蔡 東生(サイ トウセイ)
- 論文
- Parallel PIC Code using Java on PC Cluster
蔡 東生
Proceeding of 4th HPC…Asia/p.495–500, 2000-01 - Massively Parallel Three-dimensional Full Electromagnetic(EM)Particle-In-Cell(PIC)Simulations of Global Reconnections and their Global Changes of Magnetic Field Topology
Cai; D.; and Y. T. Li; ; +蔡 東生
Proceeding of the First S-RAMP Conference/p.219, 2000-01 - Interactive Multimedia Education at a Distance-Linear Algebra (IMED-LA):Its Present Status and Special Features of Its Content
Ikebe; Y.; D.S. Cai; Y. Miyazaki; N. Asai; Y. Kikuchi; and ...
2000 International Conference On Information Society In The 21st Century: Emerging Technologies And New Challenges(IS2000)/p.603-609, 2000-01 - A Status Report on Institutions of Higher Learning in America-with Particular Focus on Challenges from For-Profit Distance Education Universities and Corporate Universities
Ikebe; Y.; D. Cai; Y. Kikuchi; and Y. Miyazaki
INFORMATION/13(1)/p.89-95, 2000-01 - Virtual autumn coloring based on both biological and fractal modelings
Mochizuki S.; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
Proc. Pacific Graphics/p.348-354, 2001-01 - Three-dimensional topology of magnetic reconnection in magnetopause and magnetotail using a particle simulation with varing IMF
Tanaka; S.; D. Cai; Y. Li; and K.Nishikawa
ISSS-6/p.360-363, 2001-01 - Photonic crystal simulation of optical waves using FDTD
Fukasawa N.; J. B. Cole; D. Cai
ISSS-6/p.247-250, 2001-01 - Visualizing magnetotail field topology in a three-dimensional particle simulation(Solicited and INVITED)
Cai; D.; Li; Y.T.; Xiao; C.J.; and YAN; X.Y.; ; +蔡 東生
ISSS-6/p.54-57, 2001-01 - Three-dimensional electro-magnetic particle simulations of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction with time-varying IMF using HPF TRISTAN code(Solicited and INVITED).
Cai; D.; Li; Y.T.; Xiao; C.J.; and YAN; X.Y.; ; +蔡 東生
ISSS-6/p.54-57, 2001-01 - Criticalty in the magnetotail reconnetion with a 3-D global EM particle code
Yan; X.Y.; Li; Y.T.; CAI; D.; Xiao; C.J.; Nishikawa; K.I.; ; +蔡 東生
ISSS-6/p.399-402,, 2001-01 - Visualization and criticality of magnetotail field topology in a three-dimensional particle simulation
Cai; D.; Li; Y.-T.; Ichikawa; T.; Nishikawa; K.-I.; ; +蔡 東生
IAGA-IASPEI 2001/p.229-232, 2001-01 - Topology of three-dimensional magnetic field in magnetosphere(Solicited and INVITED).
Cai D.; K.-I. Nishikawa; and Y. T. Li
IAGA-IASPEI 2001, 2001-01 - Visualizing Critical Three-dimensinal Magnetic Field Topology in Magnetotail with southward IMF
Cai; D.; Y. T. Li; and T. Ichikawa; ; +蔡 東生
Earth Planets Space(Impact Factor = 1.188)/53/p.1011-1019, 2001-01 - Implementation of Parallel Plasma Particle-In-Cell Codes on PC Cluster
Lu; Q. M.; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
Computer Physics Comm. (Impact Factor = 1.842)/135/p.93-104, 2001-01 - Error Analysis for the Computation of Zeros of Regular Coulomb Wave Function and Its First Derivative,
Miyazaki Y.; Y. Kikuchi; D.S. Cai; and Y. Ikebe
Math. Comp.,(Impact Factor = 1.230)/70/p.1195-1204, 2001-01 - モジュラー・モデルによるテクニカル・ライティング授業―構造化技法は文系コンテンツから学べ
Y. Ikebe; N. Asai; Y. Miyazaki; D. Cai; Y. Ikebe
PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings(「人文科学とコンピュータシンポジム」),/No.13,(Vol.2002)/p.111-114,, 2002-01 - Particle-In-Cell Code using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster
Cai; D.; Y. T.; Li; K. I.; Nishikawa; C. J.; Xiao; and X. Y.; ...
High Performance Computing/((Proceedings of 4th International Symposium ISHPC 2002))/p.pp.515--525,, 2002-01 - Full Particle Simulation of Slow Waves
Cai; D.; and B. Lembege; +蔡 東生
URSI 2002/p.141, 2002-01 - Three-Dimensional Electro-Magnetic Particle Simulations of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction with Time-Varying IMF using HPF TRISTAN Code
Cai D.
Proc. URSI,/p.142, 2002-01 - Criticality of Magnetotail Field Topology in a Three-Dimensional Particle Simulation
Cai D.
URSI 2002/p.142,, 2002-01 - Parallel TRISTAN code using High Performance Fortran
Cai; D.; Y. T.; Li; K. I.; Nishikawa; C. J.; Xiao; X. Y.; Yan; ...
Space Plasma Simulation,(Solicited and Invited)/p.25-53, 2002-01 - Three-Dimensional Electro-magnetic Particle-in-Cell Code Using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster,
Cai; D.; Y. T.; Li; K. I.; Nishikawa; C. J.; Xiao; and X. Y.; ...
High Performance Computing LNCS/2327/p.515-525, 2002-01 - The i-Space Pilot Experiment "Interactive Multimedia Education at Distance over Asia using High Speed Internet Satellite"and its applicability to GMSARN
Cai; D.; Tsutomu Shigeta; Kazuo Hara; Kenzo Takahashi; Mich...
*EMPTY*, 2003-01 - Topology, symmetrybreaking, and dissipative structures of magnetosphere with southward IMF in a 3D EM particle simulation,
Cai; D.; Yan XiaoYang; Ken Nishikawa; Bertrand Lembege; +蔡 東生
The 18th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP ’03)/p.47, 2003-01 - e-ラーニング・コンテンツ台本制作技法(線形代数の場合)
池辺八洲彦; 蔡東生; 浅井信吉; 宮崎佳典; 池辺淑子
日本ディスタンスラーニング学会論文(ベストペーパ)/4/p.43-49, 2003-01 - さらに表示...
- Parallel PIC Code using Java on PC Cluster