金子 新(カネコ シン)


  • Osawa M, Yamaguchi T, Nakamura Y, Kaneko S, Onodera M, Sawada K, Jegalian A, Wu H, Nakauchi H, Iwama A. Erythroid expansion mediated by the Gifi-1B zinc finger protein:role in normal hematopoiesis.
    金子 新
    Blood/(100)/p.2769-2777, 2002
  • Suzuki A, Obi K, Urabe T, Hayakawa H, Yamada M, Kaneko S, Onodera M, Mizuno Y, Mochizuki H. Feasibility of ex vivo gene therapy for neurological disorders using the new retroviral vector GCDNsap packaged in the venicular stomatitis virus G protein.
    金子 新
    J neurochem/(82)/p.953-960, 2002
  • 遺伝子治療の応用 :同種造血幹細胞移植におけるGVHD制御への挑戦
    福島 敬; 清水 崇史; 須磨崎 亮; 大津 真; 小野寺 雅史; 小池 和俊; 戸田昌宏; 加藤 俊一; 中内 啓光; 大橋 一輝...
    日本小児血液学会雑誌/19(2)/pp.101-108, 2005-04
  • Quinupristin/dalfopristin and voriconazole controlled Staphylococcus epidermidis pneumonia and chronic necrotizing aspergillosis in a patient with severe lung degradation consequent to multiple treatments for Hodgkin's lymphoma
    MUTO Hideharu; KANEKO Shin; MACHINO Takayuki; OKOSHI Yas...
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy/12(6)/pp.391-395, 2006-12
  • Gene therapy clinical trials for relapsed leukemia with infusions of the suicide-gene transduced donor lymphocytes in Japan
    Onodera Masafumi; Kaneko Shin; Otsu Makoto; Okoshi Yasus...
    JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE/8(12)/pp.1442-1443, 2006-12
  • A new red fluorescent protein that allows efficient marking of murine hematopoietic stem cells
    Sanuki Seiko; Hamanaka Sanae; Kaneko Shin; Otsu Makoto; K...
    JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE/10(9)/pp.965-971, 2008-09