酒井 正史(サカイ マサフミ)

  • 子宮内膜癌の筋層浸潤評価におけるADC mapsの有用性の検討
    吉田 美貴; 齋田 司; 澁木紗季; 石黒聡尚; 酒井正史; 天野太史; 佐藤 豊実; 中島崇仁
    The 25th Annual Symposium Japanese Society for the Advancement of Women's Imaging(JSAWI)/2024-10-11--2024-10-12
  • Where is the catheter tip? Chest radiograph findings of incorrect placement comparison with CT and normal radiographs
    Sakai Masafumi; Hiyama Takashi; Toshitaka Ishiguro; Sa...
    The109th Annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)/2023-11-26--2023-11-30
  • Piecing Together the Puzzles: Imaging Diagnostic Approach to Genetic Diseases Affecting the Female Reproductive Organs and Beyond.
    Saida Tsukasa; Ishiguro Toshitaka; Mori Kensaku; Sakai...
    The109th Annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)/2023-11-26--2023-11-30
  • Piecing Together the Puzzles:Imaging Diagnostic Approach to Genetic Diseases Affecting the Female Reproductive Organs and Beyond
    Saida Tsukasa; Mori Kensaku; Ishiguro Toshitaka; Sakai...
    The109th Annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)/2022-11-26--2022-11-30
  • Post-treatment complications of gynecologic malignancies.
    Saida Tsukasa; Mori Kensaku; Ishiguro Toshitaka; Sakai M...
    The108th Annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)/2022-11-27--2022-12-04
  • Post-treatment complications of gynecologic malignancies
    Saida Tsukasa; Mori Kensaku; Ishiguro Toshitaka; Sakai M...
    The108th Annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)/2022-11-27--2022-12-03
  • 自由端へのアプローチが困難なカテーテル断片の回収を簡便に行う Pigtail through snare法について
    森 健作; 杣川知香; 加賀屋駿; 酒井正史; 菊地俊介; 宮坂祐輔; 阿部哲也; 吉田美貴; 石黒聡尚; 星合壮大; 中島崇仁
  • Differentiation of carcinosarcoma from endometrial carcinoma on MRI using deep learning.
    Saida Tsukasa; Mori Kensaku; Hoshiai Sodai; Sakai Masafu...
    The 9th Asian congress of abdominal radiology./2022-5-20--2022-5-21

(最終更新日: 2024-05-16)