UDA Kazuaki
- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- C2!|I(|72|(&I$+@OK2I102(2}|I| I'-
- Research keywords
臨床疫学 理学療法 ヘルスサービスリサーチ リハビリテーション - Research projects
Development and validation of prognostic models using nationwide routinely collected individual health care claims data 2024 -- 2026 UDA Kazuaki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,810,000Yen 退院直後に利用する医療介護サービスの効果:大腿骨近位部骨折後レセプトデータ分析 2021-08 -- 2023-03 UDA Kazuaki JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up 2,990,000Yen - Career history
2017-04 -- 2020-03 The University of Tokyo臨床疫学経済学特任研究員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 University of Tsukubaヘルスサービス開発研究センター研究員 - Academic background
2003-04 -- 2007-03 Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences 保健科学学部 理学療法学科 2015-04 -- 2017-03 The University of Tokyo 医学系研究科 公共健康医学専攻 2017-04 -- 2021-03 The University of Tokyo 医学系研究科 社会医学専攻 - Degree
2017-03 公衆衛生学修士(専門職) 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 2021-03 博士(医学) 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 - Articles
- Comparison of machine-learning and logistic regression models for prediction of 30-day unplanned readmission in electronic health records: A development and validation study
Iwagami Masao; Inokuchi Ryota; Kawakami Eiryo; Yamada ...
PLOS digital health/3(8), 2024-08-01 - Outcomes of advanced care management in home-based long-term care: A retrospective population-based observational study
Itoh Sakiko; Mori Takahiro; Jin Xueying; Ito Tomoko; Komi...
International journal of nursing studies/158, 2024-07-21 - Assessing housing accessibility issues for older adults in Japan: an expert panel approach to cross-cultural adaptation and content validity of the Japanese housing enabler
Tsuchiya-Ito Rumiko; Slaug Bjorn; Sano Tomonori; Tajim...
JOURNAL OF HOUSING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT/Epub, 2024-07-11 - Complications after peripherally inserted central catheter versus central venous catheter implantation in intensive care unit: propensity score analysis using a nationwide database
Takahashi Toshiaki; Morita Kojiro; Uda Kazuaki; Matsui...
EXPERT REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES/21(5)/pp.447-453, 2024-05-03 - Endoscopic surgery versus craniotomy for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in the late elderly patients
Tahara Shigeyuki; Hattori Yujiro; Aso Shotaro; Uda Ka...
JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES/32(11), 2023-11 - Facility staffing associated with potentially avoidable hospitalizations in nursing home residents in Japan: a retrospective cohort study
Hamasaki Yoko; Sakata Nobuo; Jin Xueying; Sugiyama Ta...
BMC GERIATRICS/23(1), 2023-09-15 - Trend in the Numbers of Hospitalized Patients With Varicella, Herpes Zoster, and Ischemic Stroke in Japanese Individuals <20 Years of Age Before and After Implementation of Universal Varicella Vaccination
Ishimaru Soichiro; Michihata Nobuaki; Kawamura Yoshiki...
PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL/42(7)/pp.626-628, 2023-07 - All-Cause Readmission or Potentially Avoidable Readmission: Which Is More Predictable Using Frailty, Comorbidities, and ADL?
Mitsutake Seigo; Ishizaki Tatsuro; Yano Shohei; Tsuchi...
INNOVATION IN AGING/7(5), 2023-06-01 - The comparison of caesarean section bleeding between volatile and total intravenous anaesthesia in a Japanese nationwide database
Shimada Kensuke; Iwagami Masao; Makito Kanako; Shigemi D...
European Journal of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care/2(2), 2023-03 - Pulse Methylprednisolone Versus Dexamethasone in COVID-19: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Watanabe Atsuyuki; Inokuchi Ryota; Kuno Toshiki; Uda ...
Critical care explorations/5(4)/p.e0886, 2023-04-01 - The comparison of caesarean section bleeding between volatile and total intravenous anaesthesia in a Japanese nationwide database.
Shimada K; Iwagami M; Makito K; Shigemi D; Uda K; Ishimar...
European Journal of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care/2(2)/pp.pe0021-pe0021, 2023-03 - The Effect of Business Operating Systems on Nursing Home Termination
Jin Xueying; Uda Kazuaki; Ishimaru Miho; Kihara Tomom...
International journal of public health/68/p.1605439, 2023-02-01 - Pulse Methylprednisolone versus Dexamethasone in COVID-19: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Watanabe Atsuyuki; 井口 竜太; Kuno Toshiki; 宇田和晃; 小宮山潤; 安富元...
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE/51(1)/pp.3-3, 2023-01 - 多疾患併存状態でサルコペニアの可能性もあり,急性疾患による入院を契機に重度の嚥下障害をきたした2症例 全栄養経口摂取の再獲得に至った症例と至らなかった症例 症例報告
宇田 和晃
リハビリテーション栄養/6(2)/pp.284-292, 2022-10 - Regional variation in long-term care spending in Japan
Jin Xueying; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Mori Takahiro; ...
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH/22(1)/p.1810, 2022-09-23 - Trends in surgical procedures for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in Japan
Tahara Shigeyuki; Hattori Yujiro; Aso Shotaro; Uda Ka...
JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES/31(9), 2022-09 - Effect of Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid on Perioperative Major Hemorrhage Requiring Transfusion in Patients Undergoing Elective Spine Surgery: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis Using a National Inpatient Database
Honda Akira; Iizuka Yoichi; Michihata Nobuaki; Uda Ka...
GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL/Epub, 2022-08-25 - Postoperative outcomes of cancer surgery in patients with and without kidney failure with dialysis therapy: a matched-pair cohort study
Miyamoto Yoshihisa; Iwagami Masao; Aso Shotaro; Uda Kazu...
Clinical kidney journal/15(6)/pp.1137-1143, 2022-06-01 - Development and validation of a risk score to predict the frequent emergency house calls among older people who receive regular home visits
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Ito Tomoko; Inokuchi...
BMC primary care/23(1)/p.132, 2022-05-26 - Development and validation of a risk score to predict the frequent emergency house calls among older people who receive regular home visits
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Ito Tomoko; Inok...
BMC primary care/23(1)/p.132, 2022-05-26 - Development and validation of a risk score to predict the frequent emergency house calls among older people who receive regular home visits
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Ito Tomoko; Inok...
BMC primary care/23(1)/p.132, 2022-05-26 - Development and validation of a risk score to predict the frequent emergency house calls among older people who receive regular home visits
Sun Yu; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Ito Tomoko; Inokuchi...
BMC primary care/23(1)/p.132, 2022-05-26 - Implementation and costs of housing adaptations among older adults with different functional limitations in Japan
Tsuchiya-Ito Rumiko; Hamada Shota; Slaug Bjorn; Ninomi...
BMC GERIATRICS/22(1), 2022-05 - Risk factors for severe lower extremity ischemia following venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: an analysis using a nationwide inpatient database
Honda Akira; Michihata Nobuaki; Iizuka Yoichi; Uda Ka...
TRAUMA SURGERY & ACUTE CARE OPEN/7(1), 2022-04 - Incidence and outcomes of in-hospital cardiac arrest in Japan 2011-2017: a nationwide inpatient database study
Ohbe Hiroyuki; Tagami Takashi; Uda Kazuaki; Matsui Hi...
JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE/10(1), 2022-03 - more...
- Comparison of machine-learning and logistic regression models for prediction of 30-day unplanned readmission in electronic health records: A development and validation study
- Conference, etc.
- 介護老人福祉施設入所前に使用していた車いすの種類と入所後の骨折発生状況の実態
鈴木 愛; 宇田 和晃; 田宮 菜奈子
第82回日本公衆衛生学会総会/2023-11-02--2023-11-02 - 介護施設に入所・入居した高齢者の股関節骨折発生率:全国規模の個票データによる推計
宇田 和晃; 金 雪瑩; 佐方 信夫; 石丸 美穂; 岩上将夫; 大河内 二郎; 田宮 菜奈子
第82回日本公衆衛生学会総会/2023-11-02--2023-11-02 - 要介護認定審査において一次判定から二次判定で介護度が変更された要因の探索
小宮山 潤; 金 雪瑩; 松田 智行; 阿部 計大; 宇田 和晃; 森山 葉子; 田宮 菜奈子; 高橋 秀人
第82回日本公衆衛生学会総会/2023-11-02--2023-11-02 - 介護老人福祉施設入所前に使用していた車いすの種類と入所後の骨折発生状況の実態
鈴木 愛; 宇田 和晃; 田宮 菜奈子
第82回日本公衆衛生学会総会/2023-11-02--2023-11-02 - 緊急入院した高齢者における在院日数と30日以内再入院率に影響する要因の検討
藤原 怜峰; 宇田 和晃; 小宮山 潤; 黒田 直明; 田宮 菜奈子
Watanabe Atsuyuki; Inokuchi Ryota; Kuno Toshiki; Uda ...
52nd Critical Care Congress of the Society-of-Critical-Care-Medicine (SCCM)/2023-01-21--2023-01-24 - COVID-19パンデミックと新規要介護・要支援認定 発生率との関連全国:匿名要介護認定情報等を用いた分析
宇田 和晃; 田宮 菜奈子; 木原 朋未; 杉山 雄大; 山岸 良匡; 金 雪瑩; 石丸 美穂
第33回日本疫学会学術集会/2023-02 - 高齢COVID-19入院患者における入院早期リハビリテーションと在院死亡との関連
宇田和晃; 井口 竜太; 小宮山潤; 田宮菜奈子; 岩上 将夫
日本臨床疫第5回年次学術大会/2022-11-12--2022-11-13 - 介護保険施設入所前の福祉用具貸与サービス利用状況の実態ー車いすの種類に着目してー
鈴木愛; 宇田和晃; 黒田直明; 田宮菜奈子
第81回日本公衆衛生学会/2022-10-7--2022-10-9 - 2021年介護報酬改定前後における要支援者のリハビリテーション関連サービス利用の変化
小宮山潤; 杉山 雄大; 岩上 将夫; 伊藤智子; 宮脇敦士; 宇田和晃; 長谷川正彦; 富田眞紀子; 小林秀; 田宮菜奈子
- 介護老人福祉施設入所前に使用していた車いすの種類と入所後の骨折発生状況の実態
(Last updated: 2024-09-05)