尹 之恩(ユン ジウン)

アミロイドβで検証するマルチタスク運動の認知症予防効果:2年間ランダム化比較試験2020-04 -- 2023-03大藏 倫博日本学術振興会/科研費/基盤研究(B)17,680,000円
高精度認知機能評価法と認知機能向上運動を融合した高齢者のための新・認知機能管理システムの構築2018-04 -- 2019-03尹 之恩筑波大学/3,000,000円
「新認知機能管理システム」の実用化「フォローアップ研究」2019-04 -- 2020-03尹 之恩筑波大学/2,000,000円
身体パフォーマンスによる高齢者の認知機能評価法及び認知機能向上運動の開発2018-04 -- 2021-03尹 之恩日本学術振興会/若手/4,160,000円
団塊世代を認知症から救う認知機能低下の変曲点の探索2022-03 -- 2025-03尹 之恩日本学術振興会/若手/4,550,000円
2022-09 -- (現在)筑波大学体育系助教
2022-04 -- 2022-08筑波大学テーラーメイドQOLプログラム開発研究センター副主任研究員
2022-01 -- 2022-03筑波大学テーラーメイドQOLプログラム開発研究センター研究員
2021-07 -- 2022-01研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所食薬資源工学オープンイノベーションラボラトリ研究員
2018-02 -- 2021-07筑波大学研究員
2015-04 -- 2018-01筑波大学体育系研究員
2018-10 -- (現在)アジア健康運動学会
2014-11 -- (現在)日本体育学会会員
2014-05 -- (現在)日本健康支援学会会員
2010-05 -- (現在)日本体力医学会会員
  • Relationship between exercise type, frequency and cognitive function in community dwelling elderly
    Yoon Jieun; Okura Tomohiro
    ECSS Paris 2023 (the 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science)/2023-7-4--2023-7-7
  • 高齢期の運動習慣は認知症予防に効果的か-アルツハイマー型認知症の血液バイオマーカーによる横断的研究-
    尹 之恩; 大藏 倫博
  • Is there an association between social activities and physical functions in older Japanese adults?
    Tsunoda K; Kitano N; Mitsuishi Y; Tsuji T; Yoon JY; Yoon ...
    17th annual congress of the European college of sport science/2012-07
  • The effect of whole-body vibration training on knee-function in Japanese woman with knee osteoarthritis
    Yoon J; K Tanaka
    The 61st annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine/2014-05-27--2014-05-31
  • The effect of whole-body vibration training on knee-function in Japanese woman with knee osteoarthritis
    Yoon J; K Tanaka
    The 61st annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine/2014-05-27--2014-05-31
  • Estimation of cognitive function by dexterity performance tests in older adults
    T Abe; K Tsunoda; N Kitano; JY Yoon; Y Soma; Yoon Jieun; ...
    The 9th International Congress of the Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD)/2015-09
  • Estimation of cognitive function by dexterity performance tests in older adults
    T Abe; K Tsunoda; N Kitano; JY Yoon; Y Soma; Yoon Jieun; ...
    The 9th International Congress of the Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD)/2015-09
  • Effect of whole-body vibration alone and with maslinic acid on knee strength and pain in elderly women with knee osteoarthritis
    YOON Jieun; OKURA Tomohiro
    ACRM 94th Annual Conference/2017-10-23--2017-10-28
  • A game-like dual-task exercise may save the oldest-old women from the cognitive decline
    YOON Jieun; OKURA Tomohiro
    The Gerontological Society of America's 68th Annual Scientific Meeting/2018-11
  • Evaluation of the effects on physical activity and cognitive function in elderly women
    OKURA Tomohiro; YOON Jieun
    ACRM 96th Annual Conference/2019-11
  • Relationship of lower-limb dexterity and cognitive function in older adults ver1.0
    OKURA Tomohiro; Jieun YOON
    The 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional Congress/2019-10
  • Assessment of the relationship between athlete’s physical ability and physical condition
    OKURA Tomohiro; Jieun Yoon
    ECSS Prague 2019/2019-06
  • Effect of a dual-task exercise in older adult women: a randomized controlled trail
    Yoon Jieun
    25th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science/2020-10
  • Effect of whole-body vibration exercise on knee function in middle-aged and older japanese women with knee pain: examined by degree of knee pain
    Tomohiro OKURA; Jieun YOON
    The 18th annual congress of the European college of sport science/2013-06
  • The Effects of Acceleration training on Knee Function and Physical Performance of Middle-aged and Elderly Woman with Chronic Knee Pain: One Year Intervention with Acceleration training.
    J Yoon; Tsuji; T Aiba; K Tsunoda; A Kanamori; T Okura; K ...
    18th annuall congress of the European College of Sport Science/2013-06-26--2013-06-29
  • Effects of Square-stepping exercise on physical function in older woman with and without cognitive decline
    T Abe; T Jindo; A Sato; Yoon J; Y Soma; Kitano N; T Okura
    19th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science/2014-07
  • Facilitators and barriers to continuing group exercise activities in older Japanese adults
    Sato Ayane; Jindo Takashi; Tsunoda Kenji; Saghazadeh Mah...
    19th annual congress of the European college of sport science/2014-07
  • Effects of intensive whole-body-vibration training on physical performance in adults with paralysis: pilot-study
    J Yoon; T Tsuji; K Hotta; M Sagahazadeh; K Tanaka; OKURA ...
    19th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science/2014-07
  • Whole-body vibration training with maslinic acid on knee function and muscle strength in older adults with knee pain: A randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial
    YOON Jieun; OKURA Tomohiro; TSUJI Taishi; TSUNODA Kenji
    28th International sport science congress -In commemoration of the 1988 Seoul Olympic games-/2016-08-25--2016-08-27
  • Novel tools to assess isometric knee extension strength and mobility limitation in elderly women
    Kim Mijin; Soma Yuki; JY Yoon; Yano Miki; Jindo Takashi; ...
    The Gerontological Society of America's 68th Annual Scientific Meeting/2015-11-01
  • Square-stepping Exercise And Physical And Cognitive Function In Older Adults: A 3-year Follow-up
    Okura Tomohiro; Kitano Naruki; Saghazadeh Mahshid; Tsunod...
    61st Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine/2014-06

(最終更新日: 2024-08-23)