田宮 菜奈子(タミヤ ナナコ)
- 論文
- A gap in formal long-term care use related to characteristics of caregivers and households, under the public universal system in Japan: 2001-2010
Tokunaga M; Hashimoto H; Tamiya N
Health Policy/119(6)/pp.840-849, 2015-06 - 要介護認定における主治医意見書の医療機関別の分布
森山 葉子; 田宮 菜奈子; 宮下 裕美子; 中野 寛也; 松田 智行
厚生の指標/62(4)/pp.1-8, 2015-04 - Triple Difficulties in Japanese Women with Hearing Loss: Marriage, Smoking, and Mental Health Issues
Kobayashi Y; Tamiya Nanako; Moriyama Y; Nishi A
PLOS ONE/10(2), 2015-02 - Relationship between Structural Characteristics and Outcome Quality Indicators at Health Care Facilities for the Elderly Requiring Long-Term Care in Japan from a Nationwide Survey
Sandoval F; Tamiya N; Kashiagi M; Miyata S; Okochi J; Moriyama...
Gerontology and Geriatrics International/14(2)/pp.301-308, 2014-04 - Doctors’ Opinion Papers in Long-term Care Need Certification in Japan: Comparison between Clinic and Advanced Treatment Hospital Settings.
Moriyama Yoko; Tamiya Nanako; Kamimura A; F Sandoval; M Luptak
Public Policy and Administration Research/4(9)/pp.31-37, 2014-04 - 筑波大学グローバルエイジングセンターの活動―地球規模の高齢社会に向けた国際的・学際的取り組み―
宮下 裕美子; 田宮 菜奈子; 本澤 巳代子; 間辺 利江; 柏木 志保; モゲス・アブ・ギルマ; 大久保 一郎; 田中 洋子; ...
高齢者ケアリング学研究会誌/4(2)/pp.33-38, 2014-03 - Emerging Population Ageing Challenges in Africa: A Case of Ethiopia
Moges A; Tamiya N; Yamamoto H
国際保健医療/29(1)/pp.11-15, 2014-01 - 【特集:介護者支援の国際比較:要介護者と家族を支える取り組みの多様性】特集の趣旨
田宮 菜奈子
海外社会保障研究/(184)/p.2, 2013-09 - 介護保険制度導入前後における在宅サービス利用の変化
松田 智行; 田宮 菜奈子; 柏木 聖代; 森山 葉子
日本公衆衛生雑誌/60(9)/pp.586-595, 2013-09 - Factors that allow elderly individual to stay at home with their families using the Japanese long-term care insurance system.
Oyama Y; Tamiya N; Kashiwagi M; Sato M; Ohwaki K; and Ya...
Gerontology and Geriatrics International/13(3)/pp.764-773, 2013-07 - Factors that allow elderly individuals to stay at home with their families using the Japanese long-term care insurance system
Oyama Yumiko; Tamiya Nanako; Kashiwagi Masayo; Sato M...
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/13(3)/pp.764-773, 2013-07 - Family caregiving problems of suspected elderly neglect: A review of forensic autopsy cases in Japan.
Matsuzawa A; Yamaoka Y; Tamiya N; Taniguchi K; Yamazaki K
Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences/3(9)/pp.117-124, 2013-06 - Predictors of volunteerism: A study of older adults in Japan
Li-mei Chen; Tamiya N; Kato G; Yamaoka Y; Ito T; Matsuzawa A; Y...
Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research/3(6)/pp.71-79, 2013-06 - Factors related to positive feelings of caregivers who provide home-based long-term care for their family members in Japan.
Kobayashi M; Tamiya N; Kashiwagi M; Ito T; Yamaoka Y; Matsuzawa A
Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences/3(16)/pp.27-36, 2013-06 - 障害者自立支援法導入による在宅障害児・者の母親の養育負担感の変化とその関連要因
松澤 明美; 田宮 菜奈子; 柏木 聖代; 田中 竜太; 竹谷 俊樹; 野村 芳子
小児保健研究/72(1)/pp.54-64, 2013-01 - Factors associated with the use of home-visit nursing services covered by the long-term care insurance in rural Japan: a cross-sectional study
Kashiwagi Masayo; Tamiya Nanako; Sato Mikiya; Yano Eiji
BMC GERIATRICS/13, 2013-01 - Relation between Mental Health Status and Psychosocial Stressors among Pregnant and Puerperium Women in Japan: From the Perspective of Working Status
Takeda F; Tamiya N; Noguchi H; Monma T
International Journal of Public Health Science/pp.37-48, 2012-12 - ヘルスサービスリサーチの現状と今後の我が国における役割
田宮 菜奈子
日本公衆衛生雑誌/59(12)/pp.889-892, 2012-12 - Health benefits of reduced patient cost sharing in Japan
Nishi Akihiro; McWilliams J. Michael; Noguchi Haruko; Has...
BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION/90(6)/pp.426-435, 2012-06 - Scale development of health status for secondary data analysis using a nationally representative survey
Environmental health and preventive medicine/17(3)/pp.252-257, 2012-05 - 機能訓練事業利用者と介護保険サービスとの関係
松田 智行; 田宮 菜奈子; 柏木 聖代; 加藤 剛平; 野口 晴子
日本理学療法学術大会/2011(0)/pp.Eb1294-Eb1294, 2012 - Factors that prolong the 'postmortem interval until finding' (PMI-f) among community-dwelling elderly individuals in Japan: analysis of registration data
Ito Tomoko; Tamiya Nanako; Takahashi Hideto; Yamazaki Ke...
BMJ OPEN/2(5), 2012-01 - Effect of in-home and community-based services on the functional status of elderly in the long-term care insurance system in Japan.
Olivares-Tirado P; Tamiya N; Kashiwagi M
BMC Health Services Research/4(12(1))/p.239, 2012-01 - 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(政策科学総合研究事業(政策科学推進研究事業))福祉・介護サービスの質向上のためのアウトカム評価拠点―実態評価から改善へのPDCAサイクルの実現―平成23年度総合・総括・分担研究報告書
田宮菜奈子; 宮石智; 山崎健太郎; 大久保一郎; 川口孝泰; 玉岡晃; 徳田克己; 本澤巳代子; 陳礼美; 高橋秀人; 柏木聖代; 加...
*EMPTY*, 2012-01 - 乳幼児の麻疹ワクチン接種率を上げるには? 個別再勧奨効果の検討
相崎 扶友美; 田宮 菜奈子; 柏木 聖代; 福島 敬; 須磨崎 亮
日本小児科学会雑誌/115(10)/pp.1597-1598, 2011-10 - さらに表示...
- A gap in formal long-term care use related to characteristics of caregivers and households, under the public universal system in Japan: 2001-2010