KIM Satbyul Estella(キム セッビョル エステラ)

極端高温等が暑熱健康に及ぼす影響と適応策に関する研究2023 -- 2025岡 和孝環境再生保全機構/環境研究総合推進費・委託費【環境問題対応型研究】117,763,000円
【SⅡ-11】世界の主要都市に関する気候安全保障リスクの評価2023 -- 2025沖大幹環境再生保全機構/環境研究総合推進費・委託費【戦略的研究】300,000,000円
A Nationwide Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5 Exposure by Examining the Regional Concentrations-Response Relations in a Population-Based Epidemiological Study in Japan2021 -- 2024KIM Satbyul Estella日本学術振興会/若手研究4,680,000円
アジアにおける気候変動と人間の健康:現在の影響、将来リスク、および緩和政策の健康便益2021 -- 2023橋爪 真弘国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 (JST)/国際科学技術共同研究推進事業 e-ASIA共同研究プログラム35,100,000円
多重モデルアプローチを利用した気候変動-PM2.5の健康影響 共同便益推定研究2019 -- 2020KIM Satbyul EstellaNational Research Foundation, Korean Ministry of Education/The Next Generation of Researchers4,400,000円
2020 -- (現在)University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Health and Sport Science, Japan- Assistant Professor
2017 -- 2020National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan- Research Associate
2017-02PhD in Public Health, Biostatistics-Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University
2011-02MPH, Biostatistics-Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University
2007-09BA in Mathematics (Specialty in Statistics), Minor in Public Health-Boston University
2009TESOL (​Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Oxford Seminar
2018 -- (現在)American Geophysical Union
2011 -- (現在)International Society of Environmental Epidemiology
2022Advancing Research for Children's Environmental Health Award19th International Conference of the Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health
2019Young Researcher Poster Session AwardThe 25th AIM International Workshop
2013Outstanding Presentation AwardKorean Forum for Climate Change & Health
2011Outstanding Presentation AwardThe Korean Society of Climate Change Research
  • Association between hot nights and health in epidemiological studies: a scoping review
    Tiarma Noer Syafiiah; Lin Szu Yu; KIM Satbyul Estella; ...
    Joint Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Asia and Western Pacific Chapter (ISEE-AWPC) & International Society of Exposure Science Asia Chapter (ISES-AC)/2024
  • Interactive Effects of Ozone and Temperature on Mortality in Japan
    KIM Satbyul Estella; Honda Yasushi; Ng Chris Fook Shen...
    Joint Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Asia and Western Pacific Chapter (ISEE-AWPC) & International Society of Exposure Science Asia Chapter (ISES-AC)/2024
  • Impact of Ozone and Temperature on Mortality in Japan
    KIM Satbyul Estella; Honda Yasushi; Oka Kazutaka; Ng ...
  • Short-term Effects of Ozone on the Mortality and Effect Modification by Temperature in Japan
    KIM Satbyul Estella; Yasushi Honda; Ng Chris Fook Sheng...
    American Geophysical Union/2023
  • Effects of hot nights on mortality in S. Korea
    KIM Satbyul Estella; Kim Ho
  • Asian dust and daily mortality in East Asian cities: analysis using the European Union Reference Method for decomposing PM₁₀
    Ng Chris Fook Sheng; Tobias Aurelio; Pey Jorge; Basart...
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2023
  • Mortality risk of hot nights in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella; Hashizume Masahiro; Armstrong Ben...
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2023
  • Seasonal Variations in the Mortality Risk Associated with Ozone Concentrations in Tokyo, Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella; Honda Yasushi; Hashizume Masahiro...
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2023
  • Spatial heterogeneity and the area-specific predictors in the association between particulate matter air pollution and mortality in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella; Honda Yasushi; Hashizume Masahiro; K...
    American Geophysical Union/2022
  • Long-term trends in mortality risks associated with short-term exposure to air pollution in 10 Japanese cities between 1977 and 2015
    Nishikawa Hironori; Seposo Xerxes Tesoro; Madaniyazi Lin...
