冨田 成夫(トミタ シゲオ)


  • 28pTA-7 複数原子イオン入射における炭素標的からの2次電子放出(28pTA 放射線物理,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
    金子 敏明; 工藤 博; 冨田 成夫; 内山 留美
    日本物理学会講演概要集/61(1)/p.165, 2006-03
  • Formation and stability of charged amino acid clusters and the role of chirality
    Concina B; Hvelplund P; Nielsen AB; Nielsen SB; Rangama ...
  • Delayed ionization of C_{76}
    B. Concina; S. Tomita; N. Takahashi; T. Kodama; S. Suzuk...
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom./252/p.96-99, 2006-01
  • Fullerene collisions and clusters of fullerenes
    O. Kamalou; B. Manil; J. Rangama; H. Lebius; B.A. Huber; ...
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom./252/p.117-125, 2006-01
  • 19pYR-4 クラスター入射による炭素薄膜からの2次電子放出(放射線物理,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
    依田 聡; 内山 瑠美; 笹 公和; 石井 聡; 冨田 成夫; 工藤 博
    日本物理学会講演概要集/60(2)/p.56, 2005-08
  • Ion beams of carbon clusters and multiply charged fullerenes produced with electron cyclotron resonance ion sources
    Maunoury L; Manil B; Rangama J; Lebius H; Huber BA; Pacqu...
    REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS/76(5)/pp.0-0, 2005-05
  • 25aYJ-4 クラスター誘起による2次電子のエネルギー分布(放射線物理,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
    内山 瑠美; 古谷 公哉; 若松 博也; 島田 智大; 冨田 成夫; 工藤 博札; 島 邦博; 笹 公和; 石井 ...
    日本物理学会講演概要集/60(1)/p.147, 2005-03
  • Resonant coherent excitation of C5+ in Si observed with backward electron spectroscopy
    Kudo H; Nagata M; Wakamatsu H; Tomita S
  • Dynamic Jahn-Teller effects in isolated C-60(-) studied by near-infrared spectroscopy in a storage ring
    Tomita S; Andersen JU; Bonderup E; Hvelplund P; Liu B; Ni...
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/94(5)/pp.0-0, 2005-02
  • Formation of long-lived fluorofullerene trianions in collisions with Na
    Olga V. Boltalina; Alexey V. Streletskii; Ilya N. Ioffe; ...
    J. Chem. Phys./122/p.021102(1-3), 2005-01
  • Resonant Coherent Excitation of C^{5+} in Si Observed with Backward Electron Spectroscopy
    H. Kudo; M. Nagata; W. Iwazaki; S. Tomita
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods B/229/p.227-231, 2005-01
  • Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effects in Isolated C_{60}^{-} studied by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in a Storage Ring
    S. Tomita; J.U. Andersen; E. Bonderup; P. Hvelplund; B. ...
    Phys. Rev. Lett./94/p.053002(1-4), 2005-01
  • Fragmentation of charged fullerene dimers: Kinetic energy release
    B. Manil; L. Maunoury; J. Jensen; H. Cederquist; H.T. Sc...
    Nucl. Intrum. Methods B/235/p.419-424, 2005-01
  • Delayed ionisation of C_70
    B. Concina; S. Tomita; J.U. Andersen; P. Hvelplund
    Eur. Phys. J. D/34/p.191-194, 2005-01
  • Photophysics of protoporphyrin ions in vacuo: Triplet-state lifetimes and quantum yields
    M. Reyes Calvo; Jens Ulrik Andersen; Preben Hvelplund; St...
    J. Chem. Phys./120/p.5067, 2004-01
  • Formation of C_60_^2-^ in collisions between C_60_^-^ and Na atoms
    Bo Liu; Preben Hvelplund; Steen Broendsted Nielsen; Shige...
    Phys. Rev. Lett./92/p.168301(1-4), 2004-01
  • Biomolecular ions in accelerators and storage rings
    S. Broendsted Nielsen; J.U. Andersen; P. Hvelplund; B. L...
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys./37/p.R25-56, 2004-01
  • Ionization of C_70_ and C_60_ molecules by slow highly charged ions: A comparison
    J. Jensen; H. Zettergren; H.T. Schimidt; H. Cederquist; S...
    Phys. Rev. A/69/p.053203(1-10), 2004-01
  • MONO1001: A source for singly charged ions applied to the production of multicharged fullerene beams
    L. Maunoury; J.U. Andersen; H. Cederquist; B. Huber; P. ...
    Rev. Sci. Instr./75/p.1884, 2004-01
  • Hydrogen loss from nucleobase nitrogens upon electron attachment to isolated DNA and RNA nucleotide anions
    Bo Liu; Preben Hvelplund; Steen Broendsted Nielsen; Shige...
    J. Chem. Phys./121/p.4175-5179, 2004-01
  • Photodissociation of protonated amino acids and peptides in an ion storage ring. Determination of Arrhenius parameters in the high-temperature limit
    J. U. Andersen; H. Cederquist; J.S. Forster; B.A. Huber; ...
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys./6/p.2676-2681, 2004-01
  • Temperature concepts for small, isolated systems; 1/t decay and radiative cooling
    J.U. Andersen; E. Bonderup; K. Hansen; P. Hvelplund; B. ...
    Eur. Phys. J. D/24/p.191-196, 2003-01
  • Electron capture induced dissociation of peptide dications
    Preben Hvelplund; Bo Liu; Steen Broendsted Nielsen; Shige...
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom./225/p.83-87, 2003-01
  • Power-law decay of collisionally excited amino acids and quenching by radiative cooling
    J.U. Andersen; H.Cederquist; J.S. Forster; B.A. Huber; P. ...
    Eur. Phys. J. D/25/p.139-148, 2003-01
  • Studies of Clusters and Biomolecules in ELISA
    J.U. Andersen; L.H. Andersen; P. Hvelplund; A. Lapierre; ...
    Hyperfine Interactions/146/147/p.283-291, 2003-01
  • さらに表示...