重田 育照(シゲタ ヤステル)
- 査読付き学術雑誌・国際会議論文
- A sulfonamide chalcone inhibited dengue virus with a potential target at the SAM-binding site of viral methyltransferase
Cao Van; Sukanadi I Putu; Loeanurit Naphat; Suroengrit...
ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH/220, 2023-12-01 - Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2'-hydroxychalcone derivatives as AMPK activators
Vu Nguyen Duy; Muanprasat Chatchai; Kaewin Suchada; He...
BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY/143, 2023-12-21 - Finite temperature effects on the structural stability of Si-doped HfO2 using first-principles calculations
Harashima Y.; Koga H.; Ni Z.; Yonehara T.; Katouda M...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/122(26), 2023-06-26 - A Variety of Initial Velocities in Restarting Molecular Dynamics Simulations Promotes Protein Transitions
Mune Yohei; Shigeta Yasuteru; Harada Ryuhe
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/52(5)/pp.385-388, 2023-05 - Structure-yeast α-glucosidase inhibitory activity relationship of 9-O-berberrubine carboxylates
Nguyen Duy Vu; Hengphasatporn Kowit; Danova Ade; Suroe...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-11-01 - Helical Organic and Inorganic Polymers
Hirata So; Shigeta Yasuteru; Xantheas Sotiris S.; Bart...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B/127(15)/pp.3556-3583, 2023-04 - Enantiomeric Excesses of Aminonitrile Precursors Determine the Homochirality of Amino Acids
Shoji Mitsuo; Kitazawa Yuya; Sato Akimasa; Watanabe N...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS/14(13)/pp.3243-3248, 2023-04 - Theoretical Study on the Regulating Mechanism of the Transition Between the Open-closed State of hCtBP2: A Combined Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Mechanical Interaction Analysis
Yamamoto Yuta; Shigeta Yasuteru
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/52(3)/pp.120-123, 2023-02 - Development of an Iron(II) Complex Exhibiting Thermal- and Photoinduced Double Proton-Transfer-Coupled Spin Transition in a Short Hydrogen Bond
Nakanishi Takumi; Hori Yuta; Shigeta Yasuteru; Sato H...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/145(35)/pp.19177-19181, 2023-09 - New insights into the oxidation process from neutron and X-ray crystal structures of an O2-sensitive [NiFe]-hydrogenase
Hiromoto Takeshi; Nishikawa Koji; Inoue Seiya; Ogata ...
CHEMICAL SCIENCE/14(35)/pp.9306-9315, 2023-08 - Pocket to concavity: a tool for the refinement of protein-ligand binding site shape from alpha spheres
Kudo Genki; Hirao Takumi; Yoshino Ryunosuke; Shigeta ...
BIOINFORMATICS/39(4), 2023-04-03 - Identification of Promising Sulfonamide Chalcones as Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro through Structure-Based Virtual Screening and Experimental Approaches
Pojtanadithee Piyatida; Hengphasatporn Kowit; Suroengri...
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING/Epub, 2023-08-15 - Organocatalytic-racemization reaction elucidation of aspartic acid by density functional theory
Watanabe Natsuki; Hori Yuta; Shoji Mitsuo; Boero Maur...
CHIRALITY/35(9)/pp.645-651, 2023-04 - A Structural Refinement Technique for Protein-RNA Complexes Based on a Combination of AI-based Modeling and Flexible Docking: A Study of Musashi-1 Protein
Hengphasatporn Kowit; Darai Nitchakan; Wolschann Peter...
BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/96(7)/pp.677-685, 2023-6-23 - Lichen-Derived Diffractaic Acid Inhibited Dengue Virus Replication in a Cell-Based System
Loeanurit Naphat; Tuong Truong Lam; Nguyen Van-Kieu; V...
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)/28(3), 2023-01-18 - N-Containing alpha-Mangostin Analogs via Smiles Rearrangement as the Promising Cytotoxic, Antitrypanosomal, and SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitory Agents
Pyae Nan Yadanar Lin; Maiuthed Arnatchai; Phongsopitanu...
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)/28(3), 2023-01-22 - X-ray crystallographic and mutational analysis of the NylC precursor: catalytic mechanism of autocleavage and substrate hydrolysis of nylon hydrolase
Negoro Seiji; Shibata Naoki; Kato Dai-Ichiro; Tanaka ...
FEBS JOURNAL/290(13)/pp.3400-3421, 2023-07-01 - In silico screening of chalcones and flavonoids as potential inhibitors against yellow head virus 3C-like protease
Boonthaworn Kanpong; Hengphasatporn Kowit; Shigeta Yas...
PEERJ/11, 2023-04-01 - The 8-bromobaicalein inhibited the replication of dengue, and Zika viruses and targeted the dengue polymerase
Boonyasuppayakorn Siwaporn; Saelee Thanaphon; Huynh Th...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1)/p.7651, 2023-03-25 - Sulfonylated Indeno[1,2-c]quinoline Derivatives as Potent EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
Hengphasatporn Kowit; Aiebchun Thitinan; Mahalapbutr P...
ACS OMEGA/8(22)/pp.19645-19655, 2023-06-06 - Designing Potent α-Glucosidase Inhibitors: A Synthesis and QSAR Modeling Approach for Biscoumarin Derivatives
Phan Thi-Hong-Truc; Hengphasatporn Kowit; Shigeta Yasu...
ACS OMEGA/8(29)/pp.26340-26350, 2023-07-25 - Vacancy-type defects in TiN/ZrO2/TiN capacitors probed by monoenergetic positron beams
Uedono Akira; Takahashi Naomichi; Hasunuma Ryu; Harash...
THIN SOLID FILMS/762, 2022-11 - Determination of the Association between Mesotrione Sensitivity and Conformational Change of 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase via Free-Energy Analyses
Munei Yohei; Hengphasatporn Kowit; Hori Yuta; Harada ...
JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY/71(24)/pp.9528-9537, 2023-06-21 - 1T/1H-SnS2 Sheets for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate
Kawabe Yusuke; Ito Yoshikazu; Hori Yuta; Kukunuri Sur...
ACS NANO/17(12)/pp.11318-11326, 2023-06-27 - Enantioselective Amino Acid interactions in Solution
Watanabe Natsuki; Shoji Mitsuo; Miyagawa Koichi; Hori ...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/25(21)/pp.15023-15029, 2023-05 - さらに表示...
- A sulfonamide chalcone inhibited dengue virus with a potential target at the SAM-binding site of viral methyltransferase