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2022
  • Investigating the Regional Concentrations-Response Relations between PM2.5 and daily mortality in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2022
  • Ambient Particulate Air Pollution and Premature Mortality in two Asian Megacities
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    The Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health/2022
  • Investigating the Association between Ambient Temperature and Aggression
    Kim Satbyul Estella; Honda Yasushi; Hashizume Masahiro; K...
    American Geophysical Union/2021
  • Temporal changes in the short-term association between ambient air pollution and mortality in 10 major cities in Japan from 1977 to 2015
    Nishikawa Hironori; Seposo Xerxes Tesoro; Madaniyazi Lin...
    62nd annual meeting of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment/2021
  • Ambient temperature and injury-related deaths in Japan from 1979 to 2015
    Rui Pan; Honda Yasushi; Minakuchi Emiko; Kim Satbyul Est...
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2021
  • Regional concentration-response relationships between ambient PM2.5 and cause-specific mortality in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    American Geophysical Union/2020
  • Air pollution and Physical Activity: Residents’ Health Awareness of Air Pollution with a Focus on Public Bike Share Ridership
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW)/2020
  • Assessing Public Health Risk to Heatwaves and Projections of Future Impacts under Climate Change in South Korea
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    American Geophysical Union/2019
  • Spatial variation in the effects of ambient PM2.5 on mortality in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science- Asia Chapter/2019
  • Seasonal pattern of air pollution effect on mortality in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    The Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health/2019
  • Temperature and Assault Deaths: Their Relationship and Implications of Climate Change
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2019
  • Health effect of Heatwaves and Hot Nights: Evidence from Japanese Archipelago
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    American Geophysical Union/2018
  • Air Quality Related Health Co-Benefits of Mitigating Climate Change in South Korea
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2018
  • Health vulnerability assessment of heatwave and projections of future impacts under climate change in South Korea
    Kim Ho; Kim Satbyul Estella; Honda Yasushi
    The 4th World Conference on Climate Change/2017
  • Associating respiratory mortality with prolonged high PM10 events in Northeast Asia
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology/2016
  • さらに表示...
2024-10 -- 2025-02健康スポーツ科学研究演習II筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02健康スポーツ科学研究演習I筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02研究セッション筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12体育・スポーツ専門英語基礎演習筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12Data Management and Analysis for Research(研究データ管理・分析法)筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08健康スポーツ科学研究演習II筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08健康スポーツ科学研究演習I筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08研究セッション筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07環境保健学筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07専門語学A筑波大学
  • Panel Discussion: Research direction and collaborations
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Assessing Impact of Climate Change and Air Pollution — Challenges and Insights/2023-02
  • The mortality risk of hot nights in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Climate Change and Human Health in Asia: Current Impacts, Future Risks, and Cobenefits/2022-11
  • Health Impacts of Air Pollution in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
  • Localized projections of health damages from climate-driven air pollution under multiple climate and population scenarios in Japan
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Planetary Health Workshop, Climate Change Impact on Environment and Human health, National Institute for Environmental Studies/2021
  • Diversity and inclusion in Health and Physical Activity. Interdisciplinary and International perspective on Diversity and Inclusion: Effective Approaches in Education
    Kim Satbyul Estella
    Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW)/2020
  • Climate change, air quality and health co-benefits in South Korea
    KIM Satbyul Estella
    AIM International Workshop/2019
  • The association between hot nights and mortality.
    KIM Satbyul Estella
    GRL (Global Research Laboratory) International Symposium. Health impact assessment of air pollution and climate change in Asia/2019
2020 -- (現在)AtmosphereTopical Advisory Panel
2024 -- (現在)International Education Promotion CommitteeCommittee member
2024 -- (現在)Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport SciencesPublic Relations Committee
2022 -- (現在)Student Exchange ProgramSeoul National University
2020 -- (現在)Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through SportEntrance Exam & Public Relations Committee
2020 -- (現在)Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through SportSteering Committee

(最終更新日: 2024-09-11)