重田 育照(シゲタ ヤステル)


  • Diradicalology in Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Systems: Second Hyperpolarizabilities of Acetylene-Linked Phenalenyl Based Superpolyenes
    Shigeta Yasuteru
  • Cumulant mechanics : An explicit treatment for fluctuation on dynamics
    重田 育照
    Molecular Science/7(1)/p.A0057, 2013-01
  • Previous Article Next Article Table of Contents Synthesis and Characterization of Quarteranthene: Elucidating the Characteristics of the Edge State of Graphene Nanoribbons at the Molecular Level
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    Journal of the American Chemistry Society/135(4)/pp.1430-1437, 2013-01
  • Interplay between the Diradical Character and Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties in Fullerene Systems
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    CHEMISTRY A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/19(4)/pp.1677-1685, 2013-01
  • Consistent Scheme for Computing Standard Hydrogen Electrode and Redox Potentials
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY/34(1)/pp.21-26, 2013-01
  • Density functional studies of the structural variety of the Cu2S2 core of the CuA site
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY/112(24)/pp.3756-3762, 2012-12
  • DFT Analysis of Low-Frequency Heme Vibrations in Soluble Guanylate Cyclase: Raman Mode Enhancement by Propionate-Protein Interactions
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    Chemistry Letters/41(9)/pp.860-862, 2012-09
  • Impact of Antidot Structure on the Multiradical Characters, Aromaticities, and Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Hexagonal Graphene Nanoflakes
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/116(33)/pp.17787-17795, 2012-08
  • Tuned CAM-B3LYP Functional in the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Scheme for Excitation Energies and Properties of Diarylethene Derivatives
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    Journal of photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry/235(1)/pp.29-34, 2012-05
  • Enhancement of the Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties in Open-Shell Singlet Transition-Metal Dinuclear Systems: Effects of the Group, of the Period, and of the Charge of the Metal Atom
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A/116(22)/pp.5501-5509, 2012-05
  • Development of Calculation and Analysis Methods for the Dynamic First Hyperpolarizability Based on the ab initio Molecular Orbital - Quantum Master Equation Method
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A/116(17)/pp.4371-4380, 2012-05
  • Microscopic Mechanisms of Initial Oxidation of Si (100): Reaction Pathways and Free-Energy Barriers
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B/85(20)/pp.205314-01-205314-04, 2012-05
  • Temperature-Independent Stereoselectivity in Intramolecular Cycloaddition of Ketene Generated from Diazoester in Solution and in Vapor Phase: How Entropy Term Governs the Selectivity
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan/85(4)/pp.504-510, 2012-04
  • Coordination Effects on the Electronic Structure of the CuA Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS/531/pp.197-201, 2012-04
  • An Accurate Density Functional Theory Based Estimation of pKa Values of Polar Residues Combined with Experimental Data: From Amino Acids to Minimal Proteins
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/14/pp.4181-4187, 2012-03
  • Halide Ion Complexes of Decaborane (B10H14) and Their Derivatives: Noncovalent Charge Transfer Effect on Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A/116(5)/pp.1417-1424, 2012-02
  • heoretical Insight into Stereoselective Reaction Mechanisms of 2,4-Pentanediol-Tethered Ketene-Olefin [2+2] Cycloaddition
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A/116(4)/pp.1168-1175, 2012-02
  • Full Configuration Interaction Calculations of the Second Hyperpolarizabilities of the H4 Model Compound: Summation-over-states Analysis and Interplay with Diradical Characters
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS/136(2)/p.024315, 2012-01
  • Tuned Long-Range Corrected Density Functional Theory Method for Evaluating the Second Hyperpolarizabilities of Open-Shell Singlet Metal-metal Bonded Systems
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS/523/pp.60-64, 2012-01
  • (Hyper)polarizability Density Analysis for Open-Shell Molecular Systems Based on Natural Orbitals and Occupation Numbers
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS/130(4-6)/pp.711-724, 2011-12
  • Self-diffusion in Crystalline Silicon: A Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics Study
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    Physicla Review B/84(20)/p.205203, 2011-11
  • First-principles Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Atomistic Behavior of His503 in Bovine Cytochrome c Oxidase
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    Biochim Biophys Acta/1807(10)/pp.1328-1335, 2011-10
  • Possible Mechanisms of Water Splitting Reaction Based on Proton and Electron Release Pathways Revealed for CaMn4O5 Cluster of PSII Refined to 1.9 Å X-Ray Resolution1
    Saito T.; Yamanaka S.; Kanda K.; Isobe H.; Takano Y.; Shigeta ...
  • Electronic Structures of the Cu2S2 Core of the CuA Site in Cytochrome c Oxidase and Nitronous Oxide Reductase
    Shigeta Yasuteru
  • Origin of the Enhancement of the Second Hyperpolarizabilities in Open-Shell Singlet Transition-Metal Systems with Metal–Metal Multiple Bonds
    Shigeta Yasuteru
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS/2(2)/pp.2063-2066, 2011-07
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