庄司 光男(ショウジ ミツオ)
- 会議発表等
- 光合成酸素発生機構の分子メカニズム
庄司 光男
筑波大プレ戦略研究会「生命から学ぶ」プログラム/2019-10-10--2019-10-10 - Catalytic Reaction Mechanisms Found by using the GLAS Algorithm
庄司 光男
ICPAC 2019/2019-08-07--2019-08-07 - Reaction mechanism of water splitting in photosystem II revealed by QM/MM calculations
庄司 光男
11th symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences, CCS International Symposium 2019/2019-10-15--2019-10-15 - Role of Valine 185 in the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II Revealed by QM/MM Calculations
庄司 光男
ISF-3 Young/2019-11-19--2019-11-20 - Elucidation of the Entire Kok Cycle of the Photosynthetic Water Oxidation Using QM/MM Calculations
庄司 光男
3rd International Solar Fuels Conference (ISF-3) and International Conference on Artificial Photosynthesis-2019/2019-11-20--2019-11-24 - GLAS アルゴリズムによる酵素反応機構の新規解明
庄司 光男
第33回分子シミュレーション討論会/2019-12-10--2019-12-10 - Theoretical and computational investigations of geometrical, electronic and spin structures of the CaMn4OX (X=5, 6) cluster in the Kok cycle S-i (i=0-3) of oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II
Yamaguchi Kizashi; Yamanaka Shusuke; Isobe Hiroshi; Sh...
1st European Congress on Photosynthesis Research (EPS)/2018-06-25--2018-06-28 - チロシン配位の天然の変異ヘモグロビンで観測される帰属未定の振動バンドの挙動と性質
長友重紀; 寺田拓人; 庄司光男; 重田育照; 中谷清治; 廣田俊; 長井雅子; 北川禎三
第46回生体分子科学討論会/2019-06-21--2019-06-22 - 分子構造探索および反応経路探索のための新手法(GLAS 法)の提唱
Shoji Mitsuo
第21回理論化学討論会/2018-05-16--2018-05-16 - A new approach for searching stable molecular structures by introducing repulsive interactions among walkers
Shoji Mitsuo
7thJCS/2018-05-21--2018-05-24 - A new algorithm searching stable molecular structures and reaction pathways by introducing repulsive interactions among walkers
Shoji Mitsuo
ICQC 2018/2019-06-20--2019-06-20 - 分子構造および反応機構探索アルゴリズムの新展開
Shoji Mitsuo
第18回日本蛋白質科学会年会/2018-06-26--2018-06-26 - QM/MM study on the O2 formation and O2 release mechanism in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II
Shoji Mitsuo
the 56th Annual Meeting of The BioPhysical Society of Japan/2018-09-16--2018-09-16 - 銅含有アミン酸化酵素におけるセミキノンラジカル生成機構についての理論的解明
Shoji Mitsuo
第32回分子シミュレーション討論会/2018-11-30--2018-11-30 - 光化学系II酸素発生中心におけるCaイオンの役割についてのQM/MM解析
Shoji Mitsuo
第99回日本化学会春季年会/2019-03-17--2019-03-17 - Glycine Formation Reactions via Non-Radical and Radical Processes in Interstellar Medium
Shoji Mitsuo
Life3E'2019/2019-03-26--2019-03-26 - Spin States and O-O bond formation mechanisms in the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II
Shoji Mitsuo
AWEST2019/2019-06-17--2019-06-18 - Water-Splitting Reactions in the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of
Photosystem II Revealed by QM/MM calculations
Shoji Mitsuo
ICOPP2019/2019-05-22--2019-05-25 - 光合成水分解反応の反応機構についての理論的探求
Shoji Mitsuo
ミニシンポジウム 『生命科学と物質科学の融合による新規エネルギー・物質変換技術の創造をめざして』/2019-05-18--2019-05-18 - Water Insertion Reactions of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II Revealed by QM/MM
Shoji Mitsuo
Theoretical Chemistry Symposium 2019 (TCS2019)/2019-02-14--2019-02-14 - A new approach for searching reaction pathways applicable to quantum mechanical calculations
Shoji Mitsuo
CCS–EPCC Joint Workshop/2018-12-4--2018-12-4 - Water insertion reactions in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II revealed by QM/MM calculations
Shoji Mitsuo
ICPAC Langkawi 2018/2018-10-31--2018-10-31 - QM/MM study on the S state transitions of the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II
Shoji Mitsuo
the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2018)/2018-08-03--2018-08-03 - QM/MM study on the S4 -> S0 transition of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex in Photosystem II
Shoji Mitsuo
5th IWSES/2018-03-20--2018-03-22 - 新規分子構造探索アルゴリズム(GLAS法)の提案
庄司 光男
日本生物物理学会東京支部会/2018-03-13--2018-03-14 - さらに表示...
- 光合成酸素発生機構の分子メカニズム