大根田 修(オオネダ オサム)


  • 悪性度の高い乳がん初代培養細胞における低酸素応答性の解析
    白石章; 木村健一; 長野真澄; 山下年晴; 坂東 裕子; 原 尚人; 大根田 修
    第71回日本癌学会学術総会抄録集, 2012-09
  • P-3059 固形腫瘍における腫瘍血管内皮細胞の分離培養および、その腫瘍血管透過性の評価
    宮本良一; 小田竜也; 大原佑介; 明石義正; 大根田修; 大河内 信弘
    第71回日本癌学会学術総会PROCEEDINGS/p.492, 2012-09
  • グリオーマ血管新生におけるSDF-1/CXCR4ケモカインとグリオーマ由来血管内皮細胞の役割
    高野 晋吾; 益子 良太; 秋本 恵子; 長野 真澄; 大根田 修; 山本 哲哉; 中井 啓; 大須賀 覚 ; 松村 明
    Brain Tumor Pathology/25Supple./pp.75-75, 2008-05
  • 膠芽腫由来血管内皮細胞の特性から考える血管新生抑制療法
    高野 晋吾; 益子 良太; 長野 真澄; 秋本 恵子; 大根田 修; 大須賀 覚; 松村 明
    日本癌学会総会記事/67/pp.424-424, 2008-09
  • 低酸素下でのグリオーマ細胞浸潤とSDF-1/CXCR4インヒビターによる抑制
    益子 良太; 高野 晋吾; 大須賀 覚; 大根田 修; 松村 明
    日本脳神経外科学会総会CD-ROM抄録集/67, 2008-10
  • SDF-1とCXCR7はグリオーマの血管新生と浸潤の重要な標的分子である
    高野 晋吾; 山下 年晴; 長野 真澄; 益子 良太; 大根田 修
    日本癌学会総会記事/68/p.48, 2009-08
  • An Activator Protein-1-Notch-4 Angiogenic Vascular Remodeling Pathway.
    Wu J; Iwata F; Grass JA; Osborne CS; Elnitski L; Fraser P; Ohne...
    Mol Cell Biol/25/p.1458 1474, 2005-01
  • Hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-2alpha in endothelial cells regulates tumor neovascularization through activation of ephrin A1.
    Yamashita T; Ohneda K; Nagano M; Miyoshi C; Kaneko N; Miw...
    J Biol Chem/283(27)/pp.18926-18936, 2008-07
  • Direct binding of pRb/E2F-2 to GATA-1 regulates maturation and terminal cell division during erythropoiesis.
    Kadri Z; Shimizu R; Ohneda O; Maouche-Chretien L; Gisselb...
    PLos Biol/(7)/p.e1000123, 2009
  • Identification of human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells involved in re-endothelialization.
    Tran TC; Kimura K; Nagano M; Yamashita T; Ohneda K; Sugim...
    *EMPTY*/(226)/p.224-235, 2011
  • Review of biophysical factors affecting osteogenic differentiation of human adult adipose-derived stem cells
    Georgina To'a Salazar; Ohneda O
    Biophys Rev/5(1)/pp.11-28, 2013
  • A subpopulation of endothelial progenitor cells with low aldehyde dehydrogenase activity attenuates acute ischemic brain injury in rats.
    Nakamura K; Tsurushima H; Marushima A; Nagano M; Yamashita T; ...
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun./418(1)/p.87-92, 2012-02
  • Commitment and differentiation of osteoclast precursor cells by the sequential expression of c-Fms and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB (RANK) receptors.(共著)
    大根田 修
    J Exp Med/(190)/p.1741 1754, 1999-01
  • WECHE : a novel hematopoietic regulatory factor.(共著)
    大根田 修
    Immunity/(12)/p.141 150, 2000-01
  • An adherent condition is required for formation of multinuclear osteoclastsin the presence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor and receptoractivator of nuclear factor kB ligand.(共著)
    大根田 修
    Blood/(96), 2000-01
  • Bifurcation of osteoclasts and dendritic cells from common progenitors.
    大根田 修
    Blood/(98)/p.2544 2554, 2001-01
  • Mesenchymal stem cells in perichondrium express activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule and participate in bone marrow formation.
    Arai F; Ohneda O; Miyamoto T; Zhang XG; Suda T.
    J Exp Med/(195)/p.1549 1563, 2002-01
  • Erythroid- specific expression of erythropoietin receptor rescued its null mutant mice from lethality.
    Suzuki N; Ohneda O; Takahashi S; Higuchi M; Mukai H; Naka...
    Blood/(100)/p.2279 2288, 2002-01
  • Identification and characterization of stem cells in prepubertal spermatogenesis in mice small star, filled.
    Ohbo K; yoshida S; Ohmura M; Ohneda O; Ogawa T; Tsuchiya ...
    Dev Biol/(258)/p.209 225, 2003-01
  • Frequent mutations in the GATA-1 gene in the transient myeloproliferative disorder of Down syndrome.
    Xu G; Nagano M; Kanezaki R; Toki T; Hayashi Y; Taketani T; Taki...
    Blood/(102)/p.2960 2968, 2003-01
  • Identification and characterization of 2 types of erythroid progenitors that express GATA-1 at distinct levels.
    Suzuki N; Suwabe N; Ohneda O; Obara N; Imagawa S; Pan X; Motoha...
    Blood/102(10)/pp.3575-3583, 2003-01
  • Essential role of synoviolin in embryonic hematopoiesis.
    Yagishita N; Amano T; Yamasaki S; Tsuchimochi K; Shin H; ...
    Journal of Biological Chemistry/(280)/p.7909 7916, 2005-01
  • Role of hypoxia-inducible factor-2alpha in endothelial development and hematopoiesis.
    Ohneda O; Nagano M; Fujii YK.
    Methods in Enzymology/435(475)/pp.199-218, 2007-01
  • Molecular therapeutic targets for glioma angiogenesis.
    Takano S; Yamashita T; Ohneda O.
    Journal of Oncology/2010/p.351908, 2010-01
  • HLF/HIF-2alpha is a key factor in retinopathy of prematurity in association with erythropoietin.
    Morita M; Ohneda O; Yamashita T; Takahashi S; Suzuki N; Nakaji...
    EMBO J./22(5)/p.1134-1146, 2003-05
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