YABAR Mostacero Helmut Friedrich(ヤバール モスタセロ ヘルムート フリドリッヒ)
- 論文
- 太陽光発電と家庭用燃料電池の導入促進及びCO2排出量削減と環境税政策
橋本 茉依; 水野谷 剛; Yabar Helmut
日本地域学会第56回(2019年)年次大会学術発表論文集, 2019-10 - Using Remote Sensing for Identifying Suitable Areas for Flood Shelter: A Case Study of Thatta, Sindh Pakistan
Saleem Umer; Mizunoya Takeshi; Helmut Yabar; Ajmal Ammara
International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology/11(1)/pp.95-101, 2020-07 - Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation: A Case study of Smallholder Farmers in Coastal Areas, Phu Vang District, Vietnam
Ha Vo Hoang; Mizunoya Takeshi; Helmut Yabar
日本地域学会第56回(2019年)年次大会学術発表論文集, 2019-10 - Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Measuring the Impact Income Vulnerability on Rural Households: A Case Study of the 2010 Floods in Pakistan
Saleem Umer; Mizunoya Takeshi; Helmut Yabar; Moeen Muham...
Journal of Sustainable Development/13(2)/p.1, 2020-03 - Potential Benefits of Introducing Integrated Solid Waste Management Approach in Developing Countries: A Case Study in Kathmandu City
Singh Rajeev K.; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi; Higano ...
Journal of Sustainable Development/7(6), 2014 - Impacts of Fuel Tax on the Reduction of Emissions from Road Transport Sector in Bangladesh
Haider Kamruzzaman Mohammad; Mizunoya Takeshi; FRIEDRICH ...
日本地域学会第55回(2018年)年次大会学術発表論文集, 2018-10 - Management of Palau’s Natural Resources through Optimal EnvironmentalTaxation
Koshiba Shirley D.; Mizunoya Takeshi; FRIEDRICH YABAR MO...
日本地域学会第55回(2018年)年次大会学術発表論文集, 2018-10 - Integreted Water Resources Management Implementation for Langat and Sagami River Basins: A Comparison
Kamarudin Hasleeda; Adbullah Norhayati; Mizunoya Takeshi...
日本地域学会第55回(2018年)年次大会学術発表論文集, 2018-10 - Sustainable Water Management under Variable Rainfall Conditions in River Communities of Champhone District, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR
Vongmany Outhevy; Watanabe Kazuo N.; Mizunoya Takeshi; Ka...
Journal of Sustainable Development/11(3)/pp.108-122, 2018-05 - Dynamic Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution Regulation and Adaptation in Power Sector: An Case Study in Chongqing City
ZHOU Qian; Higano Yoshiro; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第54回(2017年)年次大会発表論文集, 2017-10 - 利根川流域における環境負荷物質削減のためのシミュレーション分析 ―千葉県を事例として―
山岸 実奈; 水野谷 剛; Yabar Helmut
日本地域学会第54回(2017年)年次大会発表論文集, 2017-10 - 日本経済を考慮した炭素税に関するシミュレーション分析
三穂 健太; 水野谷 剛; Yabar Helmut
日本地域学会第54回(2017年)年次大会発表論文集, 2017-10 - The Potential Benefits of Introducing Informal Recyclers and Organic Waste Recovery to a Current Waste Management System: The Case Study of Santiago de Chile
Rojas Ailyn C.; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi; Higano Y...
RESOURCES/7(1), 2018-03 - Exploring the impacts of regional unbalanced carbon tax on CO2 emissions and industrial competitiveness in Liaoning province of China
Li Zhaoling; Dai Hancheng; Sun Lu; Xie Yang; Liu Zhu; Wan...
ENERGY POLICY/113/pp.9-19, 2018-02 - Preserving Traditional Botanical Knowledge: The Importance of Phytogeographic and Ethnobotanical Inventory of Peruvian Dye Plants
Mostacero León José; López Medina Segundo E; Yabar Helmu...
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)/6(4), 2017-12 - Simulation Analysis of Policy for Waste Treatment toward a Sound Material-cycle Society in Tokyo
Nozaki Noriko; Lu Keyu; SINGH Rajeev Kumar; Mizunoya Tak...
Journal of Sustainable Development/10(4)/pp.65-74, 2017-07 - Evaluation of Integrated Air Pollution and Climate Change Policies: Case Study in the Thermal Power Sector in Chongqing City, China,
Sustainability/9(10)/pp.1-17, 2017-09 - Comparative study to investigate the relation between Environmental Policy mechanism and Innovation in recycling of End-of-life (ELV): Case study of ELV technologies in Japan and EU
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; Singh Rajeev Kumar; M...
日本地域学会第53回(2016年)年次大会発表論文集/pp.1-6, 2016-10 - Examining industrial structure changes and corresponding carbon emission reduction effect by combining input-output analysis and social network analysis: A comparison study of China and Japan
Li Zhaoling; Sun Lu; Geng Yong; Dong Huijuan; Ren Jingzh...
Journal of Cleaner Production/162/pp.61-70, 2017-06 - Renewable energy recovery potential towards sustainable cattle manure management in Buenos Aires Province: Site selection based on GIS spatial analysis and statistics
Venier Florencia; Friedrich Yabar Mostacero Helmut
Renewable energy recovery potential towards sustainable cattle manure management in Buenos Aires Province: Site selection based on GIS spatial analysis and statistics/162/pp.1317-1333, 2017-09 - Comparative study of linkage between environmental policy instruments and technological innovation: Case study on end-of-life vehicles technologies in Japan and EU
Singh Rajeev Kumar; Yabar Helmut; Nozaki Noriko; Niraula ...
Waste management/66/pp.114-122, 2017-08 - Analyzing Waste Problems in Developing Countries: Lessons for Kathmandu, Nepal through Analysis of the Waste System in Tsukuba City, Japan
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Journal of Scientific Research & Reports/8(6)/pp.1-13, 2015-08 - Analysis of the Environmental Benefits of Introducing Municipal Organic Waste Recovery in Hanoi City, Vietnam
Hoang Trung Thanh; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; Higa...
Procedia Environmental Sciences/28/pp.185-194, 2015-07 - Analysis of Linkages between Environmental Policy Instruments and Innovation: A Case Study of End-of-Life Vehicles Technologies in Japan
Rajeev Kumar Singh; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; Rie...
Journal of Sustainable Development/9(2)/pp.181-192, 2016-03 - Historical development of wastewater and sewage sludge treatment technologies in Japan – An analysis of patent data from the past 50 years
Keishiro Hara; Masashi Kuroda; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Fri...
Environmental Development/19/pp.59-69, 2016-05 - さらに表示...
- 太陽光発電と家庭用燃料電池の導入促進及びCO2排出量削減と環境税政策