千葉 滋(チバ シゲル)
- 会議発表等
- Combined loss of Tet2 and Tet3 induces AML sensitive to hypomethylating agents
Maie Koichiro; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Oshima Motohiko...
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - A nation-wide follow-up study of adult chronic neutropenia in Japan - Report of the first year -
横山泰久; 小原 直; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 加藤貴康; 栗田尚樹; 五所正彦; 鈴木隆浩; 高見昭良; 宮﨑泰司; 赤司浩一; 長谷...
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - Foxp3+ regulatory T cells maintain the bone marrow environment for B cell differentiation
錦井秀和; Antonio Pierini; 横山泰久; 木村隆治; Robert S. Negrin; Chiba ...
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - Clonal evolution following azacitidine therapy in patients with high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes
竹田淳恵; 吉田健一; 槇島秀樹; 南谷泰仁; 塩澤裕介; 鈴木啓道; 白石友一; 奥野友介; 千葉健一; 臼杵憲祐; 宮野 悟; 真田...
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - Clinical impact of somatic mutations on clonal evolution in myelodysplastic syndromes
牧島秀樹; 吉里哲一; 吉田健一; Mikkael A. Sekeres; 鈴木啓道; Bartlomiej Przyc...
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - EBV reactivation after anti-thymocyte globulin treatment in patients with aplastic anemia
伊藤由布; 小原 直; 坂本竜弘; 加藤貴康; 栗田尚樹; 横山泰久; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 長谷川雄一; Chiba Shigeru
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - Landscape of MDS genomes as revealed by whole genome sequencing
南谷泰仁; 吉田健一; 片岡圭亮; 永田安伸; 吉里哲一; 木口 亨; 土橋史明; 臼杵憲祐; 直江智樹; 小林幸夫; 清井 仁; Ch...
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - 血液がんの起源と進展のメカニズム
坂田(柳元)麻実子; Chiba Shigeru
第78回 日本血液学会学術集会/2016-10-13--2016-10-15 - 中枢神経原発悪性リンパ腫におけるMyD88 (L265P)変異と予後との関連について
Keiichiro Hattori; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Yasushi Oko...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - TET2 mutations: a predisposing factor for myeloid and T-cell malignancies
Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Maie Koichiro; Nguyen Bich Tra...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - 高リスク骨髄異形成患者へのアザシチジン治療前後におけるクローン構造の変化
June Takeda; Kenichi Yoshida; Hideki Makishima; Yuichi S...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - Genetic landscape of primary central nervous system lymphoma
Yoshida Kenichi; Chiba Kenichi; Okuno Yusuke; Kakiuchi N...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - TET酵素活性の喪失により発症する急性骨髄性白血病マウスモデル
Koichiro Maie; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Motohiko Oshima...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - Mutational panel for following clonal evolution in myelodysplastic syndromes
Makishima Hideki; Yoshizato Tetsuichi; Yoshida Kenichi; N...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - Landscape of MDS genomes as revealed by whole genome sequencing
Nannya Yasuhito; Yoshida Kenichi; Kataoka Keisuke; Naoe ...
第75回 日本癌学会学術総会/2016-10-06--2016-10-08 - R-MPV therapy followed by radiotherapy and high dose cytarabine for primary CNS lymphom
服部圭一朗; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 武藤秀治; 加藤貴康; 鈴木幸恵; 栗田尚樹; 横山泰久; 小原 直; 大越 靖; 長谷川雄一; ...
第56回 日本リンパ網内系学会総会/2016-09-01--2016-09-03 - Unveiling the molecular pathogenesis of Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma using laser microdissection based sequencing
Nguyen Tran B.; 浅部幸成; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; Chiba Shigeru
第56回 日本リンパ網内系学会総会/2016-09-01--2016-09-03 - Localization and Characteristic of Nestin-expressing Cells in Human Bone Marrow and Their Abnormalities in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Sy Luan Cao; Obara Naoshi; Sakamoto Tatsuhiro; Kato Taka...
The 5th JCA-AACR Special Joint Conference/2016-07-13--2016-07-15 - Understanding the Molecular Pathogenesis of Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma by Laser Microdissection-based Sequencing
Nguyen Tran B.; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Asabe Yukitsug...
The 5th JCA-AACR Special Joint Conference/2016-07-13--2016-07-15 - Combined Loss of Tet2/Tet3 Dioxygenases Induces Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sensitive to Hypomethylating Agents
Maie Koichiro; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Oshima Motohiko...
The 5th JCA-AACR Special Joint Conference/2016-07-13--2016-07-15 - Aging and TET Dioxygenases in Leukemo/lymphomagenesis
Chiba Shigeru
The 5th JCA-AACR Special Joint Conference/2016-07-13--2016-07-15 - 当院における中枢神経原発悪性リンパ腫(PCNSL)に対するR-MPV療法の治療成績
服部 圭一朗; 坂田(柳元) 麻実子; 加藤貴康; 栗田尚樹; 横山泰久; 小原 直; 大越 靖; 長谷川雄一; Chiba ...
第5回 日本血液学会関東甲信越地方会/2016-07-02--2016-07-02 - Unveiling the Molecular Pathogenesis of Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma Using Laser Microdissection Based Sequencing
Nguyen Tran B.; Asabe Yukitsugu; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamik...
The 35th Sapporo International Cancer Symposium 2016 Cancer Epigenome: From discovery to translation/2016-06-24--2016-06-25 - Localization of distinct subsets of nestin-expressing cells in human bone marrow and their abnormalities in myelodysplastic syndromes
Sy Luan Cao; Obara Naoshi; Sakamoto Tatsuhiro; Kato Taka...
The 14th Stem Cell Research Symposium/2016-05-20--2016-05-21 - NOTCH signaling pathway in bone marrow nestin-expressing cells controls balance of erythropoiesis between bone marrow and spleen
Sakamoto Tatsuhiro; Obara Naoshi; Fujimura Ryosuke; Kato ...
The 14th Stem Cell Research Symposium/2016-05-20--2016-05-21 - さらに表示...
- Combined loss of Tet2 and Tet3 induces AML sensitive to hypomethylating agents