伊藤 雅英(イトウ マサヒデ)
- 論文
- Synthetic Double Exposure Method for Security Hologram : Image Estimation Based on Numerical simulation(共著)
伊藤 雅英
Proc. SPIE/3740/p.521-524, 1999-01 - Quantitative Phase Analysis in Retardation Modulated Differential Interference Contact(RM-DIC) Microscope(共著)
伊藤 雅英
Proc, SPIE/2744/p.183-187, 1999-01 - Optical Scalable Parallel Modified Signed-digit Algorithms for large-scale Array Addition and Multiplication Using Digital-Decomposition-Plane Representation(共著)
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Eng./38(3)/p.432-440, 1999-01 - 皮膚下における色素の見え方の変化
伊藤 雅英
光学/29(6)/p.392-398, 2000-01 - Wigner分布関数を用いた極短パルス光の時空間情報の解析
伊藤 雅英
光学/29(8)/p.502-506, 2000-01 - 位相変調型微分干渉顕微鏡 ‐透過物体の位相分布の定量測定‐ (共著)
伊藤 雅英
光学/(30)/p.9, 605-612, 2000-01 - Multiwavelength Fringe Scanning Profilometry for Wide Gapped Sample (共著)
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Eng./(39)/p.4, 970-977, 2000-01 - Time-space Conversion of Femtosecond light Pulse by Spatio-temporal Joint Transform Correlator(共著)
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Commun./(177)/p.135-139, 2000-01 - Device Application of Surface Modulation Technique Using CW Laser Beam (共著)
伊藤 雅英
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan/(25)/p.2, 421-424, 2000-01 - Explanation of Human Skin Color by Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Based on the Modified Lambert-Beer Law
伊藤 雅英
Optical Review/7(4)/p.348-352, 2000-01 - Fringe pattern correlator for three-dimensional object recognition
伊藤 雅英
伊藤 雅英
Nonlinear Optics/24/p.139-146, 2000-01 - Spatial filtering using poled polymer etalon light modulators
伊藤 雅英
Optical and Quantum Electronics/32/p.1351-1358, 2000-01 - High-speed light modulation using complex refractive-index changes of electro-optic polymers
伊藤 雅英
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/77(23)/p.3683-3685, 2000-01 - High Speed Light Modulation Using Complex Refractive Index Change of Electro-optic Polymers
伊藤 雅英
APPC 2000(Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference)/p.208-213, 2000-01 - Spatio-temporal joint pulse shaper : analysis of the property by Wigner distribution function
伊藤 雅英
Proc. of SPIE/4089/p.836-841, 2000-01 - Optical coherence tomography by spectral interferometric joint transform correlator
伊藤 雅英
Optics Communications/186/p.51-56, 2000-01 - 新しいシミ計測法の開発(共著)
伊藤 雅英
J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem. Jpn./(35)/p.4, 325-332, 2001-01 - Retardation modulated differential interference microscope and its application for phase analysis(共著)
伊藤 雅英
Fringe 2001(The 4 th International Workshop on Automatic Processing of Fringe Patterns)/p.181-186, 2001-01 - Melanin and blood concentration in human skin studied by multiple regression analysis: experiments (共著)
伊藤 雅英
Physics in Medicine Biology/(46)/p.2385-2395, 2001-01 - Melanin and blood concentration in a human skin model studied by multiple regression analysis: assessment by Monte Carlo simulation(共著)
伊藤 雅英
Phys. Med. Biol./(46)/p.2397-2406, 2001-01 - Analysis of spatiotemporal coupling in a femtosecond pulse shaper by the Wigner distribution function
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Eng./40(8)/p.1717-1723, 2001-01 - A new holographic recording material and its diffraction efficiency increase effect : the use of photoinduced surface deformation in azo-polymer film
伊藤 雅英
Optics Communications/191/p.15-19, 2001-01 - Diffraction efficiency increase by corona discharge in photoinduced surface-relief gratings on an azo polymer film
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Lett./26(1)/p.4-6, 2001-01 - Phase-resolved correlation and its application to analysis of low coherence interferogram
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Lett./26(2)/p.90-92, 2001-01 - さらに表示...
- Synthetic Double Exposure Method for Security Hologram : Image Estimation Based on Numerical simulation(共著)