吉田 健太郎(ヨシダ ケンタロウ)
- 論文
- Epicardial bypass tract at the left atrial diverticulum
Yoshida Kentaro; Hasebe Hideyuki; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka
European Heart Journal - Case Reports/5(3), 2021-03 - A simple pacing maneuver to unmask an epicardial connection involving the right-sided pulmonary veins
Hasebe Hideyuki; Yoshida Kentaro; Nogami Akihiko; Furuyas...
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology/32(2)/pp.287-296, 2021-02 - Upgrade of cardiac resynchronization therapy by utilizing additional His-bundle pacing in patients with inotrope-dependent end-stage heart failure: a case series
Baba Masako; Yoshida Kentaro; Hanaki Yuichi; Yamamoto Ma...
European heart journal. Case reports/4(6), 2020-12 - Temporal elimination of an interatrial epicardial connection by ablation encircling the right-sided pulmonary veins
Hasebe Hideyuki; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka; Yoshida Kentaro
HeartRhythm case reports/6(11)/pp.841-844, 2020-11 - Interatrial distance predicts the necessity of additional carina ablation to isolate the right-sided pulmonary veins
Hanaki Yuichi; Yoshida Kentaro; Baba Masako; Hasebe Hide...
Heart rhythm O2/1(4)/pp.259-267, 2020-10 - Predictors of Recurrence after Catheter Ablation of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Different Follow-Up Periods
Baba Masako; Yoshida Kentaro; Naruse Yoshihisa; Hattori ...
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)/56(9), 2020-09 - Oral caffeine intake amplifies the effect of isoproterenol in patients with frequent premature ventricular contractions
Hasebe Hideyuki; Yoshida Kentaro; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka; ...
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology/22(8)/pp.1261-1269, 2020-08 - Right atrial parasystole originating from isolated activities in the right inferior pulmonary vein with an epicardial connection
Yoshida Kentaro; Hanaki Yuichi; Baba Masako; Hasebe Hide...
Heart Rhythm Case Reports/6(7)/pp.437-440, 2020-04 - Difference in epicardial adipose tissue distribution between paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease
Hasebe Hideyuki; Yoshida Kentaro; Nogami Akihiko; Ieda M...
Heart and vessels/35(8)/pp.1070-1078, 2020-03-09 - DE-MDCT Predicts Regional Functional Improvement After Reperfused AMI
Watabe Hiroaki; Sato Akira; Sugano Akinori; Takaiwa Y...
JACC. Cardiovascular imaging/13(2:1)/pp.518-519, 2019-10 - Noninvasive Mapping of Premature Ventricular Contractions by Merging Magnetocardiography and Computed Tomography
S Aita; K Ogata; K Yoshida; H Kosuge; T Machino; Y Tsuma...
JACC. Clinical electrophysiology/5(10)/pp.1144-1157, 2019-07 - Impact of coronary artery disease and revascularization on recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation: Importance of ischemia in managing atrial fibrillation
Hiraya Daigo; Sato Akira; Hoshi Tomoya; Watabe Hiroaki; Y...
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology/30(9)/pp.1491-1498, 2019-06 - Potential compression neuropathy of the femoral nerve caused by the delivery sheath of a transcatheter leadless pacemaker
Baba Masako; Yoshida Kentaro; Yamada Koji; Takeyasu Nori...
HeartRhythm case reports/5(6)/pp.317-320, 2019-06 - Clinical Applications of Natriuretic Peptides in Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation
Baba Masako; Yoshida Kentaro; Ieda Masaki
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/20(11), 2019-06 - Structural relation between the superior vena cava and pulmonary veins in patients with atrial fibrillation
Yoshida Kentaro; Baba Masako; Hasebe Hideyuki; Shinoda Y...
Heart and Vessels/34(12)/pp.2052-2058, 2019-05 - Catheter Ablation of Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation Storm After Myocardial Infarction: A Multicenter Study
Komatsu Yuki; Hocini Mélèze; Nogami Akihiko; Maury Phili...
Circulation/139(20)/pp.2315-2325, 2019-04 - Safety and Efficacy of Minimally Interrupted Dabigatran vs Uninterrupted Warfarin Therapy in Adults Undergoing Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Nogami Akihiko; Harada Tomoo; Sekiguchi Yukio; Otani Ryu...
JAMA network open/2(4), 2019-04 - 心磁図を用いた非侵襲的不整脈起源同定法の臨床評価
吉田 健太郎; 會田 敏; 緒方 邦臣; 稲葉 武; 小松 雄樹; 服部 愛; 小菅 寿徳; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 ...
心電図 = Electrocardiology/39(Suppl.1)/p.S-1-40, 2019-03 - Epicardial connection between the right-sided pulmonary venous carina and right atrium in patients with atrial fibrillation: A possible mechanism for preclusion of pulmonary vein isolation without carina ablation
Yoshida Kentaro; Baba Masako; Shinoda Yasutoshi; Harunari...
Heart rhythm/16(5)/pp.671-678, 2018-11 - Life-Threatening Acute Occlusion of the Left Main Coronary Artery With Massive Thrombi Originating in the Left Atrial Appendage
Hiraya Daigo; Sato Akira; Yoshida Kentaro; Aonuma Kaz...
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions/11(18)/pp.E143-E145, 2018-08 - Mechanistic implication of decreased plasma atrial natriuretic peptide level for transient rise in the atrial capture threshold early after ICD or CRT-D implantation
Ogawa Kojiro; Yoshida Kentaro; Uehara Yoshiko; Ebine Mar...
Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing/53(1)/pp.131-140, 2018-07 - 心磁図を用いた非侵襲的不整脈起源同定法の開発
緒方 邦臣; 吉田 健太郎; 會田 敏; 稲葉 武; 小松 雄樹; 服部 愛; 小菅 寿徳; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 ...
日本生体磁気学会誌/31(1)/pp.84-85, 2018-06 - 心磁図を用いた非侵襲的不整脈起源同定法の臨床評価
吉田 健太郎; 會田 敏; 緒方 邦臣; 稲葉 武; 小松 雄樹; 服部 愛; 小菅 寿徳; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 ...
日本生体磁気学会誌/31(1)/pp.86-87, 2018-06 - Hypertensive crisis during catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation in a patient with undiagnosed pheochromocytoma: a case report
Yoshida Kentaro; Iijima Kazuhiro; Yoshida Ikuo; Hirami...
European heart journal. Case reports/2(1)/p.yty007, 2018-03-01 - Underrecognized entity of the transient rise in the atrial capture threshold early after dual-chamber pacemaker implantation
Uehara Yoshiko; Yoshida Kentaro; Kimata Akira; Ogawa Koj...
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE/40(12)/pp.1396-1404, 2017-11 - さらに表示...
- Epicardial bypass tract at the left atrial diverticulum