伊藤 雅英(イトウ マサヒデ)
- 論文
- Spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography with nonlinear β -barium borate time gating
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Lett./(27)/p.6, 403-405, 2002-01 - Horographic Recording and Control of Diffraction Efficiency Using Photoinduced Surface Deformation on Azo-Polymer Films
伊藤 雅英
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./(41)/p.1851-1854, 2002-01 - Birefringence imaging of human skin by polarization-sensitive spectrla interferometric optical coherence tomography
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Lett./(27)/p.20, 1803-1805, 2002-01 - Spatial light manipulation devices using nonlinear polymeric materials
伊藤 雅英
Optical and Quantum Electronics/34(12)/p.1183-1189, 2002-01 - A subfringe integration method for multiple-beam Fizeau fringe analysis
伊藤 雅英
Optics & Laser Technology/(35)/p.223-232, 2003-01 - Real Time and Full-range Complex Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography
Yasuno Yoshiaki; Makita Shuichi; Endo Takashi; Aoki Gouk...
Optical and Quantum Electronics/37(13-15)/pp.1157-1163, 2005-12 - Polarization-Sensitive Spectral Interferometric Optical Coherence Tomography for Human Skin Imaging
伊藤 雅英
Optical Review/10(5)/p.498-500, 2003-01 - Holographic three-dimensional display synthesized from three-dimensional Fourier spectra of real existing objects
伊藤 雅英; Itoh Masahide; Yatagai Toyohiko
Optics letters/28(24)/pp.2518-2520, 2003-01 - Holographic recording on azo-benzene functionalized polymer film
伊藤 雅英
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./47(7)/p.4968-4971, 2004-01 - Analysis of the polarization dependence of multiple backscattering light from red blood cell suspensions
伊藤 雅英
Kogaku/34(2)/p.90-96, 2005-01 - In-focus Fourier-domain Optical Coherence Tomography by Complex Numerical Method
Yasuno Yoshiaki; Sando Yusuke; Sugisaka Jun-ichiro; Endo ...
Optical and Quantum Electronics/37(13-15)/pp.1185-1189, 2005-12 - Numerical Analysis of Photoinduced Surface Relief Formed on Azobenzene Polymer Film by Optical Near-Field Exposure
Barada Daisuke; Fukuda Takashi; 伊藤 雅英; Yatagai Toyohiko
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS/45(8B)/pp.6730-6737, 2006-08 - Proposal of Novel Model for Photoinduced Mass Transport and Numerical Analysis by Electromagnetic-Induced Particle Transport Method
伊藤 雅英
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./45/p.465-469, 2006-01 - Polarization Recording in Photoinduced Chiral Material for Optical Storage
Barada Daisuke; Fukuda Takashi; Sumimura Hiroshi; Kim Jun Yo...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS/46/pp.3928-3932, 2007-06 - Coherence Tomography Complex Numerical Processing for In-Focus Line-Field Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography
伊藤 雅英
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./46/p.1774-1778, 2007-01 - Photodynamics of azobenzene film and its application to one-beam image recording
伊藤 雅英
Proceedings of SPIE/7056/p.705602, 2008-01 - Polarization-Sensitive Spectral Interferometric Optical Coherence Tomography for Human Skin Imaging
Makita Shuichi; Yasuno Yoshiaki; Sutoh Yasunori; Itoh Ma...
Optical Review/10(5)/pp.366-369, 2003-09 - Three-dimensional imaging using computer-generated holograms synthesized from 3-D Fourier spectra
伊藤 雅英
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/139(1)/p.01200, 2008-01 - Demonstration of Flat-Band Structure of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Directional Coupler
伊藤 雅英
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./48/p.022101, 2009-01 - Spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography with nonlinear beta-barium borate time gating
Makita Shuichi; Yasuno Yoshiaki; Sutoh Y.; Nakama M.; Ito...
Optics Letters/27(6)/pp.403-405, 2002-03 - E-4 レーザー励起顕微光音響映像法(光音響応用)
谷田貝 豊彦; 伊藤 雅英; 日野 真; 斎藤 弘義; 金 弼鉉; 難波 進
超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演予稿集/0(3)/pp.135-136, 1982-12 - F-3 レーザー音響顕微鏡(超音波顕微鏡・映像)
伊藤 雅英; 日野 真; 斉藤 弘義; 金 弼鉉; 難波 進; 谷田貝 豊彦
超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演予稿集/0(4)/pp.137-138, 1983-12 - フィードバック構成による計算機ホログラムの最適化合成
吉川 宣一; 伊藤 雅英; 谷田貝 豊彦; 荒木 賢一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MW, マイクロ波/95(101)/pp.1-6, 1995-06 - 計算機ホログラムの再生像補間法
吉川 宣一; 伊藤 雅英; 谷田貝 豊彦
光学/24(7)/pp.428-431, 1995-07 - 最近のレーザー応用形状計測技術
谷田貝 豊彦; 伊藤 雅英
電気学会研究会資料. IM, 計測研究会/1995(80)/pp.1-6, 1995-11 - さらに表示...
- Spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography with nonlinear β -barium borate time gating