新井 哲明(アライ テツアキ)
- 論文
- A Novel Exercise for Enhancing Visuospatial Ability in Older Adults with Frailty: Development, Feasibility, and Effectiveness
Nemoto Miyuki; Sasai Hiroyuki; Yabushita Noriko; Tsuchiya...
GERIATRICS/5(2), 2020-06 - Distinct prion-like seeding properties of a-synuclein strains and assessment of inactivation methods
Tarutani A.; Arai T.; Murayama S.; Hisanaga S. I.; Tomita...
JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES/405(S), 2019-10 - 特集 災害医療体制の中のDPAT : DPATの理念とは 茨城DPATができる前の活動,そして現在 : 常総市鬼怒川水害,熊本地震の支援の経験を通じて (第24回日本精神科救急学会総会) -- (シンポジウム)
高橋 晶; 太刀川 弘和; 根本 清貴; 袖山 紀子; 堀 孝文; 新井 哲明; 高橋 祥友
精神科救急 : 日本精神科救急学会誌 = Emergency psychiatry : the journal of the Japanese Association for emergency psychiatry/20(20)/pp.49-54, 2017-07 - Doctor Interview 社会的ニーズにこたえる精神科医療の充実をめざして 新井哲明先生 筑波大学附属病院精神神経科教授
新井 哲明
精神科臨床legato/3(3)/pp.158-161, 2017-07 - 院内型フレイル対策 : メンタルフレイルの視点から (特集 フレイル高齢者への生活支援)
根本 みゆき; 新井 哲明
介護予防・健康づくり/5(2)/pp.78-81, 2018 - レビー小体型認知症への薬物療法的アプローチについて (特集 認知症に対する薬物治療の今,そして今後)
太田 深秀; 新井 哲明
臨床精神薬理/21(1)/pp.35-42, 2018-01 - 平成28年(2016年)熊本地震におけるDPAT支援の概要 : 災害時精神保健医療情報支援システム(DMHISS)の集計データから
福生 泰久; 太刀川 弘和; 高橋 晶; 高木 善史; 吉田 航; 小見 めぐみ; 新井 哲明; 渡 路子
精神科救急 : 日本精神科救急学会誌 = Emergency psychiatry : the journal of the Japanese Association for emergency psychiatry/21(21)/pp.86-94, 2018-09 - Prevalence of childhood obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and its role in daytime sleepiness
Tsukada Eriko; Kitamura Shingo; Enomoto Minori; Moriwaki ...
PLOS ONE/13(10)/p.e0204409, 2018-10 - A novel approach for assessing neuromodulation using phase-locked information measured with TMS-EEG
井出 政行; 太刀川 弘和; 根本 清貴; 新井 哲明; 川崎 真弘; Eri Miyauchi
Scientific Reports/(9)/p.428, 2019-01 - 人型ロボットとの音声対話にみられる認知症者の発話特徴分析
阿部 元樹; 栂井 良太; 木村 大毅; 小杉 晋央; 新川 香; 高瀬 俊郎; 山田 康智; 根本 みゆき; 渡...
第81回全国大会講演論文集/2019(1)/pp.461-462, 2019-02-28 - 抗認知症薬 (特集 薬剤の使い分けをどうするか?)
渡辺 亮平; 新井 哲明
精神科 = Psychiatry/35(3)/pp.274-280, 2019-09 - Effects of Age-Related Cognitive Decline on Elderly User Interactions with Voice-Based Dialogue Systems
Kobayashi Masatomo; Kosugi Akihiro; Takagi Hironobu; Nemo...
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019/11749/pp.53-74, 2019-08 - eラーニングによる自殺予防のための メンタルヘルス・リテラシー教材の開発
高橋 あすみ; 太刀川 弘和; 石井 映美; 白鳥 裕貴; 杉江 征; 新井 哲明
CAMPUS HEALTH/56(2)/pp.185-191, 2019-05 - Acute Mental Health Needs Duration during Major Disasters: A Phenomenological Experience of Disaster Psychiatric Assistance Teams (DPATs) in Japan
Takahashi Sho; Takagi Yoshifumi; Fukuo Yasuhisa; Arai Te...
International journal of environmental research and public health/17(5), 2020-02 - Factors associated with high-risk drinking in older adults: Evidence from a national survey in Japan.
Midorikawa Haruhiko; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Aiba miyuki; Ara...
Geriatrics and Gerontology Int/19(12)/pp.1260-1267, 2019-11 - The basis of clinicopathological heterogeneity in TDP-43 proteinopathy
Kawakami Ito; Arai Tetsuaki; Hasegawa Masato
Acta neuropathologica/138(5)/pp.751-770, 2019-11 - Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Switching from Oral Cholinesterase Inhibitors to Rivastigmine Transdermal Patch with 1-Step Titration in Patients with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A 24-Week, Open-Label, Multicenter Study in Japan
Ueda Kengo; Katayama Sadao; Arai Tetsuaki; Furuta Nob...
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra/9(2)/pp.302-318, 2019-08 - Differentiation of schizophrenia using structural MRI with consideration of scanner differences: A real-world multisite study
Nemoto Kiyotaka; Shimokawa Tetsuya; Fukunaga Masaki; Y...
Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences/74(1)/pp.56-63, 2020-01 - Structural brain network correlated with the resilience to traumatic events in the healthy participants: An MRI study on healthy people in a stricken area of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Ota Miho; Nemoto Kiyotaka; Ishida Ikki; Sato Shinji; Asad...
Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy/Epub, 2019-10 - Cerebral White Matter Hyperintensity as a Healthcare Quotient
Park Kaechang; Nemoto Kiyotaka; Yamakawa Yoshinori; Ya...
Journal of clinical medicine/8(11), 2019-11 - Mental health of gatekeepers may influence their own attitudes toward suicide: A questionnaire survey from a suicide-prevention gatekeeper training program
Midorikawa Haruhiko; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Nemoto Kiyotaka...
Asian journal of psychiatry/47, 2020-01 - Major depressive disorder discrimination using vocal acoustic features
Taguchi Takaya; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Nemoto Kiyotaka; Suzu...
Journal of affective disorders, 2017-08 - Using Tablet-Based Assessment to Characterize Speech for Individuals with Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Preliminary Results
Hall Aidan O; Shinkawa Kaoru; Kosugi Akihiro; Takase Tos...
AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science proceedings. AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science/2019/pp.34-43, 2019-05 - LATE to the PART-y
Josephs Keith A; Mackenzie Ian; Frosch Matthew P; Bigi...
Brain : a journal of neurology/142(9), 2019-09 - Handwriting Features of Multiple Drawing Tests for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease: A Preliminary Result
Ishikawa Tatsuya; Nemoto Miyuki; Nemoto Kiyotaka; Takeuch...
Studies in health technology and informatics/264/pp.168-172, 2019-08 - さらに表示...
- A Novel Exercise for Enhancing Visuospatial Ability in Older Adults with Frailty: Development, Feasibility, and Effectiveness