蔡 東生(サイ トウセイ)


  • コンテンツ・ライティング訓練コースのための授業設計
    池辺八洲彦; 蔡東生; 浅井信吉; 宮崎佳典; 榎本立雄; 池辺淑子
    日本e-Learning 学会2003年度学術講演会/p.39-42, 2004-02
  • Grid-based Space Weather Simulation and Visualization System
    W. F.; Tao; Cai; D; ; +蔡 東生
    Proc. HPC Asia 2004,/p.129, 2004-01
  • Generating fallen human motion using genetic algorithm on ZMP control
    Anai; K.; and; D. Cai
    NICOGRAPH International/p.22-25, 2004-01
  • Streaming techniques for Distributed Visualization of SpaceWeather Simulation in Computational Grid Environment
    Tao; W.-F.; D. Cai
    NICOGRAPH International/p.68-71, 2004-01
  • Virtual Zen Garden composed of rocks and mosses :Design and Analysis
    Sakuma; D.; and; D. Cai
    NICOGRAPH International/p.37-39, 2004-01
  • Topology, symmetrybreaking,and dissipative structures of magnetosphere with southward IMF(Solicited and INVITED).
    Cai; D.; Y. X. Yan; B. Lembege; and K.-I.; Nishikawa; ; +蔡 東生
    AP-RASC 2004,Qintao, China,(Solicited and Invited), 2004-01
  • Grid Computing of Skeleton PIC code on SuperSIN
    Tao; W. F.; and D. Cai; +蔡 東生
    Proc. ISSS-7/p.283–284, 2005-01
  • Visualizing Magnetospheric Vector Field Topology,
    Cai D.
    Proc. ISSS-7/p.127–132, 2005-01
  • Effectively visualizing Massive Time-Varying Simulation Data on SuperSINET Based Grid,
    Tao; W.-F.; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
    NICOGRAPH International 2005,/p.19-24, 2005-01
  • Visualizing Vector Field Topology of Magnetospheric Dynamics in 3dEM PIC simulations,
    Yan; X.-Y.; Huang; Z.; D. Cai; K.-I. Nishikawa; and B. Lembege
    ICNSP 2005/p.197, 2005-01
  • Particle simulation of magnetic reconnection,
    Cai D.
    Joint STEL/WISER Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS 2005),(Solicited and Invited)/p.2, 2005-01
  • The Error Estimate for the Computation of Eigenvalues of Lame Equation
    Asai N. Y. Miyazaki D.S. Cai Y. Ikebe
    2005 International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE2005),/p.13-14, 2005-01
  • Stealing Autumn Color,
    Mochizuki; S.; D. Horie; D. Cai
    Siggraph/p.120n (poster), 2005-01
  • Digital Kaleidoscope -Artistic Rendering with Fractal Image Encoding-
    Mochizuki S.; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
    Japan Human Interface/114/p.35-39, 2005-01
  • 3-D Magnetic Reconnection as a Dynamical System: Field Topology Approach,
    Cai D.
    Proceedings European Physical Society Meeting-2006,(Solicited and Invited), 2006-01
  • Zeros of Whittaker Function with Accurate Error Estimation by Matrix Method,
    Miyazaki; Y.; D.S. Cai; N. Asai; Y. Kikuchi; and Y. Ikebe
    IWASEP6(Sixth International Workshop on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems,, 2006-01
  • E-learning Experiment over Satellite between Asian Universities toward the development of Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite (WINDS),
    K. Hara; N. Kawai; S. Ogawa; and D. Cai; ; +蔡 東生
    The 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2006),/p.103-108, 2006-01
  • Particle entry into the inner magnetosphere through “sash groove” with duskward IMF By: global three-dimensional electromagnetic full particle simulations,
    Cai; D.; X. Y. Yan; K.-I. Nishikawa; B. Lembege; +蔡 東生
    Geophy. Res. Lett.(Impact Factor = 2.744)/L12101, 2006-01
  • Implementation of Parallel Plasma Particle-In-Cell Codes on SuperSINET based Grid
    Tao; W. F.; D.; Cai; ; +蔡 東生
    Proceedings Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPCASIA’05),/p.331-338, 2007-01
  • Global full electromagnetic and full particle simulations of Mercury
    Cai D. K. Nishikawa B. Lembege
    Bepp-Columbo meeting,(Solicited and Invited), 2007-01
  • Visualization of Tangled Vector Field Topology and Global Bifuraction of Magnetospheric dynamics
    Cai; D.; K. Nishikawa; B. Lembege; +蔡 東生
    Advanced methods for space simulations,(Solicited and Invited)/p.145-166, 2007-01
  • Numerical Computation of the Eigenvalues for the Spheroidal Wave Equation with Accurate Error Estimation by Matrix Method (232)
    Miyazaki; Y.; N. Asai; D. Cai; and Y. Ikebe
    Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),(Impact Factor = 0.486)/pp.329-338, 2007-01
  • 紅葉のフラクタルシェーディングに関する研究
    望月茂徳; 堀江大輔; 蔡東生
    芸術科学会論文誌/7, 2007-01
  • New results on particle simulation of magnetotail plasma dynamics,
    Cai; D.; K.Nishikawa; B.Lembege; +蔡 東生
    Proc. Symposium on Earth-Sun System Exploration: Energy Coupling Within and Between Plasma Regime (ESSE 2008), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii (Solicited and Invited)/p.102, 2008-01
  • 3D Full particle simulations of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction: impact of the IMF rotation on the magnetospheredynamics
    D. Cai; W-F. Tao; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa
    Proc. Asia Oceania Geosciences society (AOGS) 2008, Busan, Korea, (Solicited and Invited)/p.p. 81, 2008-06
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