征矢 英昭(ソヤ ヒデアキ)
- 論文
- 軽運動による脳の活性化と記憶の増強
Soya Hideaki; Okamoto Masahiro; Jangsoo Yook; Koizumi Hi...
神経研究の進歩, 2018-07 - 軽運動による脳の活性化と記憶の増強
Soya Hideaki; Okamoto Masahiro; Jangsoo Yook; Koizumi Hi...
神経研究の進歩, 2018-07 - Riluzole reduces amyloid beta pathology, improves memory, and restores gene expression changes in a transgenic mouse model of early-onset Alzheimer's disease
Okamoto Masahir; Gray Jason D; Larson Chloe S; Kazim Sye...
Translational psychiatry, 2018-08 - Leptin in hippocampus mediates benefits of mild exercise by an antioxidant on neurogenesis and memory
Yook Jang Soo; Rakwal Randeep; Shibato Junko; Takahash...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/116(22)/pp.10988-10993, 2019-05 - The effectiveness of exercise intervention for academic achievement, cognitive function, and physical health among children in Mongolia: a cluster RCT study protocol
Takehara Kenji; Ganchimeg Togoobaatar; Kikuchi Akihito...
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH/19(1)/p.697, 2019-06 - Tyrosine as a mechanistic-based biomarker for brain glycogen decrease and supercompensation with endurance exercise in rats: a metabolomics study of plasma
Matsui Takashi; Liu Yu-Fan; Soya Mariko; Shima Takeru; So...
Frontiers in Neuroscience/13/p.200, 2019-03 - 一過性の超低強度運動は海馬歯状回の機能を向上させる:高解像度機能的MRI研究
諏訪部 和也; 征矢 英昭
体力科学/68(1)/pp.48-48, 2019 - 脳の健康づくりと運動 -運動の効果発現メカニズムを考える-
永松 俊哉; 征矢 英昭
体力科学/68(1)/pp.45-45, 2019 - Evidence of Hypothalamic Regulation by AVP and CRH on Running-Induced Stress Response
Takahashi Kanako; Shima Takeru; Yook Jangsoo; Soya Marik...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/50(5::1)/pp.600-600, 2018-05 - REPLY TO GRONWALD ET AL.: Exercise intensity does indeed matter; maximal oxygen uptake is the gold-standard indicator
Suwabe Kazuya; Byun Kyeongho; Hyodo Kazuki; Reagh Zac...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/115(51)/pp.E11892-E11893, 2018-12 - Brain glycogen decreases during prolonged exercise.
T Matsui; Soya Shingo; M Okamoto; Y Ichitani; K Kawanaka...
The Journal of Physiology, 2011-07 - Brain Glycogen Decreases During Intense Exercise Without Hypoglycemia: The Possible Involvement of Serotonin.
T Matsui; Soya Shingo; K Kawanaka; H Soya
Neurochemical Research, 2015-07 - Hormetic effects by exercise on hippocampal neurogenesis with glucocorticoid signaling.
M Okamoto; Y Yamamura; YF Liu; L Min-Chul; T Matsui; T S...
Brain Plasticity, 2015-10 - Rapid stimulation of human dentate gyrus function with acute mild exercise
Suwabe Kazuya; Byun Kyeongho; Hyodo Kazuki; Reagh Zac...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/115(41)/pp.10487-10492, 2018-09 - The effect of an acute bout of slow aerobic dance on mood and executive function in older adults: a pilot study
Hyodo Kazuki; Suwabe Kazuya; Soya Hideaki; Nagamatsu Toshiya
体力研究/115(0)/pp.35-41, 2017 - Riluzole reduces amyloid beta pathology, improves memory, and restores gene expression changes in a transgenic mouse model of early-onset Alzheimer's disease
Okamoto Masahiro; Gray Jason D; Larson Chloe S; Kazim Sy...
Translational psychiatry/8(1)/p.153, 2018-08 - Thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide promotes voluntary activity through dopaminergic activation in the medial prefrontal cortex
Saiki Masato; Matsui Takashi; Soya Mariko; Kashibe Tomom...
Scientific reports/8(1), 2018-07 - 軽運動による脳の活性化と記憶の増強
Soya Hideaki; Okamoto Masahiro; Jangsoo Yook; Koizumi Hi...
神経研究の進歩/70(7)/pp.745-752, 2018-07 - 騒音を伴うネガティブラック飼育環境における実験動物の適応性:1週間の予備飼育の有効性
井上 恒志郎; 岡本 正洋; イ ミンチョル; 松井 崇; 町田 正直; 石倉 恵介; 武田 哲子; 大森 肇; 麻見 直美; 武...
筑波大学紀要/34/pp.45-52, 2011-03 - Extract from Acanthopanax senticosus harms (Siberian ginseng) activates NTS and SON/PVN in the rat brain.
Hideaki Soya; Deocaris Custer C; Yamaguch Kaoru; Ohiwa N...
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry./pp.2476-2480, 2008-09 - Brain glycogen decreases during prolonged exercise
Matsui Takashi; Soya Shingo; Okamoto Masahiro; Yukio Ich...
The Journal of Physiology/589(13)/pp.3383-3393, 2011-01 - 低強度運動は発育期ラットの海馬神経新生を促進する
岡本 正洋; 三輪 ゆうり; 征矢 英昭
いばらき健康・スポーツ科学/21/pp.9-17, 2012-08 - Voluntary resistance running with short distance enhances spatial memory related to hippocampal BDNF signaling
Lee Min Chul; Okamoto Masahiro; Liu Yu Fan; Inoue Koshir...
Journal of applied physiology/113(8)/pp.1260-1206, 2012-10 - Hyper-hippocampal glycogen induced by glycogen loading with exercise.
征矢 茉莉子; 松井 崇; 荒井 サブリナ; 麻見 直美; Soya Hideaki
Scientific Reports/pp.1285-1285, 2018-01 - Hypoxia-induced lowered executive function depends on arterial oxygen desaturation
Ochi Genta; Kanazawa Yusuke; Hyodo Kazuki; Suwabe Kazuya...
The Journal of Physiological Sciences/68(6)/pp.847-853, 2018-03 - さらに表示...
- 軽運動による脳の活性化と記憶の増強