蔡 東生(サイ トウセイ)
- 論文
- Particle loadings of a plasma shear layer across a magnetic field
Cai D.
Proceedings of the 4th International School for Space Simulation/p.109-112, 1991-01 - イオン音波に対するK-dV方程式の新しい導出法
蔡東生; 青柳
核融合研究/67/p.6, 1992-01 - Formation and Stability of Polarization sheats of a cross-field beam
Cai; D.; and O. Buneman; ; +蔡 東生
Phys. Fluids B (Impact Factor = 2.325)/B4/p.4, 1992-01 - Fractal Dimension and Convergence Property of Recursively Generated Symplectic Integrators (共著)
Itoh; T.; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
Phys. Letter.(Impact Factor = 1.711)/A171(3-4)/p.189-198, 1992-01 - The numerical computation of zeros of Bessel function Jν(z) regarded as a function of ν for any given real of complex z (共著)
Ikebe; Y.; N. Asai; Y. Miyazaki; D. Cai; and I. Fujishiro
Proceedings of 15th Biennial Conference of Numerical Anaylsis/p.20-21, 1993-01 - 非負実数階第一種ベッセル関数の零点計算アルゴリズム
菊池靖; 浅井信吉; 宮崎佳典; 蔡東生; 藤代一成; 池辺八洲彦
応用数理学会論文誌(Impact Factor = 0.302)/3(4)/p.425-437, 1993-01 - Parametric excitation of computational mode of the leapfrog scheme applied to the Van der Pol equation (共著)
Cai; D.; A. Aoyagi; and K. Abe; ; +蔡 東生
J. Comput. Phys.(Impact Factor = 2.372)/107(1)/p.146-151, 1993-01 - Particle simulation of the kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a magnetoplasma
Cai; D.; L. R. O. Storey; and T. Itoh; ; +蔡 東生
Phys. Fluids(Impact Factor =2.325 )/B5(10)/p.3507-3523, 1993-01 - Particle loading for a plasma shear layer in a magnetic field
Cai; D.; L. R. O. Storey; and T. Neubert; ; +蔡 東生
J. Comput. Phys.(Impact Factor = 2.372)/107(1)/p.84-97, 1993-01 - Data paralleization of particle-in-cell code
Cai; D.; N. Asai; Y. Miyazaki; Y. Ikebe; and T. Itoh; ; +蔡 東生
Proceedings of Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing 1994/p.265-270, 1994-01 - L-reps : a drafting-oriented approach to unambiguous and precise design of 3d mechanical products
Takayama; T.; I. Fujishiro; Y. Ikebe; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry/p.177-181, 1994-01 - Symplectic integrable mapping and discrete Painleve equations
Itoh; T.; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
Phys. Lett. A(Impact Factor = 1.711)/189/p.19-24, 1994-01 - Fractal image compression using locally refined partitions
Cai; D.; T. Arisawa; N. Asai; Y. Ikebe; and T. Itoh; ; +蔡 東生
Fractals(Impact Factor = 0.532)/2(3)/p.405-408, 1994-01 - Infintie matrices and special functions (Solicited and Invited).
Ikebe; Y.; N. Asai; Y. Miyazaki; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Inverse Problems with Applications to Geophysics, Industry, Medicine and Technology/p.100-105, 1995-01 - A data-parallel particle-in-cell code using a scan-vector model(electrically displayed at http://www.is.tsukuba.ac.jp- /cai/SC95/SC95.html),
Cai D.
Supercomputing '95 final program/p.168, 1995-01 - A skelton data-parallel particle-in-cell code using HPF/MPI
蔡 東生
Supercomputing '96 final program/p.119, 1996-01 - 行列算法によるzJ'ν(z)+HJν(z)=0の数値解法 (共著)
浅井信吉; 宮崎佳典; 蔡東生; 平沢一紘; 池辺八洲彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌(Impact Factor = 0.508)/J79-A(7)/p.1256-1265, 1996-01 - The eigen-value probelm for infintie complex symmetric tridiagonal matrices with application (共著)
Y. Ikebe; Asai; N.; Y. Miyazaki; and D. Cai; +蔡 東生
Linear Algebra Appl.(Impact Factor =6.702)/241(3)/p.599-618, 1996-01 - Data parallel particle simulation
Cai D
Proceedings of the fifth international school symposium for space simulations/p.353-356, 1997-01 - Adaptive block partitioning in Fractal Image Compression
蔡 東生
Proceedings of IEEE TEN-CON '97/p.565-568, 1997-01 - Matrix methods for the Numerical Solution of zJ'ν(z)+HJν(z)=0
Asai; N.; Y. Miyazaki; D. Cai; K. Hirasawa; and Y. Ikebe
Electronics and Communications in Japan (Impact Factor = 0.119)/80(7)/p.44-54, 1997-01 - Visualizing Magnetic Field Topology in the Magnetotail us-ing TRISTAN code
Cai D.
Proceedings of International Conference of Numerical Simulation of Plasmas 98/p.64–67, 1998-01 - The Eigen-value Problem for Infinite Matrices : New Area of Application of Numerical Linear Algebra (共著)
Y. Ikebe; Y. Kikuchi; N. Asai; Y. Miyazaki; D. Cai
Proceedings of Fourth IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computation (honoring Professor David M. Young), 1998-01 - Mathieu微分方程式の逆固有値問題
蔡 東生
応用数理論文誌(Impact Factor = 0.302)/8/p.199-222, 1998-01 - 解適合画像分割を用いたフラクタル符号化法
蔡東生; 櫻井沖; 松田ひろ子; 伊藤利明
電子情報通信学会誌(Impact Factor = 0.508)/A, 基礎・境界(00082(00012))/pp.1840-1852, 1999-12 - さらに表示...
- Particle loadings of a plasma shear layer across a magnetic field