Sciences IIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Earth Evolution Sciences, Seminar IIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Study in Earth Evolution Sciences Ib University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 English for Geoscience 2A University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Origin, Evolution, Dynamics and Resources of the Earth B University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Earth Evolution Sciences, Seminar Ia University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lecture in Earth Evolution Sciences Va University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminar in Earth Evolution Sciences IIb University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2024-03 SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 地震学夏の学校2023実行臨時委員会 2022-07 -- (current) Seismica Editorial Board member - University Management
2021-04 -- (current) 山岳科学センター運営委員会 委員 2022-04 -- (current) MSC Annual Report Meeting Organizing Committee Chair 2020-04 -- (current) 山岳科学センター広報委員会 委員 - Other activities
2022-07 -- (current) Seismica - Editorial Board member
(Last updated: 2025-01-24)